The Threats Of War

The next night, Fray found himself in the grand residence of the Lord of Astralhaven, having been graciously invited to stay as a guest. The Lord, a distinguished figure with a regal aura, extended his hospitality to Fray, recognizing his status as a fellow noble and a respected warrior.

The Lord's family gathered in the lavish dining hall the next morning, ready to share a breakfast feast with their esteemed guest. The atmosphere was filled with a sense of warmth and camaraderie as Fray joined them at the table. Lord Reginald, the gracious host, greeted Fray with a nod, acknowledging his presence with the utmost respect.

"How did you spend your night, Lord Parada? Did you sleep well?" Lord Reginald inquired, his genuine concern evident in his voice.

Fray met Lord Reginald's gaze with a nod of gratitude. "Yes, Lord Reginald, thanks to your hospitality, I slept comfortably. I appreciate your kindness."