Meeting the Fairy

Waking up in a peculiar room, his vision became clear. Lucian suddenly risen his body, because of the trauma he had experienced yesterday.

His eyes fidget as he observes the room cautiously, as he noticed his arms and hands being bandaged. Lucian who was staring at his wounds and bruise being treated, sighed in relief as he thought that he had survived the assassination by his stepmother.

Lucian who was trying to move around notice a young girl sleeping beside him, seeing the girl sleeping he halt and stared at her curiously.

"Is she, the one who saves me?"He wondered as he noticed her unique silky silver hair, her pale skin, and her long eyelashes.

Lucian think of her as a fairy, watching the young girl sleeping, her angelic face was cute as he patted her head lightly and stroked her hair with his fingers.

Celine who was a sensitive child felt someone patting her head .as she thought that it was her mother's hand .she suddenly held his hand and mistakenly surprised him with a good morning.

"Good morning mother !" Said the girl as she smiled warmly.

The moment she gaze up at him, she halted as her eyes widened from shock, then suddenly hazed.

As she felt embarrassed about what she just did.

"Ehh!... ahhhh!!!"

Hearing her scream, her mother swiftly rushed over to her room with a worried face.

" What's wrong Celine?!" Her mother asks worriedly.

Her mother quickly checks on her, hiding her embarrassment from him. Celine who's still a young child hid her face in her palms

On the other hand, Lucian froze as his mind remembered her angelic smile and her voice greeted him like hummingbirds chirping to his ears, Not noticing his cheeks blushed like pink roses.

As her mother caressed Celine's head to calm her down, her mother asks of why she screamed while looking at the boy who finally regained his consciousness she finally understand what was going on.

"Sweetie, calm down !" said the woman gently. Her mother also checks the young boy's health as she asks him sweetly.

"How are you feeling, young boy?" said the woman.

Lucian who was cautious from the start, let his guard down as his hesitant voice became clear.

"Well I'm, I'm fine! Miss," he replied, as he landed his gaze on Celine being comforted by her mother.

Celine's reactions were priceless, but she didn't want to make the young boy uncomfortable, so she apologized for what she did.

"I'm, I'm sorry for startling you! I didn't mean that to happen!" shyly said the girl while clasping her hand in her nightgown.

Lucian quickly comforted her to make her sobbing face cheer up.

"I'm fine now so don't cry it'll ruin your cute face," he stated, Celine quickly wiped her tears and smiled sweetly as ever.

Her mother press her palm to Lucian's forehead to see if his fever cool down, as he flinched and was pleased with the woman's gentleness, he wondered about the kindness of these people.

"Why are they so nice to me? Perhaps they know that I'm a ! " Lucian's mind became skeptical as he think that they know who he is. But the unrequited kindness he felt from Celine's family made him happy as he thought of this day as a dream.

As they gathered for breakfast Celine quickly hold his hand and offered him to sit beside her. Lucian who always eats alone in the palace makes him a novice in the situation.

Even if the meal isn't what he always eats at the palace, the atmosphere made him eat comfortably.

After Celine's Mother and grandfather had gone to the farm for work, Celine's innocence towards him make her cuter.

As she became curious about him, her brows lined up towards each other, staring at him curiously while walking backward, But remembering what she did lately made her hesitant to ask.

Lucian who's observing her makes him jealous of having such a loving family, but those innocent purple eyes make him start to open up to her as he asks.

" Can I call you Celine?" he asked.

Celine who was startled at how did he know about her name made her ask.

"How did you know my name ?" She asked as she wondered, "can he read minds?"

"Well, your mother called you Celine lately, so I thought that's your name!" he replied.

Celine lightly chuckle as she thought that he can read minds as she reply, "yes that's my name! ...and you are?"

"I'm Lucian Blackwell " he commented as he caressed her hand and lightly smile at her.

"Then Lucian can you tell me where you come from?" she asks, her mind becoming curious as she waits for his response.

But Lucian was hesitant to tell, as his expression became dejected, Celine quickly change the topic as she ask him what he likes

"Do you know how to ride horses?" She asked while holding his hand.

" Well yes! Why do ask?" He replied, but seeing his body trembles from his wounds Celine quickly offered him to take a seat on a nearby bench, and ask him different things.

"Lucian! Well, how old are you?" Asked the girl curiously.

"I'm turning 12 this month," he stated while glancing at the farmland in relief.

"So, when will that day be?" She stated.

" Well, it's the 27th day of April "he replied.

"Then I'll remember it!" She glances sweetly.

As the sun goes down, the time they spent together was precious.

15 days have passed and Lucian fully recovered. As today is his birthday, Celine was planning on surprising him.

Celine distracted him all day out in their house as her mother prepared for the celebration.

Lucian who was enjoying his time with her didn't notice that it was his birthday.

As the moon rises, Lucian who'd never enjoyed celebrating his birthday was shocked to see Celine and her family surprise him with a simple feast, but even so, Lucian never felt something like this since he was born, for he had never enjoyed every single celebration of his birthday because of the unwanted guests and it was all for there family's reputation as a royalty.

He froze as his tears showed up, His being emotional was strange to him. As he never thought this kindness exist, Celine quickly wiped his tears and hold his hand as she smiled and greet him.

"Lucian!..Happy birthday!" She greeted me, and her smile was sweet and warm. As she offered him to blow the Birthday candle and ask him to make a wish.

This celebration was enough for him though, but he also wished to stay longer in this house and be with her. As he blow the candle, he wished for her to remember him till the day they'll meet again and become her lover.

As they feast, Seeing Lucian chuckle and smiled sweetly, Celine blushed as she hid her face in her long hair.

The Celebration ended happily, While Lucian is in his room. Celine secretly called him in the window as she ask him to come over to the roof.

As the full moon shines and the twinkling stars in the sky. Celine offered him to sit beside her as they watch the night sky and guessed each constellation in the night sky.

Celine kisses him on the cheek and gives him a present.

" Lucian, this is my gift to you!" She murmured.

Lucian quickly open up the pouch and took a pair of match bracelets. He carefully glanced at her gift and caressed her hand as he offered himself to place the bracelet in her hand.

Celine nodded and also placed the bracelet in his hand as he swore an oath not to take it off as he kissed her hand lightly.

Celine blushed as she looked him in the eyes, but she only thought of him as a friend since she didn't have any friends of the same age as her or a close age to her.

On the other side, Lucian didn't feel the same way as her, he fell in love with her by her unconditional kindness.

While glancing at the night sky, Lucian kissed her cheek sweetly as he asked her in a hesitant tone.

"Celine, I. I can't stay with you anymore." He stated while avoiding her gaze.

"Why? Why can't you stay? Do you not like me?" She asked.

Lucian calmly explained his reason as he clasped his hands into his trouser.

" It's not like that! I don't want you to get hurt, but I promise I'll write a letter to you every weekend, so please don't get sad!" he stated.

Celine nodded as she asked him while holding his hand.

"So when are you going to leave?" She murmured.

" Tomorrow before the sun rises." He replied.

"Are you going to leave this place alone?" She asked with an uneasy feeling.

"No, I'm not, I'll be accompanied by a friend." He replied while caressing her hair.

Celine sighed in relief as she leaned to his shoulder and fell asleep.

Lucian patted her head lightly and carried her in bridal style, as he placed her on her bed gently and left a kiss on her forehead.

As he opens the door, Lucian paused as he glanced at her dejected then left a note on her desk and leave a farewell to her mother.

Emilia suddenly hold his hand and kissed his forehead as he thought of him as her son, Even though they only live with him for a month the bond between them was memorable.

Lucian left with his loyal knight Conan as they head to the eastern part of Pedalion, in a small kingdom of Lydra as he strengthen his power as the crown prince of the Pedalion empire.