Turning kings into Pawns

When Situ's hand touched the flower, the monster's eyes seemed to have completely gone ferocious, this was its thing, it had been guarding all this time, but this person dared to come and snatch it right under its nose.

With an angry Roar, the beast's eyes seemed to turn red, and the force of attack increased greatly, bringing him pressure. He was knocked out, but this did not cause him serious injuries but rather allowed him to retreat further and his face was showing excitement since the flower was at hand, but to his surprise, he could not stop himself from bringing it close to his mouth and taking a bite.

The monster saw this and ushered in another roar as it came towards him, and back in the bushes some people seemed to have been trying to lay an ambush, but things were developing beyond their control, especially with Situ taking a bite of the flower.