The Battle In The Pouring Rain

General Roderick and Captain Talon stood at the forefront of their troops, their eyes fixed on the vast green landscapes that stretched out before them. Heavy rain poured from the darkened skies, adding an extra layer of intensity to the already solemn atmosphere. More than four thousand soldiers stood in disciplined formation, their resolve unwavering despite the treacherous conditions.

Hours passed, and the rain continued to fall relentlessly. The troops remained steadfast, their anticipation growing with each passing moment. Suddenly, a surge of energy crackled through the air, causing the soldiers to snap to attention.

A colossal portal materialized before them, its swirling maelstrom of colors captivating and foreboding. The soldiers' expressions were shocked as forty figures clad in shining armor emerged from the portal. The ground shook beneath their feet as their armored boots made contact with the rain-soaked earth.