The upcoming Continental War

After absorbing the intricate details of the novel, Fray meticulously formulated a plethora of strategies to alter the course of the future. He refused to rely on the stupid protagonist, dismissing Yassine's carefully devised plan as inadequate.

The depth of power within this world is unfathomable to Yassine, oblivious to the abhorrent creatures that comprised the demon army. In the battle Yassine had witnessed, beyond the menacing black demon, a legion of countless other monstrous entities lay in wait, each possessing the capacity to effortlessly extinguish Luke's life.

Confidence radiated from Fray as he pondered the unfathomable might of the Black Devil, convinced that this single entity could singlehandedly obliterate the human continent. The true extent of the strength displayed by the creatures glimpsed through Yassine's eyes surpassed all comprehension.

Fray regarded Yassine's initial plan of empowering Luke with skepticism, dismissing it as a futile endeavor. The true source of Luke's strength in the novel lay not solely within his innate talent, but in the fortuitous acquisition of a weapon. Talent alone proved insufficient in the face of adversity.

Within the intricate web of the novel's characters, numerous figures outshone Luke in terms of talent and opportunities for progress, and Fray, as the possessor of the legendary golden soul, ranked among the elite few.

Even if Luke were truly destined to be the savior of humanity, Fray harbored an indomitable hatred towards him that could not be swayed by any circumstance. He resolved to never unite or aid Luke, even if it meant humanity's ultimate demise. The intensity of Fray's loathing burned eternally within him, impervious to the ebb and flow of events.

Thus, Fray meticulously crafted his primary plan: complete non-interference in the events of the novel. Armed with the knowledge obtained from Yassine, he sought to fortify himself and his family, preparing diligently for the inevitable breach of the barrier.

The realization of his ambitious plans hinged upon the collective power of his family, prompting him to convene a crucial meeting wherein he would unveil the ancient history that had transpired a hundred thousand years ago.

"With utmost certainty, our ancestors foretold the impending collapse of the barrier, and the emergence of dungeons serves as an ominous precursor," Fray declared his expression grave.

Idar, perplexed and apprehensive, questioned the time they had left before engaging in a war against the formidable beings that even the most powerful ancestor of the Ninth Kingdom could not vanquish. "Are we truly left with less than two decades to prepare?" he queried.

Anas, wearing a mask of skepticism, pressed Fray for evidence to substantiate his claims. His doubtful countenance betrayed his lack of faith.

Regretfully, Fray confessed his inability to provide concrete proof or divulge the source of his knowledge. "Rest assured, the truth of my words shall soon be revealed," he assured them, determination gleaming in his eyes.

Giam Parada, the captain of the marine crew and a warrior hailing from the Sixth Kingdom, interjected with a probing question, his voice laced with curiosity. "Do the other five families possess knowledge of the barrier's existence?"

Fray responded, his tone tinged with a sense of gravity, "Indeed, all the ancient families, as well as some influential factions, are aware of the barrier's existence. However, they remain oblivious to the true nature concealed beyond its confines."

Elisa, her brow furrowed in contemplation, questioned the reasoning behind keeping the barrier's existence a secret and the senseless conflicts plaguing the realm. "Would it not be wiser for them to unite their strengths and face the impending danger together?" she proposed.

In recent times, the Prada family had observed the covert convergence of various forces, with powerful families declaring war on one another.

A deep sigh escaped Fray's lips as he delved into the complex politics surrounding the situation. "A prophecy circulates among the major powers—a prophecy stating that the one who unites the human continent shall be bestowed with a second-class title. Thus, upon realizing the barrier's vulnerability, these powers initiated a relentless race to unite the continent and claim that coveted title. Soon enough, this competition will escalate into a full-blown continental war," he explained, his expression growing graver by the moment.

And so, the meeting endured, encompassing a myriad of topics essential to their cause. Strategies were devised to fortify Iskar City, drawing upon the collective wisdom of the Prada family to attract promising talents. Fray also unveiled the reason behind his withdrawal from the enigmatic dungeon, revealing that what they had encountered was not a mere island but an abominable monster, an entity of unparalleled strength at the pinnacle of the eighth rank. The prospect of confronting such a creature with its current abilities was insurmountable.

The evaluation of dungeons hinged on the energy they contained. Fray explained the five-star rating system, where each star represented a distinct level of power. To attain a three-star rating, a dungeon must house hundreds, if not thousands, of low and mid-level monsters. However, the dungeon Fray had ventured into the defied convention—a single monster lurking within its depths, bestowing it with a formidable three-star evaluation that served as a chilling testament to its overwhelming might.

Yet, despite its terrifying power, the monster remained bound within the confines of the dungeon, unable to escape even if the very fabric of the dungeon were to crumble.

As the meeting drew to a close, Fray left his family with a resolute directive etched in their minds: "Remember, above all else, our primary goal is to fortify ourselves, preparing for the inevitable breach of the barrier. We shall refrain from entangling ourselves in the Continental War or any subsequent events unfolding upon the continent. Our focus shall be solely on self-improvement, emerging from the shadows only when met with aggression."

The weight of their impending fate hung heavy in the air, and the Parada family departed the meeting, each member bearing the burden of their newfound knowledge. They understood the gravity of the challenges ahead and the crucial role they must play in the protection and preservation of humanity. With unwavering determination, they set forth on their path of preparation, each step bringing them closer to the approaching darkness that loomed beyond the fragile barrier.