Back inside the late queen dowager's chambers. The king looks at his wife in a weird manner. "What honest truth are you talking about now?" He asks.

"Little did you know that all these was Suk-bin's plan all along."

"What are you talking about?" The king asks again still confused.

"Suk-bin came with the letter here three days ago to threaten the queen dowager to make her son the crown prince."


"Yes." The queen nods. "Come to think of it, why were you there that same night? After she has already gone to threaten the queen dowager?" She asks but still answers the question herself. "It's all because she has her own aim and motive. She already knew that the queen dowager will never agree to make her son crown prince and will surely try to fight back. So she used it to her own opportunity, and she succeeded in making you turn your back on your mother."

"Are you sure of what you are saying?" The king asks again.

"If you doubt me then question the queen dowager's attendants." The queen replies with anger.

"So, are you trying to say Suk-bin used me?"

"Yes she did!" The queen replies loudly. "And she succeeded in achieving her aim which is getting rid of the queen dowager."

"No." The king shakes his head in disbelief. "Tell me this isn't true." He murmurs to the queen.

"It is, you killed your own mother because of a woman."

"Stop it!" He shouts loudly and suddenly fears, regrets and pains displayed all over his face. "Sulhee will never do that."

"You doubt me? question Suk-bin herself."

The king hurriedly holds his mom's hand. "Mom, is this true? Did she really came to threaten you that day?" He asks but there is no reply. "Please just say something mom, I am so sorry for being so rude and heartless, I promise to be a good son form now on."

"It is too late, your majesty." The queen whispers.

He slowly releases his mother's hand and faces his wife. "How can I atone for this sin?"

"There is no way you can do that, because mom is already dead and there is no way to bring her back. But I think making Suk-bin pay by all means will soothe the queen dowager's pains where ever she is."

"See to it that mom is buried with all her clothes." The king whispers and stands. "Suk-bin won't escape this one."

The queen tries her possible best to fight the smile that is about to come off her lips. She is so happy that the king is now mad at his mistress for the first time. She is well aware that this might be the end of her reign in the imperial lineage. Getting rid off Suk-bin will make her achieve all her goals like crowning her son and the rest. "Are you sure you will really punish her?" She asks, just to be sure.

"I will! Her dirty tricks made me loose my mom. How can I possibly forgive her for this?"

"Yes, your majesty. She has to be seriously punished for deceiving you-" The queen tries to make some bitter statements but had to halt when the king walks out.

He walks out burning in rage without saying anything to anyone, even his sons were shocked as they were completely ignored by their father. However, his attendants follows him immediately.

Yeoning looks at his father holding tears in his eyes, looking down and seeming very angry. He senses something is wrong, but he hopes in his heart that it has nothing to do with his mom.

"What are you doing here?" The queen asks approaching her rival's son and distracting his attention off his father.

As culture and courtesy demands, Yeoning bows to the queen. "Queen your majesty."

"Didn't you hear me? I asked what you are doing here?" She asks loudly ignoring his greetings.

"I am here to pay my respects to the queen dowager."

"Respect?" She asks and laughs for some seconds, then frowns. "What nonsense respect are you talking about? After killing her, you are here to pay respects?"

"I have no idea on what you are talking about your majesty." Yeoning whispers trying to control his temper.

"Go back! I won't allow you see the queen dowager. I am sure she wouldn't go see your ugly face wherever she is too."

"No matter what, she is still my grandmother too."

"Can't you hear her? Leave this place right now!" Gwnag Jae says adding to what his mom has said. "I warned you earlier that illegitimate sons aren't allowed in events like this."

"Mind what you say Gwang Jae!" Yeoning warns as he is already burning up.

"Or what?!" The queen asks looking at him straight in the eye. "What will you do to him? If you have a death wish, try anything funny, you miserable monster!"

Yeoning closes his eyes trying to control himself. He looks at the maid and attendants who were already whispering and gossiping to themselves on what was going on. " Let's not do this here your majesty, the maids are watching. Let's respect ourselves."

"If you want to respect youurself, then leave this place right now. Or I will be forced to tell the guards to drag you out of this place." She pauses and smiles. "I am sure you wouldn't want that."

"Just cut the ego off and leave now while my mom is still being nice to you." Gwang Jae adds again.

"I am not leaving this place until father his majesty is back."

"Fine! I am sure he will be coming back with your mom's head." The queen says and smirks. "The king already found out that your mom staged it all from the beginning,I am sure he will never pardon her, and once your mom is out of the palace." The queen moves closer to him, placing his lips very close to his ears. "Taking you and your supporters out will be the easiest thing in earth."