Lionar kingdom---1---

After a week had passed, rumors about the city of Iskar and the Parada family had spread like wildfire across the continent. Unfortunately, most of these rumors were far from positive. People spoke of high taxes, exorbitant prices, and strange currency practices. However, the rumor that infuriated everyone who heard it was the one claiming that the Parada family possessed a solution to the continent's food shortages. Instead of sharing this solution with the rest of humanity and saving countless lives, they chose to keep it a secret and exploit it for their own benefit.

Meanwhile, in the grand halls of Parada Palace, Anas Parada stood respectfully in front of a massive wooden desk, delivering a report to Fray Parada. Anas conveyed the news that the city's food shortages had finally been resolved. The prices of all food products had been reduced by more than half, allowing even the lower classes of Iskar City's population to access quality nutrition.