The Eerie Silence

The dark forest lay in ruins, its once lush and vibrant foliage now reduced to a desolate wasteland.

The air was thick with the scent of burnt wood and decay, a haunting reminder of the formidable battle that had taken place.

The ground was littered with debris, fallen branches, and shattered tree trunks, bearing the scars of the violent clash.

In the aftermath of the battle, the destroyed landscapes of the dark forest stood as a testament to the immense power that had been unleashed.

The once majestic trees now lay toppled, their branches twisted and broken. Deep craters marred the earth, evidence of the devastating impact of magical spells and powerful attacks.

Silence hung heavy in the air, broken only by the distant cries of wounded creatures and the soft rustling of leaves.

Amidst the devastation, Fray knelt on one knee, his body battered and broken. He gasped for air, his breaths heavy and labored, as deep wounds marred his flesh.