The queen rests her back gently on the wooden wall, after hearing her son's perspective on the issue on ground. It actually does make sense to her. Come to think of it, it actually makes sense. Everything happened so smooth and fast as of it was some sort of trap. "We fell into her trap again." She whispers with a strong tone of anger and disappointment.

"Her main aim is to get rid of all of us, but for her to do that, she needs to do away with the queen dowager first." The prince stops for a while and continues. "It already seem like she had her way."

"I won't allow that happen, over my dead body!" The queen retorts loudly. "I will never allow that monster's son become crown prince. Impossible!!"

"Mom, what are we going to do first? Grandmother mustn't loose her crown for any reasons."

The queen goes silent for a while as she thinks of what to do or say. "Lady Sung!" She calls.

"Yes your majesty." Lady Sung enters and bows.

"Send word to the ministers, I want to have a discussion with them all outside the palace exactly 8pm this evening."

"Yes , your majesty." Lady Baek whispers with a bow and walks out to carry out her mistress's orders.

"I will put an end to this terrible fight soon, I will finally end the reign of Suk-bin in the palace."

"Do you have something in mind mom?" Gwang Jae asks.

"Not yet." The queen shakes her head. "But I know I will come up with something once I discuss with the ministers."

"Just be careful mom, we have to be extremely carefully with everything we do. At the moment, we have a lot of eyes watching us and every of our moves."

"Don't worry." The queen smiles devilishly. "I won't allow such rubbish be attached to my name or yours."

"So what will you tell the ministers when you meet them this evening?" He asks.

"I will ask them to pick one, either to die or protect the queen dowager with their lives."

"We need to make sure the marriage of Yeoning doesn't hold, that marriage will bring nothing but disaster to us all." Gwang Jae whispers.

"I will fix everything my son, don't worry." The queen whispers with a lot assurance.


The queen dowager turns her face away form the entrance as her son walks in. She has her hair down and is dressed in her underwear. "What do you want?" She asked still not looking at him.

The king ignores his mom's question and bows. "Why did you reject the food the kitchen maids prepared?" He asks and sits opposite her and stares at her though she chooses to hide her face from him.

"I have no appetite." The queen dowager replies and faces her son. In her eyes, she holds anger and pains. "If that is what you came to ask, go back to your chambers."

"Mom." The king called softly. "Can I have your hands?" He asks stretching forth his own hands.

"Why?" The queen dowager asks and scoffs. "Why are you acting to be so nice after giving orders that I retire to the temple and shave my head?!" She asks loudly with tears in her eyes.

"I have to do it mom, how do you expect me to protect you even when all the evidences are pointing clearly to you? Even the Royal physician confessed that he acted on your orders.

"I did it for your own good! I don't want that Vulgar woman's son to sit on the throne. He will bring nothing but plague to the nation if he does."

"Mom! Please, just stop. I can't even think of killing you. That is why I asked you to retire to the temple, at least I can keep my dear mother alive."

"If you can't kill me , then send that woman out of the palace or exile her." She persists.

"Mom!" The king calls again to caution his mom.

"Do you think I will not be able to do anything I want to do over there?"

The king stands and bows. "I will make sure I always come to visit you and make sure your daughter in laws and grand sons pay their respects to you. You are still my mom, no matter what. But you will stop being the queen dowager, as from tomorrow." He says and walks out.