The Parada Family Council Meeting 2

A month had passed since the fateful battle in the dungeon. Funerals were held in Iskar City for the fallen knights, and life in the Parada Palace had gradually returned to its usual rhythm. The wounds of the warriors had healed, and the scars of their struggle had begun to fade.

Out of the forty warriors who had joined the battle, several were lost. In the aftermath, Fray decided to form a special squad called the "Special Mission Team" with the remaining warriors. Elisa took on the role of the squad leader.

Now, Elisa stood in the courtyard of the palace, her eyes scanning the training grounds. The sound of clashing swords and the shouts of the squad filled the air, echoing the renewed vigor that had infused the Parada family.

Fray observed the training session from a nearby balcony, his presence commanding respect. Despite the weariness that lingered in his eyes, there was a renewed determination in his gaze.