Aya's first day at the Parada mansion

Aya's eyes fluttered open, slowly adjusting to the soft glow of morning light that filtered through the lavish curtains of her unfamiliar surroundings. Disorientation washed over her as she realized she was no longer in the comfort of her own home. 

Slowly, Aya swung her legs over the edge of the bed, her bare feet touching the cool marble floor. Then Pushing aside her apprehensions, Aya rose from the bed and made her way toward the ornate double doors that led to the dining area. She could hear the faint sounds of clinking silverware and muffled voices, indicating that Fray who was supposed to have breakfast was already there.

As she entered the dining hall, Aya's eyes met Fray's steely gaze. He was an imposing figure, his tall frame, and chiseled features accentuated by a cloak of darkness that seemed to shroud his every move. Fray's presence sent a shiver down Aya's spine,