The Reincarnation

After his return, Yassine was plagued by an insatiable hunger for answers. The book in his hands, its once golden glow now feeble and dim, taunted him with its enigmatic contents. He scoured the cover for any clues, desperate to unravel the mysteries it held. Yet, it revealed nothing—no author's name, no title. Nothing to offer solace or guidance. Reluctantly, Yassine knew that he had no choice but to delve into its murky depths.

Days turned into nights as Yassine consumed the words within the book, immersing himself in its dark and twisted tale. It painted a vivid picture of a world consumed by an ethereal energy, one that granted unimaginable power and intelligence to its denizens. Countless species had evolved, each vying for dominance, but only seven held the key to establishing powerful societies. Humans, the ever-resilient race, were one of them.

In this parallel world, eight continents spanned its vast expanse, with each race claiming one as their own. However, the world that once thrived on unity and diversity had been shattered by a cataclysmic war a hundred thousand years ago. Humanity, on the brink of extinction, had sacrificed countless lives to erect a formidable barrier. Concealed behind its protective embrace, they had languished in isolation, oblivious to the existence of other races and the outside world.

But time had erased these memories from the collective consciousness of the human continent. They now lived in blissful ignorance, unaware of the lurking dangers beyond the barrier's edge.

Within the gripping narrative, Yassine discovered the tale's protagonist—a human named Luke, destined to unearth the forgotten history and protect humanity from impending doom. As Yassine neared the final pages, he realized with a shiver of foreboding that the apocalyptic battle he had witnessed in his vision was the story's culmination—a clash against the terrifying demons that represented the other six races outside the barrier.

However, the novel abruptly ended, leaving Yassine with more questions than answers. Who had authored this prophetic tale? And why was the fate of this parallel world of such grave concern?

It was then that he stumbled upon an extra page concealed within the book's binding. It bore a daunting task, beckoning Yassine to enter the very world he had just read about—a parallel reality where he, armed with the knowledge bestowed by the book, could aid the hero in vanquishing the demonic threat.

Trembling with trepidation and armed with an insatiable curiosity, Yassine found himself compelled to accept the offer. He had but three months before he would be whisked away, leaving behind his mundane life and embracing a destiny entwined with a universe beyond comprehension.

The days slipped away, devoured by Yassine's ceaseless reading, as he meticulously absorbed every nuance and detail from the novel. Time became a fleeting entity, and he bid his family farewell, concocting excuses to account for his extended absence. They remained blissfully unaware of the impending journey and the toll it would exact on Yassine's very existence.

Finally, the fateful day arrived. Yassine found himself perched on the precipice of uncertainty, his gaze fixed upon the clock. With each tick, his anxiety heightened, heart pounding within his chest.

Moments bled into minutes, and then, in an instant, the world around him shattered. The book levitated before his bewildered eyes, transforming into a blinding cascade of light that engulfed him completely.

A deafening silence fell, broken only by Yassine's bewildered mutterings as his vision gradually returned. Before him lay a pristine expanse of whiteness—floor, walls, and ceiling alike. It was a disorienting sight, yet one he had come to expect.

Standing amidst this sterile void was a colossal figure—a human garbed in resplendent golden attire, a massive black beard adorning his countenance. But it was the sheer enormity of the being that sent chills down Yassine's spine.

"He...he's gargantuan!" Yassine stammered, his voice trembling with fear.

The battle he had witnessed in his vision had unveiled towering creatures, some reaching heights of two hundred meters. Yet, none compared to the colossal presence that now loomed before him, easily exceeding five hundred meters.

The revelation that this towering behemoth was Fray Prada's contracted spirit sent shockwaves through Yassine's core. Fray, the very villain he despised within the confines of the novel, now stood before him—a formidable adversary, and the vessel Yassine was meant to inhabit.

Dread seeped into Yassine's every fiber as he grasped the small whistle in his trembling hands—a magical artifact destined to transport his essence into Fray's corporeal shell. But as the whistle resounded through the spiritual plane, reality shattered his expectations.

The anticipated transference of his being into Fray's form did not come to pass. Instead, a blinding surge of golden radiance consumed Yassine's senses, leaving him momentarily disoriented. Slowly, the brilliance waned, revealing a golden apparition—a human-like entity—before him.

"Who are you?" the luminous avatar questioned in a foreign tongue, though its words resonated within Yassine's mind, comprehension unfettered by language barriers.

"F...Fray," Yassine faltered, his terror palpable.

This golden embodiment was unmistakably Fray, but the presence of this radiant doppelgänger meant control over Fray's body had eluded Yassine's grasp. Desperation washed over him, for he understood that his failure to assert dominance over this formidable adversary would seal his doom.

Unfazed by Yassine's apprehension, Fray's voice pierced the air once more, now imbued with an icy chill. "I do not tolerate repetition. I demand to know who you are."

Danger loomed, enveloping Yassine in a suffocating shroud. From the safety of his modern existence, where tranquility reigned supreme, he now faced a being of untold power and malevolence. According to the novel's accounts, Fray was a merciless killer, capable of single-handedly opposing a thousand soldiers.

A voice, faint yet compelling, whispered within Yassine's mind, offering a glimmer of hope. "I shall grant you some of my power. Quickly, dispatch him."

Yassine recognized this voice as that of the enigmatic entity who had summoned him to this world. There was little time to dwell on its intentions. Elation coursed through him, fueled by the immense surge of energy that now filled his soul.

"Yes! With this power, victory is within reach," Yassine exulted, his spirit buoyed by newfound strength.

Gathering the potent energy within his right hand, Yassine aimed it squarely at Fray. Yet, before he could unleash his onslaught, confusion gripped him. His hand, inexplicably, pierced his own being. Fray, in a display of speed that defied Yassine's comprehension, materialized before him, striking him with devastating force.

"He...he's absorbing my soul," Yassine gasped, his realization mingling with anguish.

As Yassine's spirit dwindled, devoured by Fray's ravenous grasp, his memories dissipated into oblivion. Consciousness waned, weakening to a fragile thread, until finally, Yassine's essence dissolved entirely.

In the eerie aftermath, only Fray Parada remained—