
A full moon gives a bright light in the night sky, With the cool breeze of the rising spring, a soft gust of wind blew the falling leaves as they flew with the windy flow in the air.

A young woman who rushed to pack her clothes in her suitcase, with a worried expression on her face, planned on fleeing before the sun rises.

Celine who was in a hurry running down quickly in the staircase while carrying her small suitcase paused and was shocked as she step back and shuddered in fear. The man who's standing right in front of the back door chuckled and stared at her teasing, As he walked towards her, slyly smile while holding handcuffs in his right hand,

"My dear Celine! Do you think you can run away from me?"

Lucian sighed as his right lip curved and make a smirk, but Celine who was desperate to escape him gambled her life. As she run across towards him avoiding his gaze, yet didn't work .his hands grabbed her wrist and hugged her tightly in his arms while putting the handcuffs on both of her hands.

While he was at her back, Celine continued to resist his grip, then stopped as she can feel him leaning his face onto her right ear.

"Please stop! Let me go!" she begged pathetically while trembling and keep resisting his grip.

As he hugged her tightly while licking her earlobe, teasing her as he whispered into her ears sweetly.

"My Darling Celine, you can't run away from me, you are my body and soul" he whispered.

Placing his face onto her neck then kissed it lightly as he leave a kiss mark on her pale skin.

Celine's shoulder tensed up as she can feel him licking her neck slowly, enjoying the situation he mumbles.

"What should I do to make your stay?..should I lock you up and hid you somewhere else that no one can see this beautiful face of yours!" he commented obsessively, while Celine who's been avoiding his gaze cried, as her 5th attempted on escaping him failed.

Celine who was an illegitimate child of an aristocratic family became the Tyrant's Obsession.