"That bastard!" Hae Jae curses.

"Prince Gwang Jae seldom sleeps at the palace, he spends most nights at the private chambers his mom's political supporters got him in the city." She pauses and continues. "Should someone like this become the next king?" She asks everyone in the room.

"But, we do not have a say now. It has nothing to do clearly with prince Yeoning." Lord Jang whispers.

"Two years ago, I was out in the city, dressed as a male as usual, when I ran into a casual ordinary boy being attacked by some men who appeared to be thieves. I helped the boy fight the thieves off and since then we became friends." Ok Jung faces her dad directly. "Father, that boy I helped two years ago, Is prince Yeoning and those people who I thought were thieves, weren't thieves."

"Ok Jung what are you driving at again?" Bai asks already tired of the merry go round talk.

"Those thieves were actually assassins sent by someone to take his life." Ok Jung says sternly.

"Did prince Gwang Jae send them?" Hae Jae asks.

She looks at her brother with a smile and nods. "Yes, Prince Gwang Jae did so."

"Where did you learn these things from? What if they happen to be all false?" Lord Jang asks again.

"Prince Yeoning wrote me a letter himself today, stating everything clearly." Ok Jung whispers.

"Honey." Bai calls at her husband. "What do you think we should do now? I am getting really scared of the royal family already, can we still cancel the marriage?"

"Cancel the marriage?" Hae Jae asks and scoffs. "That is impossible mom."

"We have something more pressing to take care off father." Ok Jung whispers.

"What is that?" He asks.

"Prince Gwang Jae is looking for who fought off his men single handedly two years ago."

"Prince Gwang Jae is looking for you?" Lord Jang asks loudly.

"Yes father." Ok Jung nods.

Hae Jae bangs his hand on the floor in annoyance. "Something has to be done, we need to do something." He whispers.

"We already sent the marriage letter to my father, should I send another letter asking him to propose prince Yeoning to be crown prince to the king of Joseon?" Bai asks.

"No." Lord Jang shakes his head. "We can't do that yet, let us get his marriage approval and let the marriage take place before we start taking any steps as all."

"Father." Ok Jung calls. "Does that mean that you will help me and the prince." She stops and continues. "My husband to be?"

"Do I have a choice? I have to do all it takes to make sure my daughter and the family she is about to build survives by all means." He gets interrupted by a voice from outside which is announcing the arrival of someone.

"My lord, it is I Baek dol, lord chun is here to see you." He announces.

Lord Jang looks at his wife in disbelief, he actually isn't expecting to see anyone today. Why is Lord Chun of all people here in he first place. "Let him in!" He orders.

After some seconds, Lord Chun enters and bows to the couples, he receives the bows of the children and finally sits. "Princess Bai, my Lord." He calls almost whispering.

"Yes, what brings you all the way here Lord Chun?" Lord Jang asks.

"My lord, I heard the news that your daughter is getting married to Prince Yeoning, Suk-bin her majesty's son." Lord Chun says.

"Yes." Lord Jang nods. "Do you have a problem with that?"

"Have you forgotten you belong to the northern faction? Things shouldn't be done that way, instead I recommend you allow your daughter marry the queen her majesty's son."

"I serve the king and not either the queen her majesty or Suk-bin her majesty. In as much as the king accepts the marriage, I don't think any of you should have an issue with it." Lord Jang retorts.

Lord Chun sighs. "Lord Jang, being stubborn won't solve anything. You should try and think of the political chaos and commotion this decision of yours will cause.

"Chaos and commotion?" Bai asks intervening in their discussion. "What chaos and commotion can two young ones getting married for love cause?" She asks.

"Princess Bai, you need to understand that we all have caucus, one has to thread carefully and Follow the path so as to avoid troubles."

"Well, those caucuses doesn't apply to my daughter, do they?" Lord Jang asks.

"Please think of it again, I know you will come to the right decision once you think of it again." Lord Chun persuades.

"If that is all you have to say you can leave now." Lord Jang says showing him the way out.

"Are you asking me out your house already?" Lord Chun asks.

"I am afraid so, since you don't have anything else to say." Lord Jang replies making himself more clear.

Lord Chun humphs angrily and walks out straight to the palanquin that brought him, he looks backs at the building and spits at it in rage and annoyance. "I will never forget this day, I promise to hold it dear to my heart till death." He murmurs to himself.

"My lord is everything okay?" One of his underling asks.

"You won't believe he asked me out of his house." Lord Chun replies not looking at his underling but the house which he was currently asked to leave.

"What?" The underling asks again.

"Yes." Lord Chun nods. "I will make sure he pays dearly for this, I will never forgive him for this, he asked me out of his house in the presence of his entire family? I will never let this slide." He faces his underling in rage. "Any message from the queen and queen dowager yet?"

"Yes." The underling nods. "They are waiting for your feedback at the palace already, should we head there now?"

Lord Chun looks back at the house in anger. "I will come back for you soon." He says to no one in particular and faces his underling again. "Let's head to the palace."