Swore to protect the lovable you

"ahhhh!!!! Stop! No more!! Please don't kill me!!! Ahhhhhh!!! Huff."

In an abandoned house, a man who's screaming in pain ,was kidnapped by 3 men.As they tied him up in a wooden chair and covered his mouth with a dirty kerchief. Making him vomit from the disgusting foul smell of blood.

As they tortured him mercilessly, beating him up like punch bag. A young boy showed up from the dark, while holding a silver dagger on it's right hand.

The moon's light struck onto an window, making the silver dagger shine in a glimpse.

" Whmm arhh youm ( who are you)?!" The man asked, as he glanced Lucian suspiciously.

Nothing, Lucian didn't even react at all ,but his red blood eyes are shining in rage,as he lift up it's chin up checking it's bruises and wounds. Lucian smirked as he let go of his hand and let a dry chuckle.

"The look on your face , it really suits you." He commented while teasing him in a sadistic way.

"But, theirs somethings missing."he stated while teasing him.

"Ahh, right ! I forgot to lacerate your swollen face." His voice was calm, solemn and also in a teasing tone .

Hearing his statement made the man trembled, as he squint in Lucian's red eyes. Looking at a demon's eyes that shines like crimson crystals. The man quickly avoid it's gaze to him as he cried begging for mercy.As the guardsman remove the filthy kerchief on it's mouth. The man desperately begged for his mercy.

" Please! I'm begging you! Don't kill me !. if you want some money! I can give it to you,but please don't kill me!" The man begged while crying relentlessly, but hearing him sobering for his mercy made him more irritated.

"Hmmm, I'll think about that..but first tell me who sold the silver-haired girl in your establishment?" His voice was calm but full of rage towards the man who tormented Celine in the slave establishment.

" All right! I'll tell you,but first you had to promise me that you won't kill me!" He stated.

" All right! I'll let you live...now talk"

"That's..I mean,those bandits from the countryside of AVANDOR, right. People call them the "sinful beast of AVANDOR" and the leader of those bandits is Rolan ,Rolan McGregor."

"Hmmm,do you remember it Conan?"

" Yes , your highness."

"Now , release me!" The man stated.

"Ohh!! do you really believe that I would release you?" He stated in a sarcastic way ,As he let a dry chuckle and smirked at him in a tease .

"I'm not even starting on playing with you! I'm really looking forward to see you crumbled like rotten shit."

Hearing his words make the man shudder in fear, As he screams for help.

"Conan!... Placed that filthy kerchief on it's mouth!"

"Let go of me ! No, don't touch me, ouhm!!"

Lucian who's unsheathing the dagger, directly pointed it to the man's neck. As he smirk and threatened him, like a beast who's prying it's prey...

" Now , let's see ..hmmmn ahh ..this filthy swollen face of yours. I want to stab it mercilessly, to think that you carelessly held her face like that. I won't let you get a way with it!" He commented, his voice was calm and also solemn.

As he lacerate the man's face ,the man screamed in pain. Trembling as he slowly losing its consciousness. A Swollen face was cut into a fresh wound who's blood is overflowing like bloody paint.

"Ahhhhhh!!! Stop !! Huff,h ic! Please don't kill me."

"Why, do you look so pathetic?" He asked sarcastically.

" Hmnn,and also this hands of your's,dared to hurt her like that .His eyes glanced the man's fingers as he cut it one by one, stabbing it's palm in repeat. The man screamed in pain, as his body shuddered from the mortific pain. Even if his consciousness is slowly losing itself.

Lucian wouldn't let it slide, As he lacerate its bruises and fresh wounds in his dagger.

A body that's being slashed into pieces, as its blood drip like bloody tears, cried in despair of giving him mercy. But the bloodied man died from severe injuries in his whole body and also from blood loss.

" Is he dead?" He asked

Conan quickly check its pulse," his dead your highness.." he stated, his face looking so dejected, as he felt disappointed for the man.

"Ohh, shit. I was looking forward to seeing him suffer!." he stated, letting a dry chuckle as he sighed in disappointment.

"Conan, dispose of this piece of shit... And please don't leave a trace."

"Are you sure that guard is guarding her right now?" He asked in a solemn tone.

"Yes, your highness. Celine is safe and his hands," he replied.

"Did you send a healer to check on her?"

"Yes, I did... Gladly she didn't have any severe injuries."

" That's a relief and by the way, what time is it?"

"It's 11:00 p.m. Your Highness."

"Then please, clean this mess!.. I need to get off of this foul smell of blood from that bastard...and. I don't want to be seen like this in front of her."

"Yes, your highness "

Bathing in a wooden bathtub, Lucian who's relaxing in the tub of cold water. Leaning his back on the wooden bathtub as he places his both arms right in the corner. He sighed in relief, as his body full of scars rested like a young child and also like a work of art.

" Will she ... able to smile like those days..when we're together?" He wondered.

" I don't want to lose her like this, I'll make sure to protect you, even if I can't be with you for the past 3 years I'll spend in the war and the palace. "

"Please, don't be sad and live like you always do."

As he finished bathing, Lucian quickly wore his clothes and walked toward her room. As he slowly open the door and shut it carefully, he wouldn't want to startle her who was sleeping like an angel.

Lucian slowly take a seat on the mattress leaning his face towards hers, as he gave a kiss on her forehead. Stroking her silky silver hair with care, as he lay down facing her.

He wanted to caress her cheek, but he don't want to bother her sleeping like a beauty. Then suddenly, her expression changed as she cried in her sleep.

" Mom ! Mommy...I miss you." The lonely moon cried, longing for her mother's warmth.

"The young moon is lonely." She murmured the tears of those lonely nights she spent in the cold cell.

As she hold his hand tightly, grasping at him warmly, Seeing her cries made him feel uneasy. Whipping her tears carefully as he hugged her gently in his arms. His love for her grew stronger like no other, holding onto this feeling made him fall asleep beside her.

A nightmare, where she fell from a high dark cliff. as she blink, the sudden fall sank her into the deep sea .she can feel the cold water of the sea her mind is in haze, as her body sank deeper into the ocean. Looking at the moon's light on the surface of the water.

A Strange young man appeared in her dream, as he held her carefully and pulled her back to the surface. But as her visions got blurry, the strange man called her name repeatedly.

Calling her name so many times, Celine finally regained consciousness, as she woke up in a strange room.

Celine quickly moves up, trying to escape. But the door suddenly opened as he brought her a welcome meal for breakfast.

As he walk towards the table and put the tray of the meal, Lucian quickly checked her forehead, pressing his palm on her pale skin to make her flinch and feel shy.

"Looks like your fever is cooling down," he stated, stroking her hair preciously.

"I brought your breakfast here, So you have to eat it, to regain your strength and be fully recovered." his words are sweet and warm as he makes her cheek blush like pink roses.

"After eating your breakfast, You need to take your medicine."

Listening to his sweet and caring words, Celine nodded, as she caressed his cheek and smiled warmly.

"I'll feed you, So just stay put!" he remarked calmly.

As he lightly blew the hot porridge to cool down a little, gently sneap a small amount onto her cute mouth, and wiped a crumb on her lips.

After two days of rest, Celine has finally recovered. As the sun rises, Lucian, Celine, and his knights continued their travel back to her home.

Traveling back home, as the day passed the moon rises. While looking at the stars in the night sky, I campfire was set. As the two of them watched the twinkling stars in the night sky, leaning toward each other, Lucian suddenly held her hand as he handed her, his gift.

It was a pair of amethyst and a Razor sharp scalenohedral crimson crystal rings.

Looking at this precious gift of his made her heart fluffed, as he offered her to let him put during on her finger, and also she did the same thing.

As they both swore to never forget each other.