The Last Challenge

Fray's footsteps echoed through the winding corridors of the maze, navigating the twisting passages until he reached the final turn.

There, he found Aslan standing before a scene that held her rapt attention, her expression pale and troubled.

As Fray approached, his eyes were drawn to the wall, and a shock of recognition washed over him.

The scene depicted a battle, a clash of forces that seemed all too familiar. He watched, his heart heavy, as the memory unfolded before them.

Amidst the tension, Aslan's tear-streaked face was obvious. Her back hair danced in the wind as she stood before Joshep, who was standing in front a group of more than ten knights, her voice a plea tinged with desperation. "Joshep, please! You can't do this. There's no honor in attacking innocent villagers. Please stop."

"..." Fray looked at the scene, with a shocked confused expression, as he wondered what was happening.