Fray VS The seventh-ranked monster

The realization dawned on the horned beast as it witnessed Fray's peculiar movements and quickly recognized what he had just done. It understood that this human, or rather the monstrous creature before it, posed a grave threat to the kingdom of monsters. The beast knew it had to eliminate Fray swiftly, or he would become a formidable threat not just to him but to the whole monster kingdom.

Thus without wasting any time, with a sudden burst of speed, the beast charged toward Fray with all its might.

*meteor punch*

Closing the distance, it unleashed a powerful right hook aimed at Fray's head.

Fray swiftly evaded the monster's punch, gracefully slipping to his right side. Seizing the opportunity, he countered with a powerful right uppercut aimed at the beast's face. Ignoring the force of the monster's punch which left behind a path of destruction in its wake.

