Aslan's POV at the Past 3

After meeting Fray, I felt an instant connection with him, and he became my first true friend. I had a loving family and best friend the happiness this brought me was immeasurable. But just as life seemed to be getting better, tragedy struck, and my world turned upside down when my mother passed away. In those difficult times, Fray's friendship was my lifeline, providing support and comfort when I needed it the most. As we spent more time together, our bond grew stronger, and what began as a simple friendship gradually transformed into something deeper, something I couldn't ignore.

One day, under the shade of an old oak tree in the Parada Palace courtyard, Fray and I sat together, enjoying a rare moment of tranquility. The warm sun cast a golden glow over the lush green surroundings as birds chirped softly in the background. This day was important for me