Rokia parada

{Note: these last three chapters may seem a little annoying, I know many of you don't like getting into drama, but this is essential for building our characters and plotlines so you have a better idea of ​​their mentality. }

(That cold harsh look, this is the first time since we became friends that he looks at me with such an unfriendly look, I know that's the way he looks at everyone but he hasn't used such a cold expression to look at me In a long time, I actually forgot that there was a time when he looked at me like that...Could he have lost his feelings for me?.... Wait, why am I sad, isn't that what I originally wanted?) Aslan thought absentmindedly 

[Note: Cringe, I know, but you should know that Aslan doesn't think like this because she is evil, these are just thoughts that come into the minds of girls involuntarily]