The end of the trial

"Interesting." The Emperor mumbled with an expressionless face as he looked at Ferritt's burnt corpse, then looked at Fray and said, "I'm out of energy, I'll leave the rest to you."

(Energy crystals sufficient to light up a large city for more than two years weren't enough to sustain his existence even for a full minute.) Fray thought with a blank expression before saying, "Okay, thank you, Your Majesty."

After another light emitted, the emperor disappeared from his place. Fray looked at the place where the emperor was a moment ago before turning around and started moving towards Ferritt's burnt body, making his way through the rubble and the large holes everywhere.

(He's still alive despite his injury) Fray thought as he looked at Ferritt body lying on the ground unconscious and breathing very slowly, with a surprised look before mumbling in a low voice, "Did he use a life-saving tool or something?"