The scenario is a very confusing one, what is it that the chief lady investigator wants to hide from her? Why does she think it's best they don't tell her? Suk-bin looks at the women consecutively and exhales deeply. "Have your seats." She whispers.

"Yes, your majesty." The women standing bows and sits.

"Lady Yu." Suk-bin calls sternly.

"Yes, your majesty." Lady Yu answers sadly.

"Now, tell me everything I want to know at this moment."

"Your majesty, ple-"

"Hurry up!" Suk-bin orders loudly.

"Yes, your majesty." Lady Yu stands and walks to her table. She picks up a paper which more appears like a letter or note written by someone. She walks back to her the meeting desk and hands it over to Suk-bin. "Have it your majesty."

At first she is scared to collect the paper, but later summons courage to do so. In her mind, she thinks the queen has given another order to do something very terrible or bad to her and her son. Suk-bin collects the letter and reads the content. 'I am so sorry Madam Yu, I apologize to my fellow lady investigators for not being able to fulfill my promises and vows I swore when I became a lady investigator. But, I can no longer hold the pains and shame. Not after, I was terribly sexually harassed and assaulted by prince Gwang Jae. Please madam, avenge my death and make sure that monster of a prince does not become king. Seol Im.' "What is this?" Suk-bin asks no one in particular and her hand trembles holding the letter.

"Your majesty." The women calls.

"This is a joke right?" Suk-bin asks again still holding the letter. "This isn't real right, What I am reading in this letter isn't real right?"

"Your majesty!" Lady Yu calls to talk but can't instead she burst into serious tears.

Suk-bin stands with tears dropping off her eyes. "Where is Seol Im? Where is she? Where!" She asks loudly with tears in her eyes.

"Your majesty." Lady Yu holds her and whispers. "Comport yourself ma'am. Do not be like this in our presence."

"I want to see Seol Im." Suk-bin says and cries loudly.

"Your majesty." Lady Kim calls. "It all happened of Prince Gwang Jae, all of this happened because of what he did to her."

"Why?" Suk-bin asks and breaks down more.

It actually took a while before the wailing stopped. The lady sits round the desk, maintaining their position earlier.

"How did all happen? How did it start and I was not aware of anything?" Suk-bin asks sadly.

"It all started few days ago." Lady Kim answers. "She was abducted by prince Gwang Jae's men while running errands outside the palace and he sexually assaulted and harassed her."

"What?" Suk-bin asks. "Prince Gwang Jae did that?"

"Yes your majesty, prince Gwang Jae isn't what we think he is." Lady Kim whispers.

"What is he? please tell me all." Suk-bin pleads.

"He is a womanizer, he sexually assaults and harasses women. He even forces giseang to make out with him." Lady Nam explains.

"Gwang Jae? Is all you just said now?" Suk-bin asks quietly in shock.

"Yes." Lady Yu nods. "Someone like this shouldn't become king, your majesty."

"Your majesty, please do all it takes so that Prince Gwang Jae does not become crown prince, if he sits on that throne, this nation will turn into something else." Lady Kim pleads.

"Is there anything we can do concerning Seol IM's death?" Suk-bin Asks ignoring their pleads.

"I am afraid there is nothing we can do your majesty." Lady Nam says and bows her head. "There is no evidence, that is why we covered the situation."

"So? Seol- Im is gone, just like that?" Suk-bin asks again. "I will do whatever it takes to expose him, it's all his mother's fault."

"The queen's fault?" Lady Yu asks.

"Yes." Suk-bin nods. "All of this acts is because he never had any motherly love whatsoever. He lacks adequate attention he needs from a mother. Right from the time he was born, his mother is only concerned on how to make him crown prince. All this while, she is thinking she had a perfect son, not knowing she actually gave birth to a monster."

"What do you suggest we do now?" Lady Kim asks.

"There is nothing we can do, this evidence is enough to capture the prince." Suk-bin sighs. "We have to wait for the perfect time to get proper hold of him."

"So, we are going to let it slide?" Lady Kim asks.

"Yes." Suk-bin nods. "Where is Seol Im? Where did you guys bury her?"

"We are yet to bury her your majesty, she is still at the autopsy office." Lady Yu replies.

"Seol Im is laying dead and the person who caused her dearly is walking around the palace freely." Suk-bin whispers in rage. "What is the world turning to?"

"Your majesty, prince Gwang Jae hardly sleeps in the palace." Lady Nam adds. "He always spend most nights with different giseang in the private chambers his mother's political supporters bought him."

"Unbelievable!" Suk-bin expresses and scoffs. "That young boy, is doing all these things already?"

"Yes your majesty." Lady Kim nods. "Some giseangs that refuse to serve him will be threatened with their lives."

"Who is running these terrible errands for him?" Suk-bin asks again.

"His right hand man, I think his name is-" lady Yu stops and thinks for a while. "He is called Man Ho."

"Is he a soldier?" Suk-bin asks.

"Yes." Lady Yu nods. "He is a very talented and skilled soldier, I wonder why someone like that is serving the prince only and not the king."

"He used his mom's influence for that." Lady Kim adds.

"All you have to do is keep monitoring the prince and report anything you discover for me." Suk-bin whispers. "Is that clear?"

"Yes your majesty." The women says and nods.

"You three of you should ensure that the girls keep their mouths shut and don't talk about it." Suk-bin sighs. "I will get to the root of this."