The Isolation

" Mom, I'm sorry... Please, forgive me... I can't save you... I—"

" Well, now it's your turn..." A wry smirk of a psycho, as if her men dragged Celine closer to Rosella, as she teased her with such a mocking expression on her face.

" Now, Now... Drink this up, so he won't suspect a thing... " As she clutch Celine's cheeks to make her open its mouth, Celine sobbed as her tears dripped onto her clothes that were tainted with her mother's blood.

" Let go of me!!! please!!... I begging you..." As she pleaded for both of her mother's life, Celine's eyes glimpsed her mother's body that was laying on the floor where its blood was all over its body. As her mother was paralyzed, Emilia can only watch her daughter tormented by her rival.

" Forgive me, my child. For I have I can't protect you and give you a normal life... But I still hope that someday you'll have a happy life with the ones you loved... I—I love you..." As her visions became blurry, a body who's been paralyzed cannot feel the throbbing pain in her chest, yet seeing her daughter in such state was a torture for her. Her vague hope that she could only imagine, as both of them felt the same guilt for being unable to protect the one they cherished and loved, Where it will be also the most painful time they felt in their lives.

" Poor child... If only your mother knows her place, you could have been living a normal life..."As she drank such an unknown potion, Celine fell into a deep sleep. Meanwhile, Rosella's men carried her as they wait for their master's orders.

At that time, Rosella walked closer to Celine. Seeing how her eyes were swollen up from crying, Rosella looked at her sadistic look where she wiped her tears and said. "That's right close your eyes 'cause you will fall into a deep sleep. And when you wake up, the strings of your fate are chains that will be your curse." As the guards carried her outside its house, the corpse of her mother's dead body was left laying on the floor where they left rode a carriage and left.

" If only you haven't stolen him from me in the beginning, he could've loved me instead..."

The satisfied look on Rosella's face looks like she'd have accomplished her biggest dreams. As the winter nights were colder than the day was even refreshing to her as the tragedy befall Celine's life, where the moment she woke up, will be the beginning of her misery.



" Why is it so cold?... " she wondered while wondering how she feel suddenly strange in their house. " Why do I suddenly feel so weird about something so uncertain, the house feels so weird right now." Thinking of how strange she was feeling right now, Celine heard the tapping sound of a knife from their kitchen as she instantly head to see her mother.

" Mom?!" As she calls for her mother, Celine felt so happy to see her mother's well-being as she thought of what happened on that night was just a nightmare. As she surprised her mother with a warm hug, Celine still felt so strange about it as she greeted her mother lovingly.

"Good morning mother, I love you... Mom, I just had the worst nightmare of my life where you—"

" I'm sorry sweetie..."


" I'm so sorry, for not being able to protect you when you need me the most."

" What are talking about?..."

Looking at how her mother cried hopelessly in front of her, Celine's eyes widened from shock as she saw her mother's tears turn into blood and she noticed her mother's body slowly fading away.

" What's happening, why? No, no please don't go! Don't leave me! Please I need you...." Hugging her mother tightly as she don't want to let her go, Celine cried and begged for her mother to stay with her, seeing as how her mother looked so sad for her, her mother kissed her forehead with such an endearment of its love.

" Please survive, please don't make the same mistakes as I did! Please live and survive, because I still hope that you'll have a happy life without me...So please live!"

" Please mom stay, stay with me...* Sobbed* Hic... I know that one day you'll leave my side but not like this... We still have so many things to do right now, you said you would go skating with me today, right? Mom, mom I still need you..." As she begged over and over for her mother, in the end, she still leave her side.

" MOM!!!...NO!!! NO, NO... don't leave me, I need you..."

"Haaahhhhh....haaahhh..." As she woke up while gasping for air, Celine notices her tears dripping onto her clothes. Remembering the tragedy of her family, she still couldn't believe, how her life turned upside down. As her eyes noticed her ring was still on her finger, Celine sighed in relief.

After falling asleep for almost five weeks, Celine is finally woken up in her deep slumber. Her eyes widened when she finds herself in a such strange room, looking at how odd it is. Celine felt something strange at the bottom of her legs as she instantly removed the blanket on the bed, Handcuffs were placed on both of her legs that were connected to the bed itself. The bewildered look on her face, as she thought that this was just part of her nightmare. Celine perked up, watching the door suddenly open from the bed she was sitting on. As the woman entered the room with a mocking look on her face.

" I guess you've finally woken up, Celine..."

" You... Who are you?!!! Why did you— did that to my mother, just who the hell are you?!!!!" Fiercely looking at the woman who's just killed and destroyed her life, Celine's feelings right now were nothing but grief and sorrow about her mother's death, and she can't even give her mother a farewell.

" You probably want to kill me right now, but I think it would be better to look at yourself in the mirror..."

" what do you mean by that?" The moment when she looked at herself in the mirror, Celine stared at herself as she was shocked from disbelief. Her precious silver hair became bluish-black and her amethyst eyes became amber color.

" What did you do to me?..." The trembling voice of her, who just lost the most precious part of her body, gasped in disbelief.

" You worry too much young lady, it will only last for fifteen years..."

" You... Who the hell are you?!!!" As she dashed furiously toward Rosella, the guards immediately restrained her as the woman slapped her face so hard that it was swollen up.

" You fool... Do you think that I would let you lift a finger on me? Maybe I should discipline you before you set foot on your father's estate."

" And what if I tell him the truth? Do you think I wouldn't dare to tell him of what you did to his lover?" Unintentionally provoking her with her careless words, the desire of avenging her mother's death drove her to such an extent of hatred.

" You do certainly resembles her..." *Slapped*" Bitches who don't know its place..." The annoyed look on Rosella's face as she vents her anger on Celine by slapping her face three times.

" Lock all the windows and the door. There will no food for her in two days, and don't even think about treating that bitch swollen face... This will teach her a lesson."

" Yes, Duchess Lancster..." The guards instantly heed Rosella's orders, as they locked all windows where no single ray of light could enter the room was too dim and cold.

" Wait, No!!!" As she dashed towards the door, the handcuffs on her legs stopped her from reaching the door or the windows, where she could only walk two meters in a distance between her bed.

*Sigh* " What should I do now? How could I get out of this place? I don't even know where I am or what day it is... Mom, mom, I'm sorry..." *Sobbed* " should I kill myself as well? No, I will find justice for you mom, I will avenge your death with her blood." The raging desire of avenging her mother's death will soon change her whole life, as she relaxes her mind and thought of how would she survive two days without food or water.

" What should I do, I guess it's better to lie down for a moment." As she lay down on the bed, all she can see is nothing but the darkness of the room, where all of the windows are locked and covered with long curtains. Celine finally realized that this place was completely isolated, wherein no one could hear her screams and suffering.


" I'm so thirsty... This time, I wonder how long have I been staying here. does the two days of isolation passed already? I can't see a thing in here, it's so cold and dim... " Wondering of how long she'd been staying in this dimmed room, where she didn't even know where the hell she is or what day it is. Celine endured the two days in her life with such darkness and isolation. As today is the day Rosella will finally let her out in that dimmed room.

* Knock!! Knock!!!*

Celine perked up as she quickly rose from her bed, cocking her head, while watching the door open from the bed she was sitting on. Cautiously watching one of Rosella's men bring a tray of food for her, Celine had finally overcome the two days of isolation.

" Miss Celine right?" The guardsman asked, while placing the tray over the dusty table, the guard also place the lamp on the desk. Looking at how bright the lamp was for her, Celine immediately sat down and are the food on the tray.

" Huh?...Yes!!...I'm Celine..."She awkwardly stood up even though she feel so woozy and both of her knees are trembling. Celine lowered her head to humble herself.

" I cannot be influenced by my self-esteem, the most important thing right now is how to survive, then find a way to escape."