Suk-bin walks out of the king's chambers to her attendants looking a little bit fulfilled. "Lady Baek." She calls as he arrives at the her attendants.

"Yes your majesty." Lady Baek answers with a bow.

She stretches her hand out and says. "Let me have the letter."

"Yes." Lady Baek dips her hand in her blouse and brings out the letter then hands it over her to her lady.

Suk-bin collects the letter with a smile and her eyes holding a lot of tears. That letter, practically carries the live of her kids that were killed and her pregnancies that were terminated. "With just one letter, she took away my everlasting joy." She whispers to herself. "Queen dowager,you shall never find peace from now on."

"Your majesty." Lady Baek whispers with tears in her eyes.

"Wipe those tears off." She says sternly looking at the letter with her with a lot bitterness and pain. "Let's go and pay the queen dowager a visit."

Suk-bin matches straight to the queen dowager's chambers holding the letter tightly and her eye holds several pains and resentment.

"Your majesty." Lady Jung the queen dowager's attendant bows immediately in sight of the royal noble consort.

"Is her majesty in?" Suk-bin asks fixing her gaze on the chambers.

"Yes." Lady Jung nods.

"Announce me to her, I will like to have a discussion with her."

Lady Jung hesitates for a while, as she tries to think of what the royal noble consort will want to discuss with the queen dowager. They are known to be enemies in the palace and inner courts. "Yes, your majesty." She faces the building and announces. "Your majesty, Suk-bin her majesty is here to see you."

"Let her in!" The queen dowager orders immediately without hesitations.

Suk-bin and Lady Jung locks eyes and she gives the queen dowager's attendant a very dangerous smile. "Thank you." She whispers and Walks in the chambers. "Queen dowager, your majesty." She says and bows.

"Why are you here you witch?" The queen dowager asks ignoring her greetings.

"I am here to discuss something very important with you." She whispers.

"Something important?!" The queen dowager asks loudly and burst into laughter for a while, then stops. "What can a witch like you have to say to me?" She says and continues laughing.

Suk-bin joins her in the laugh and her laugh is actually louder than that of the queen dowager.

The queen dowager stops laughing, wondering why her enemy laughed with her and frowns. "What do you have to say?"

Suk-bun retaliate the energy and frowns too, then she removes the letter from its envelope and shows it to the queen dowager while standing. "I think you know what this means, queen dowager."

Looking carefully and realizes that she had actually been trapped by the so called witch, she opens her mouth and eyes wide open in shock, fear and disbelief. That letter can bring an end to her, she is very aware of that. "Sit down." She whispers with her voice trembling.

"No your majesty." Suk-bin rejects the offer and folds then letter back into its envelope then put in carefully and gently in her blouse. "I don't think is is advisable for you to allow a witch sit in your chambers.

The queen dowager summons some courage and clears her throat. "Stop acting up, where did you get that letter?"

"Is that really necessary now queen dowager? I think you should be worried on what I am going to be bargaining on, isn't it?"

"You pathetic witch!" She curses beneath her breath. "I am listening." She fumes loudly.

"Help my son become the crown prince or I give this letter to the king himself." Suk-bin bargains.

Just as she thought and expected, it is all about the crown prince title. "You want me to abandon the queen's son and Favour your son?" She asks and laughs again. "Don't be stupid."

"You have two options your majesty, help my son become crown prince or I show this to his majesty."

"Even if you show it to my son do you think he will kill me?" The queen dowager asks again.

"No." Suk-bin shakes her head. "But he can make you retire to the temple."

The queen dowager bangs the table in annoyance and yells. "Look here-"

"You have until tomorrow morning." Suk-bin yells back. "Or else I will show it to the king." She says and walks out in anger.

"How did it go your majesty?" Lady Baek asks as soon as she sights her lady.

"She is furious, very scared but still acting up as usual." Suk-bin smiles. "I will finally put an end to this rubbish."

"But how do you plan on doing that? You know the king will never punish his own mom accordingly." Lady Baek whispers.

"I am aware of that." Suk-bin nods. "But I will make sure she sincerely pays for all she has done to me dearly." She faces her attendant and smiles briefly. "Let's go get dressed and await the arrival of the king, tell the girls to prepare food and drinks."

"Yes your majesty." Lady Baek answers with a bow.

The queen dowager holds her chest in pain, she had never for once though that Suk-bin of all people could get her hands on that letter. "Lady Jung!" She calls loudly, holding her chest in pains.

"Yes your majesty." Lady Jung answers running in and immediately bends towards the queen dowager when she sees her condition. "Your majesty! What is wrong with you? Why are you holding your chest in so much pains?" She asks observing her.

"Get me the prime minister and queen right now!" She whispers. "We have to do something concerning Suk-bin immediately, we need to act fast, she has the sealed letter."

Lady Jung opens her mouth agape on hearing the statement. "The sealed letter? But how?" She asks the queen dowager again.

"I do not know about that too, but right now, she is using it to threaten me." The queen dowager replies still holding her chest.