Unwanted memories

Several hours after Lisa's departure.

"We've found the location, sir," Sina reported, kneeling before Fray.

"Good job," Fray acknowledged. "You can go and rest. We'll depart in the morning."

With Fray providing them with the approximate location, Sina and the others had no trouble finding the two trees that he had described. However, due to the setting sun, Fray decided to wait until the following morning to head there.

After delivering her report, Sina exited the tent, leaving Fray alone and lost in thought. His encounter with Lisa had stirred up memories he had been trying hard to forget.


Within the cozy ambiance of a quaint tea shop, three figures found solace and camaraderie around a delicately adorned table.

Fray's gaze, suffused with tenderness and warmth, fixated upon a captivating girl. Her raven tresses cascaded gracefully, framing a face adorned with azure eyes that shimmered like pools of tranquility. A soft smile played upon Fray's lips, a testament to the affection that swelled within his heart.

"Why do you regard me with such an enchanting gaze, Fray?" blushed the girl, a delightful rosy hue gracing her cheeks.

Fray's playful demeanor persisted, his gaze unwavering as he continued to observe her. "And why should I not, when in your presence, Aslan?"

A touch of sarcasm laced Lisa's remark as she eyed Fray. "You are a curious soul, Fray. Throughout the day, you project an air of aloofness, yet the sight of Aslan transforms you into an endearing puppy."

Though Lisa's words, likening him to a puppy in Aslan's company, ignited a flicker of indignation within him, Fray chose the path of silence, opting not to engage in a verbal duel.

Their conversation eventually drew to a close, yet Fray's eyes retained their gentle warmth as they lingered upon Aslan, savoring each precious moment, until...

A smile, frozen in time, adorned Fray's countenance as he observed the way Aslan looked at another, a young man with blond tresses who entered the shop. The smile, once filled with warmth, now wavered, concealing a hint of sorrow that danced within Fray's eyes.

"Hello, everyone. Sorry, I'm late," a young man with blond hair entered the shop, wearing a smile.

"It's okay, Luke," Aslan replied, smiling back.


Fray forced himself to push those memories aside and went to sleep.

That night, the large tent was divided into separate sections for men and women, and everyone slept inside.

The next morning...

After everyone woke up and had breakfast, they prepared to continue their march.

"Okay, let's go," Fray instructed the team members.

Meanwhile, in a nearby location...

"Young lady, they've moved," the knight informed.

"Alright, let's follow them," Lisa replied.

After hours of moving, Fray and his team finally arrived at the site, and Fray could spot the two trees mentioned in the novel.

"Okay, I'll proceed alone from here. You guys stay here and intercept them," Fray directed his team.

After giving these orders, Fray proceeded on his own, climbing the mountain for about ten minutes, until...

(Finally!) Fray thought, his gaze fixed on a peculiarly shaped rock ahead.

Fray adjusted the rock's position, causing a slight tremor. Suddenly, a stone door opened in the mountain, revealing a dark corridor. The door was so well concealed that even Fray, with his keen vision, hadn't noticed it.


The two trees stood in quiet majesty, their presence commanding attention amidst the surrounding landscape. They stood side by side, their trunks rising tall and proud, like sentinels guarding a hidden secret, and in front of these two trees, several people were facing each other. 

"I'm sorry, Mrs. Lisa, but I can't let you pass this point," Elisa stated, looking at Lisa.

"This isn't Iskar City. You have no authority to stop me," Lisa responded angrily.

"I apologize," Elisa replied curtly.

"Young lady, when you get the chance, we'll create a distraction. You go ahead," Leo whispered to Lisa in a low voice.

"Alright," Lisa agreed.

In truth, the plan to attack the forces of the Parada family was highly dangerous. In any other situation, Lisa wouldn't dare attempt it, as there was little chance of success against Elisa. Moreover, the Parada family was notorious for their brutality towards those who attacked them. But Lisa had no choice but to follow Fray quickly to the entrance location


Lisa believed that Fray must have knowledge of the entrance's approximate location, although finding the secret door wouldn't be easy.

Lisa devised a plan to use Fray to locate the door and beat him to enter it. While this plan had its flaws, desperation had overtaken her, and she was ready to do anything to prevent that man from obtaining the antiques she had spent several months searching for.

"Attack!" Leo shouted, charging toward Elisa and the others, followed by the knights.

The battle erupted with a thunderous clash of swords and a symphony of fierce combat. Leo, driven by unwavering determination, surged forward, his blade meeting Elisa's with a resounding clash that reverberated through the air. Their clash of steel echoed with a flurry of sparks, their movements a blur of precision and skill.

Around them, the knights of the Ronal family engaged in a desperate struggle against the formidable knights of the Parada family. A storm of steel and swirling auras filled the battleground as warriors clashed with unyielding resolve. Each clash of weapons echoed through the air, accompanied by grunts of exertion and shouts of battle cries.

The air crackled with tension as blows were exchanged, parried, and evaded. Swift footwork and calculated maneuvers danced upon the battlefield, showcasing the prowess and agility of the combatants. Each strike was met with equal measures of offense and defense, creating a harmonious chaos of clashing blades.

Warriors on both sides exhibited unwavering loyalty and resilience, their determination etched upon their faces. The battlefield became a canvas of grit and valor, as combatants pushed themselves beyond their limits, driven by the urgency and stakes of the conflict.

Amidst the chaos, the clash of auras intensified, as if the very essence of their beings manifested in ethereal waves. A symphony of power and skill unfolded, the clash of weapons accompanied by bursts of energy and flashes of elemental forces. Fire and lightning crackled, and ice and wind surged, intertwining with the relentless rhythm of the battle.

Meanwhile, Several kilometers away from the battlefield 

A bipedal, cat-shaped monster was moving somewhere when it suddenly halted and glanced in a certain direction.

"These auras... they don't belong to monsters," the creature muttered, changing its course and swiftly heading toward an unknown location.