The sacrifice(5)

Note: 40 power stones= 1 extra chapter 


[ 55 m away ]

(So ​​it was here) Fray thought as he stood outside one of the palace facilities with Nahl who was carrying the big black ax that was still covered in blood 

[25 minutes]

Fray looked at the window that the angel was presenting, which was showing the countdown before he stepped forward and entered the door of the huge building, which was one of the inner small mansions of the royal palace.

Fray followed the guidance of the eye of the Unknown until he climbed to the second floor of the building, where the eye led him, exactly to one of the many rooms in this building. Thus, Fray repeated exactly what he did previously with the other sacrifice, as he entered the room and when he found it empty, he began to search for the space crack, and despite That this one was a lot smaller and better hidden than the previous one, Fray was able to find it after a short time of searching.