The gift and your love

" I like you, Celine! I want us to be more than just friends"

Hearing him confessing his love again,A sweet kiss left on his cheek as an answer to his sweet confession.

" I like you too!" She murmured, avoiding his gaze ,as her face blush like sweet cherries.

"But, still I want us to be friends until we both reached adulthood."she replied.

"That's fine, as long as I know where you are .. I'll be waiting." His words are sweet yet solemn, the look on his face show's a sign of relief.

"Can I pat you?"he asked shyly.

"What's with that question! Yes , you can pat me."she replied, avoiding his gaze blushing.

"Why am I so hesitant? I don't want to leave..I want to see your smile everyday."he thought while patting her head lightly, A sweet kiss left on her forehead.It was warm as she can feel his lips pressing onto her forehead making her flinched holding while his wrist tightly.

"It's getting late so you should go to sleep." He stated.


"No,but's!!"he commented, as he poked her forehead lightly.

"Ahh!.. you!.. you!!"

"If you don't fall asleep at this time, you be a shorty for life."he ridiculed, while teasing her and watching her cute expressions.

"SHORTY FOR LIFE!!!" She thought, "he's making fun of me right?... hmnn,Let's see if you still can make fun of me!" She murmured.

"Yeah, your right! The truth is, I'm afraid to fall asleep this days,b'cuz I can still hear the agony of those who've been punished in the slave establishment ."she murmured,

"So I really can't,Hic!,sobbed,hic,wahhh ,how can you be so, hic!"she stated,while covering her face with her palms .

Seeing her cry like this made him panicked as he doesn't mean to hurt her feelings.

"Celine,I didn't mean to say that,so please don't cry." He stated, while comforting her carefully, his reactions were cute as she expected.

"I didn't mean to make her feel uncomfortable!!"he thought, looking at her perturbed.

Seeing him panicked ,she trembled holding back her laughter.

"Celine I'm!" Hearing her chuckled, he sighed as he laughed like a child ,while suddenly carry her in bridal style.

"Ahhh!! stop startling me!"

"To think I'll be fooled by your tricks."He murmured, he chuckled.

"I was good at it right?!"she commented.

"Well I don't think so!"he tease.

"Ehhh! Liar !"she teased at him back.

"Celine,I'm sorry for...."

"You shouldn't be sorry! It's not your fault."she stated,as she leaned in his chest , carrying her gently.As he layed her down gently in the mattress , Lucian couldn't help but to pinched her cute cheek lightly,as he wished her a good night.

"Wait! I..l want to see you before you'll go home to your Homeland. so please don't leave me again without a notice!"

"If you leave me like last time! I.. I'll be missing you so much."her tone was firm yet sweet.

A wager of love ,that made him smiled at her warmly. His sweet reply left on her like a lullaby.

"Don't worry, tomorrow we'll bid each other a good farewell. So please don't make me worry and take care of yourself."

"Sleep well ,My moon fairy."

As he gently closed the door, walking down the stairway.Emilia who's waiting for him at the living room smiled him as she offered him to take a seat.

"Please,take a seat Lucian."she offered warmly.

"Where are my knights?"he asked .

"Their waiting for you outside and I told them to wait outside for a moment."

"Lucian, I know that you love my daughter Celine,but I can't let you have her live in that place. She's the only one that I had and cherished so much, the moment when I held her in my arms when she was a baby.I promised myself that I don't want this child to live such place where she can't be free." She murmured,her tonality was clear. A mother's warmth love to its child is unparalleled.

"Celine, your so lucky to have a loving family."he thought,as he let a sighed and smiled at her lightly but his eyes shows a sign of dejection.

"Then please take care of her ,and I want you to give her this letter and gift!"he commented.

"Are you going to leave this late night?"she asked worriedly.

"If I had the time in my hands , I'll stop it right away and be with her ,but I can't. I can't runaway and unshackled those chains that tied me onto that place."he murmured as his expression shown a sign of stalemate.

"If so then , accept this gift of mine." She commented,as she placed her gift to his hands .

"An amulet?!"he murmured, looking at her in a moot.

"That's her amulet when she was a little toddler,she had lost it for a long time.So when I found it out, I kept it for her and will soon handed it over to her when she'll reached adulthood."

"But since I think you needed more than she does ,I'll be giving this to you."

''this amulet has the same eye color,Amethyst Crystals that shines through the night.'"he commented, Gazing at the amulet preciously.

"Knock! Knock!!"

"Come in!" She murmured.

"Your highness, we must leave now, we only have ten days to prepare for the war!"he stated solemnly.

"You're joining the war between Pedalion and Avandor?"she asked worriedly.

"Yes, I do . Even if I'm still a young child , I need to do it, inorder to be the crown prince."

"Young boy , Always take care of yourself. It's true that you may bring glory to your land,but you are also a human that needs to live a normal life. I know that it's impossible for someone like you ,yet I still hope that you can find freedom ,behind those chains that tied you up." A vague hope ,yet still believing on it. Her tonality clung onto his ears like a coin dropped on a wishing well ,As the coin sank deeper. The believer starts to hope on a miracle ,A miracle to its dreams that which made him feel assured.

As she hugged him tightly and left a kiss on his forehead. Waving it's hand as she bid him farewell ,but the uneasy feeling she felt for him can only pray for its wellbeing.

Riding on a horse as they giddy up heading towards the Eastern part of Pedalion empire,in a small kingdom of Lydra.

"Your highness, we must reach to your uncle's estate before the 2nd day of July."he stated.

"I know!"he replied as his expression turn cold.

"His highness expression turn cold again." He thought as he sighed in distressed.

"Do you think we can reach the border before the sun rises?"Lucian asked.

"Wait is he planning to travel back without getting any break?" He wondered as he replied him vaguely." I..I do think, we can reach the border before sunrise your highness." Conan's expression shown a sign of regret as the other knights stared at him shocked.

As the three knights gathered up complaining about what he had said."why did you agreed with that? They whispered." Do you think we have the time to rest when we'll soon reached the estate?" They murmured.

"Don't worry, once we reach the border. I'm sure he'll let us rest for a while."he replied

"I can hear you all , you know!"he commented. His knights reaction was priceless as they shivered in fear.

5 days has passed as they finally reached his uncle's estate, As they opened the iron doors that sealed protection on the estate. Announcing his arrival, The man who's high and mighty ,smirked as he sighed and ordered his advisor.

" Bring me that child immediately!" He ordered ,as his silver eyes shines like the lone moon on the night sky.His tranquil expression and fierce eyes were like a mist of miasma surrounding his advisors, making him shivered as he quickly leave the room in escape.

Running down the hallway,as he turned right ,Merlin bumped up onto Eugene who's busy checking the political matters between the AVANDOR palace ,got disturbed by Melvin's carelessness.

"The hell! " He murmured.

" I'm deeply sorry for the ruckus Eugene!"he apologize While picking up Eugene's political files and letters.

"Why are you running down the hallway?" Eugene asked.

"His Grace , ordered me to call over young Master , Lucian.To his office!" He replied as he winced in distressed while gasping for air .Eugene who's watching him gashed for air ,quickly pulled his slender wrist up as he got suddenly pushed closely to his chest ,making him hold his tie as he got startled. As he had a glimpse of Eugene's handsome face ,a little closer he can feel his breath onto his forehead.

"Ahh!..I'm sorry." He pardoned. Shyly step back as his face blushed to his handsome face ,his grip onto his wrist was gentle yet firm .

" I'll picked this up and if you're looking for him, his at the east hallway to his office."Eugene commented, as his serene expression was calm. as his eyes gazed up to him who's looks were so messed up.

As he tidied up Melvin's messy hair and glasses , Melvin who's gazing at him, feel embarrassed for what was happening.

" Now ,don't run onto the hallway or you'll get hurt."he commented.

" Yes!! Then I'll take my leave."he excused, as he bow it's head and walked swiftly.Holding back his embarrassment from earlier, meanwhile Eugene who's picking up the files and letters on the floor, let a dry chuckle as he smirked remembering his cute reaction from earlier .

"He's cute." He murmured, as he head to his office.