Aslan's/Luke's Pov

On a dark gloomy night when the rain was heavy like threads emanating from the sky there I was standing, dripping as I looked at the scene in front of me with eyes wide open in shock unable even to feel the thick drops of rain that were constantly hitting my body

The simple wooden houses and the wide streets were all stained with huge amounts of blood that even this abundant water could not wash away. Hundreds of corpses, indicating different sizes and shapes, were spread everywhere, and there, in the middle of this massacre square, there was a tall figure standing in dead silence, with a fierce and frightening aura surrounding him, standing there motionless looking in the opposite direction from where we were, I looked at this figure with running through my entire body before opening my trembling lips, "F-Fr…."

"Oh!! My God...."

"Fray!! What have you done?"
