
With the current strength that Situ has, he could indeed take on the monster, but he thought it was not worth it, as his current priority is to leave and head in the direction that the man that battled the rank one monster and killed it took.

With that thought in his mind, he jumped through the cave rocks, clinging to them until he was able to get out of the cave and could see that on his left as well as right was covered in huge rocky-like hills and they were too steep for him. With no other choice, he could only take the approach of heading straight down towards the place the monster was lying, and he did not have much time to think considering the stone he was clinging to showed signs of cracking.

He knew that it would make a loud noise that would put him in even more trouble, so he jumped straight toward the beast, and it reacted but it was too late, he fell on its back and did not sit around to observe it, as he jumped out into the distance, his speed increased as he headed for the nearby bushes to use them as cover, but on second thought he changed directions suddenly when he felt a sense of crisis.

Out of nowhere an attack seemed to come from the area he had just evaded, and from his eyesight, it seemed like something done by some human. But he did not bother with trying to find out who was involved considering the situation in the place. He shuttled through another corner and disappeared from the sight of the monster but it was angry since he had injured its back with that landing.

The roar and the other sounds from the ambush of Situ seemed to have attracted other beasts, and the person hidden in the dark also seemed to be unwilling to show themselves. The moment Situ escaped from the line of sight of the beast, he had some thoughts, but they seemed to be diverging on the existence of other stronger people in his age group.

"Perhaps those that were taken away before we were even born are also part of this trial at some stage. In that case, it is important to be careful, considering that attack was the work of some human, what we need to do is locate where they live.

When it comes to breaking through to the 7th rank, I need time, and thus it is important to locate an area that is safe to settle." With his thoughts running through his head, he had already located the area where Xiaohe was.

He could see some figure on the tree and when he climbed on the branches that seemed to make some nest-like structure, he found that she was actually sleeping soundly. He almost sends out a slap to wake her up remembering how he almost died, and yet she was just here having her own fun.

Sitting at the edge of the nest-like structure, he started to think about the best course of action, and since he had nothing useful to do in this forest, especially not knowing when some monster on the 1st level appears, he could not stay in this place.

In the same way, he had already made up his mind not to retreat at all, the only way to become stronger was to advance further and further ahead, even though he did not know what would await him in the end, he did not have the heart to stop.

"I can only continue forward, otherwise my path can only come to a standstill." He was not willing at all, especially when his eyes looked into the sky, the pure darkness that existed beyond the skies made him anxious for no reason. It was not like in his previous life where he could see the sea of stars in the night sky, it was full dull and eerie in this world.

As for the sun, he even did not see it, but the morning and night seemed to exist in this world, the same way, this was something he could not understand, as the sun and moon, only had their reflections from the scriptures on the world. But he did not understand what that scripture implied, anyway it was not that useful to him at the moment, so he could ignore it.

Seeing how Xiaohe was not awake even after he had been sitting on the branch for a while, he did not let it slide, as he flicked his fingers at her forehead several times did she seem to be showing signs of waking up.

"How dare you enjoy your life on this tree as I take risks?" He asked her but he could see she was still in a semi-wake state.

"Young master, did I send you to take risks, or were you doing it on your own." Hearing her lazy response, he almost choked. But he changed the subject very fast, "We should leave this place, and try to see if we can find where that guy that killed the monster with a sword went."

Listening to what he had just said, the sleep in her eyes was gone in an instant and she even become active, "Let's go. I remember the direction he took."

Seeing how this worked perfectly, he smiled mysteriously as though he had just realized something interesting but then the smile was hidden before she could see it. "It turns out even this 'she-devil' can be led around, well let's see about how to exploit this in the future."

His eyes shifted from her to the area of the cave he had just been to, he was sure that someone had almost ambushed him in that region, so he wondered whether it had anything to with those opponents he had decimated and used the stones they occupied to gain more insights, but he shook his head again.

He did not go too far, other than beating them and using the stones they had gotten their hands on.

But if that was the case, he did not seem that worried, rather it would be an issue if they came from some other place, such as the destination he wanted to set for himself. He would have to be careful since the place would become another nightmare for the two of them. But since he had already made up his mind, he did not want to stop even though it might be risky, and he was certain that everything was risky, how he manages to navigate them matters.