Fray's power

The stone village was engulfed in an eerie silence as three figures emerged from its depths. Among them, a man wielded a bow, evidence that he was the one responsible for the arrow that had pierced the air moments before.

"Who are you? And who sent you?" one of the men barked, his voice laced with anger and suspicion.

"They are the venomous twins, renowned criminals ranking among the top 100 on the dreaded black list," Montaser whispered, his voice barely a breath, to Fray.

The black list, a dreaded catalog of the most dangerous criminals in the human continent, ranked each offender based on their strength and the threat they posed to society.

"Yes, I know who they are. They are the enigmatic leaders of the Serpent Organization," Fray replied, his gaze fixed on the burly man who wielded a massive hammer. "I will face Brian, their leader and the ninth ranked on the list, myself. You handle the other two."

"Sir, are you certain? Brian is a formidable warrior from the sixth kingdom," Montaser said, his face etched with concern.

"Yes, I am certain," Fray replied curtly, determination etched into every line of his face.

"Heh, you dare challenge me? Are you mocking me, boy?" Brian's voice thundered with anger. Fray, at twenty-two years old, appeared deceptively young, and Brian couldn't fathom how this seemingly inexperienced youth could possess the strength to challenge him.

Unfazed by Brian's disbelief, Fray darted toward him with astonishing speed, catching the archer's arrow in its tracks. Montaser had swiftly intervened, preventing any interference. In the blink of an eye, Fray closed the distance between him and Brian, his fist hurtling through the air with formidable force.

Crashes voice effects resounded as Brian deflected Fray's attack with his hammer, the collision shattering the ground beneath their feet. Brian, though surprised by Fray's unexpected strength, had little time to dwell on it as another punch followed, causing him to lose balance and retreat over ten meters.

"I underestimated you, boy. It seems I must take this seriously," Brian declared, his expression turning grave. He unleashed his full power, summoning a potent aura befitting a warrior of the sixth kingdom. The surroundings grew heavy with an oppressive gravity, and he imbued his hammer with concentrated energy, hurtling toward Fray with unbridled force.

Crashes voice effects echoed through the air repeatedly as Brian and Fray clashed, wreaking havoc on their surroundings. Despite Fray's valiant efforts, Brian maintained the upper hand, relentlessly pushing him back and inflicting grievous injuries.

"Where is your arrogance now, boy? I will shatter your legs and torture you until death seems like a mercy," Brian shouted, his strikes raining down upon Fray.

Crashes voice effects reverberated as Fray, unable to withstand the onslaught, was sent hurtling backward, crashing into the stone houses that crumbled into ruins.

"Sh**, I mistakenly killed him," Brian muttered, his tone furrowed with concern. Upon sensing the absence of Fray's soul using his spiritual senses, panic washed over Brian.

(How is this possible? Their presence vanished. Could they be dead?) Brian's thoughts raced, consumed by horror. Yet, unknown to him, during the battle, Fray and Brian had distanced themselves from Montaser and Brian's comrades, obscuring their view of the events unfolding between the elderly man and the Twins.

(It's inconceivable. Both of them were sixth kingdom warriors. How could they fall so swiftly?) Brian's face contorted with terror, realizing that whoever had slain hiscomrades must possess a strength far surpassing his own.

"It must be that old man, the one accompanying the boy," Brian muttered, beads of sweat forming on his forehead. "If he discovers I've killed his companion, he'll surely seek my demise. I must escape."

"Don't be afraid, you didn't kill me," a cold voice suddenly pierced the air, originating from behind Brian. Brian turned, his eyes widening in shock as he beheld the figure of the boy he believed he had slain, standing amidst the rubble with an icy gaze fixed upon him.

"How... how are you still alive?" Brian stammered in panic. He was certain that Fray's soul had ceased to exist when he had employed his spiritual senses. He couldn't comprehend this resurrection, unless...

"Phase one activated," Fray spoke in a low voice, dismissing Brian's questions as inconsequential.

In the blink of an eye, Fray's body underwent a rapid metamorphosis, his hair and physique elongating, his muscles becoming chiseled and defined, and an aura of unrivaled power enveloping him.

Fray was a spirit warrior bound to two spirits, one of which was Narod, a fusion-type spirit capable of merging with its host to form a more formidable being. What set Narod apart from ordinary fusion spirits was its possession of five distinct fusion phases, compared to the usual single phase. Currently, Fray could only access Phase One.

Within Phase One resided a solitary but immensely potent skill. The necklace that housed the spirits described it as follows:

(Skill Name: Unknown Rank: Unknown Description: Multiply all bodily capabilities by a hundredfold.)

It was this skill that had led Fray to pursue the path of a physical fighter, honing his body's strength to the level of the fifth kingdom. Activating this skill allowed him to easily bridge the gap into the realm of the sixth kingdom.

"What... what power is this?" Brian mumbled, his voice trembling with terror.

And then, in a sudden burst of movement, Fray vanished from sight, only to materialize before Brian with an alarming velocity. Without a moment's hesitation, he unleashed a powerful right hook, its impact carrying an overwhelming force.

Crashes voice effects resonated as Brian used his hammer to block the blow, barely managing to withstand its sheer might.

(Sh**, my hands are numb), Brian lamented inwardly, pain etching his features.

Crashes voice effects followed, echoing through the desolated landscape as Fray relentlessly pummeled Brian, granting him no respite. The force of their collisions rent the environment asunder, reducing the stone village to rubble. Yet, it wasn't only the village that suffered destruction.

"Wwwsh*... shattering sounds," Brian's hammer succumbed to the onslaught, shattering into countless pieces, rendering him defenseless.

"W-wait... please," Brian began, his words cut short as Fray appeared before him, his fist striking with blinding speed, leaving a gaping hole in Brian's chest.

A swoosh accompanied Brian's lifeless body as it crumpled to the ground.

(Now, I can achieve twenty times. It's significant progress, but I still have a long way to go before unleashing Phase One to its fullest potential), Fray ruminated, thoughts swirling within his mind. Even now, he had yet to tap into the skill's true strength. Prior to inheriting Yassine's memories, he had been limited to ten times the original power. However, now he had pushed it to twenty times. The true might of the skill, a hundredfold increase, remained beyond his grasp. Such was the power of the spirit that had sent shivers down Morcal's spine.



Hi, there 

So the spiritual sense is a skill that the warriors use to feel the surroundings, it's like a sonar using it the warrior can feel the energy and the auras and even the souls of the people close to him.