Lord Yoon quickly grabs the sword from one of the men and stabs the naive looking man. "You don't deserve to be a warrior then." He says after stabbing him to the death and twisting the sword in his stomach gently.

"My lord." The naive man calls spiting blood until he kicked the bucket.

"No!" Another man exclaims with a very loud voice and grabs his dead friend.

Lord Yoon draws the sword out of the deceased's body and points the sword at the other man who is holding the dead. "Are you afraid too? Do you wish to die too?"

The man gently releases his dead friend in tears and shakes his head. "No."

Lord Yoon drops the sword and walks back to the spot he maintained earlier, he looks at the men who were now eleven in number, all of them were already shedding tears for their dead friend. "You all must never forget the fact that you are nothing but slaves, I already bought you. Hence, I have full and utmost authority over you. This night you will kill Suk-bin and I will spare your lives, but fail and I will kill you all." He looks at the body laying in the floor. "Leave his body, I will ask some men to throw it in the bush, he was a coward, he should never be treated with dignity. Now, it's time to go to the palace."

"Yes, my lord." The men choruses and bows.

"Make sure you come back with good news alone, go to the palace and kill Suk-bin."

"Yes, my lord" The men bows.


The men walk out of Mr Yoon's chambers and makes their way to the palace when one of the men suddenly stops walking. "I can't do this anymore." Chun so whispers.

"What are you talking about?"

"Do you have a death wish? Didn't you see how Man Gae was killed?" Another man asks loudly.

"Chun so." A man who appears calm than all of the men calls and places his palm on his shoulders. "Please, let's just do what we are asked to do and hope nothing bad happens. Lord Yoon is a very terrible and desperate man that we have to be really scared and frightened of. If we do not do this, we are all going to die."

"Have you forgotten who Suk-bin is?" Chun so asks almost crying. "She is the royal noble consort of the nation, the woman that has the king's heart to herself. Do you think the king will forgive us if we do this?"

"We do not care about that Chun so. We have come this far already, we can't stop and give up our lives at this point." The man who held Chun so earlier says trying to convince him. "Please, let's go to the palace."

Left with no choice, the men marched to the palace, as their master had promised. All necessary gates were opened for them to enter. As soon as they are about to match on the consort's chambers,they all used their masks to hide their face.

At once, the men signal to themselves and jump over the fence to the chambers. They were expecting just a total of six guards just as their master told them but unfortunately, they were about twenty plus the best sword man in the nation who is the chief royal guard.

"Who goes there?" The chief royal guard asks loudly as he sees some people jump over the fence and pulls out the sword to attack.

The men were already caught in the trap, and can't possibly find a means of escape, they had no other choice than to choose to fight the soldiers, which was their biggest mistake ever, because the soldiers didn't take it easy on them, most of them lost their lives and just three of them were remaining. Chun so, and two other men.

From inside, the king and his concubine quickly get dressed when they heard the noises from outside. Deep down in Suk-bin's heart, she was so happy and delighted that her plans were actually working out but prayed calmly that it all goes as she plans.

"What could it be?" The king asks himself. "Treason?"

"Your majesty, please put your mind at rest." She says rubbing her palm on his chest to calm him.

"Your majesty." Royal Guard suh calls from outside. "It is I officer Suh, may I come in?"

"Come in!" The king orders.

Officer Suh walks in and bows. "Your majesties, something terrible just happened now."

"Yes, I heard it too. What happened?" The king asks worriedly.

"A total of eleven men just attacked Suk-bin's chambers, but luckily we happened to take eight of them down, I left three of them to hold as hostages for proper investigation." Officer Suh reports.

"Have you given the men any orders? We need to find out who sent them." The king whispers a little scared.

"Yes your majesty, I already ordered the men to inform the royal guards, tribunal and police to guide the palace well. I will start with the investigation immediately."

"Alright." The king nods in satisfaction. "Go and do that, let me know if you need anything. How dare they attack the Royal noble consort of the nation? I will not forgive them, never!"

"Yes, your majesty." Officer Suh bows and walks out.

Suk-bin bits her lips in a bit of disappointment, she wants the king to question the arrested men himself, it will make everything easier for her and go as she plans. "Your majesty." She calls sweetly to his ears.

The king directs his gaze at her and smiles. "Yes."

"Don't you think you should check on the men yourselves first? If Officer Suh questions them, they might decide to close their mouths and not speak up, but if you question them yourself, out of fright I am sure they will speak up and mention those who sent them."

"That's right." The king smiles at his mistress again. "You will always remain smart as ever."

"You flatter me with those words your majesty." Suk-bin replies shyly with a smile.