The impossible heist (2)

At the Kianel family mansion. 

In front of a huge iron gate at least four meters high, in one of the secret passages in the mansion, dozens of knights were standing in order with stern expressions on their faces, who are led by a middle-aged man with a serious expression on his face standing in front them looking ahead at the iron gate. 

In front of the heavy gate were standing two strong guards with terrifying auras surrounding them, suddenly one of the guards stepped forward and asked, "Third commander, is there a problem?"

"Yes, there is a problem with the protective barrier, is everything fine down here?" asked the third commander 

"We haven't noticed anything strange here, sir," answered the guard 

"Alright, open the gate, I need to check the hall from the inside," the man commanded in a soft voice 

"Alright, sir," answered the guards, before stepping forward to keep some space between themselves and the door