The lonesome travel

The two weeks travel back to the imperial Palace was lonely and restless for Lucian, as he can't stop thinking about why she had not sent any letters to him these past three months. Thinking for any possible reason, Lucian thought of her every night.

Gazing at the countless stars in the night sky, while whipping out his neck with a towel, as the towel glides down to his chest. His bare upper body shows his masculine physique, as the crescent moon that will soon turn into a full moon was bright and clear as his bare upper body can be seen through this lonely night.

"Every time I gaze up into the night sky, I always remember that night, when it was just you next to me..and the night sky full of stars."

Camping out in a nearby oasis, The cold breeze of the wind was enough to make everyone shiver from cold as they set up a campfire to warm themselves from the cold wind. Eugene who's been waiting for his highness to come over to the campsite felt uneasy and concerned about him. Thinking about his current state, Eugene stood up and head towards where Lucian had gone to clear his mind. As he looked for him in a nearby pond, the latter stopped several feet away as his eyes stared at Lucian who was reclining itself in a bent palm tree. Seeing Lucian gazing at the night sky filled with countless stars that are clear to see.

Eugene can tell how worried Lucian was for her, as his expression and the way he gaze up to the stars were melancholic to see. Eugene remembered how he felt the same way about Lucian being worried for his beloved. Lucian's eyes were filled with longing and loneliness, as you can see and feel it just by watching him. At that moment Eugene walked toward him as he spoke.

"It's beautiful isn't it?" He remarked, Lucian turned his head in the source's direction where he heard someone speak to him.

Lucian turned and gazed at his adviser who was walking towards him, as Eugene sat down beside him and began to converse amicably.

"Your highness I know that you're still worried about her, but you need to calm yourself out..and I will assure you that once we reached the imperial Palace, I'll immediately inform our spy and send her off to secure and inform us what happened to her and know the reason for her sudden discontinuance of sending letters for you." He promised, looking at him solemnly.

Hearing his advisor's vow, Lucian take a deep breath in relief ." Then don't go back on your words..." he mumbled in relief.

Seeing his melancholic expression slowly loosen up, Eugene secretly sigh in relief as he replied.

"I will, your highness."

"Do you know why I let you save Celine when she was abducted by those bandits, even though your uncle instructed me to forbid you from doing any reckless actions, especially of what you did?"


"Because I don't want you to have the same regrets as mine..." He uttered calmly as he gaze up at the lone moon with his eyes filled with grief.

"I lost the most important person in my life, she's the only one who helped me when I needed it the most. she was the most kindhearted and caring person that I met, she has the most beautiful altruistic blue eyes and had the sweetest smiles."

"I vowed to protect her with my life, because all these years I realized that staying beside her was the peace I crave, for my chaotic world... But that peace didn't last long as I hoped. I unexpectedly lost her and I blamed myself so many times for her death..." His melancholic tonality showed a sign of regret and despair, as he looked onto the lone moon in the night sky.

"Well, I should head back..."Lucian stood up, marching towards the campsite nonchalantly, he paused and spoke.

"Wait, your highness...."

"Whoever that person is, I know she wants you to be happy without her existence....and thank you.." Lucian walked towards the campsite nonchalantly, Leaving his advisor who was touched by what he had said.

"You do resemble your mother. Lucian." He mumbled as he followed Lucian back to the campsite.

Rushing back to the imperial Palace as soon as possible, Lucian can't seem to concentrate at all. As his advisor told him to calm down and relax his mind. Lucian ignored his advisor's admonition until Eugene scolded him every day till they reached the capital of the Pedalion empire, Kartazen.

Seeing the empire's watchmen announce his arrival. The guardsmen who guarded the Iron gate immediately bowed their heads and paid obedience to him.

" His highness, The first prince has arrived!!"

The people who heard the guardsman's proclamation quickly gathered as they make way for him to enter.

The gateway was connected to the main road of the capital. The boulevard was the busiest place with people entering and leaving. Right now, it was also busy as it was. There was a procession of carriage coming one after another. It was a place where people flocked endlessly. At that moment, loud and noisy voices were heard from behind.

The murmur spread more and more to every side of people, Whispering and gossiping about every side of people and soon, the cause for the disturbance. Their eyes widened round at the sight in front of them. Carriages with golden shields, the crest of the Royal family, were coming one after another. It was quite spectacular to see the knights and soldiers lined up in well-groomed armor. The soldiers of the Royal family were, honestly speaking, rough people, but now they looked like warriors returned from the war.

Then, the young man in the front, leading the procession, was Lucian.

When everyone looked at Lucian, A lot of those young ladies in the capital were mesmerized by his handsomeness, as they hail, and congratulated him for his success. Lucian and his troops swiftly head to the Imperial Palace as the people who've been gazing at him couldn't help but fall for his majestic beauty.

As the procession approached closer, the more detailed they could see. There were several carts connected. And on top of each of it was a huge object tied up with a rope. It was a chest that it seems very old and a huge Cristal-shaped dragon, The Cristal-looking scales were shiny and looked very sharp as if they could cut everything that touch them.

"I've never seen such a big thing like that. A dragon-like Crystals?." they whispered.

More and more people flocked to the boulevard and began to whisper. However, no one was so daring as to block the path of Lucian and the soldiers.

They looked around for a moment; the soldiers of the royal family, who were like returning warriors, and the appearance of Lucian that shone no matter what. People cheering on the street with a lot of excitement.

Anyway, with this, Lucian's appearance must be clearly remembered by the people of the capital. It was not a bad thing for him though, but Lucian's desperation of wanting to see his spy Kiara, to send her off for another mission as soon as possible will soon turn this place into a crime scene. As he was getting impatient and irritated with the crowd.

As the Imperial guardsmen opened the imperial gates of the palace. Eugene looked at Lucian genuinely with a prim expression, as his advisor gave him a cue to act right.

The Royal head butler of the imperial family welcomed him and his troops on a pleasant day. "Greetings to the valiant prince of the empire, Lucian Hyacinth Blackwell."

"A pleasant welcome, your highness!!!!!" They greeted politely, but all of the royal maids were nervous as the cold atmosphere filled them with awe.

The royal maids were arranged perfectly as they bowed their heads to pay respect to him. But Lucian who's been looking at them couldn't help but feel repulsive, as he remembered how these people mocked him so many times when he was a child. Right now, these people are trying to be nice?!

" Is this how they begged for mercy?" He thought as he marched towards the grand entrance hall coldly with his tranquil expression on his face. Lucian left and headed to the Imperial Palace without paying much attention to them, as he felt repulsive and impatient about wanting to sever their heads especially his stepmother the empress.

Eugene who was left behind represents himself as Lucian's loyal aid and requests everyone to prepare everything Lucian needs without making him annoyed. The head butler immediately followed his request." Prepare everything that his highness needs!... If ever you made the slightest mistake, make sure to leave this place without a notice..." The royal maids immediately obeyed his order and swiftly head to their assigned areas trembling in fear as they realized that they can no longer stay in this palace for too long since the weak prince they once knew is now a beast who will soon sever their heads.