Complete Nivana, future plans

In Xiaohe's residence, a loud phoenix cry could be heard. The whole building was set on fire, and the flame kept spreading until it covered 100 meters around her. Most were gathered together and were just shocked to discover a massive fire in the distance. 

"What happened?"

"How come fire is burning!" 

Even though the fire was spreading, no one was willing to go out and stop it; rather, they focused on the source of the sound. None of them had information about Phoenix, so they just kept observing the direction and the strongest in the room was 

The flames spreading from the massive fire bird burned down the grass and vegetation in a few meters. A figure appeared inside the phantom of the bird, and when she landed back on the ground, she opened her eyes, and golden pupils flashed in them.

"I have undergone a complete First Nivarna!" With a clench of her fist, she felt the air around her being dispersed.