Fray VS Ferritt

(He's getting serious) Lisa thought as she watches the abnormal transformation that Fray's body was going through 

In front of everyone's astonished eyes, Fray's huge body became even bigger and taller and more threatening, even his black hair got longer but these are just the superficial changes that could be seen with the naked eye, actually at this moment all of Fray's organs: heart, bones, lungs... became stronger and harder thirty times more, this is the power of the first phase.

(What a strong momentum, is this the master's power) Ryan thought as he looked at the majestic sight of Fray and Nahl who were looking at Ferritt with indifferent expressions.

"Oh! Looks like the angel has given you back your power haha ​​looks like you're …" Ferritt said after feeling Fray's presence.