The funeral

Small recap ---

Nora and Mia and Isabel are the only remaining wives of the previous head in the Palace.

Nora, has one daughter, Elisa Parada.

Mia has one young boy named Noah.

Sophia has one girl in her teens her name is Olivia


The next morning, the Parada family members, mansion servants, and knights gathered in the solemn confines of the mansion's infirmary room. The atmosphere was heavy with grief, casting a somber shadow over everyone present. Inside the room, Mia's lifeless body lay peacefully in a white robe, emanating an air of sorrow.

Noah, Mia's young son, was overcome with grief. His anguished cries reverberated throughout the room, his delicate frame quivering with profound sorrow. His tear-stained face mirrored the depths of his pain as he clung desperately to his mother's lifeless hand.

"..." Aya, with a pale face on her face, looked at the young boy unable even to react to her surroundings.