The Nightmare Deferred

*Earlier before the fight*

In the cockpit of the aircraft, Haji stood at the front with the pilot directing him as they approached the military base that was currently under attack by Azrael. Behind them sat One and Zero who were going over some last minute strategy.

Zero had a small tablet in his hand that was replaying old footage they had of a past Azrael battle. "Hmm. His speed is even hard to capture on the military's latest camera tech."

"If it helps," One chimed in, "I can't see him at all."

"Ha. Ha. Ha." Zero sighed and leaned back. "It's not like it's the only creature with super speed. So what makes it so special?"

One scratched his chin in thought. "Well just from our last run in I can tell it's different than when we fought against other speedsters."


Before One could reply, Haji interrupted, "We're almost there. You guys finish your preparations?"

Zero scoffed and stood up from his seat.

"I was ready before we even got here, Sgt."

"Don't get cocky. Don't forget who we're up against here."

"Ohhhh you know I didn't."

Zero began walking towards the back of the aircraft.

"Where are you off to? Didn't you hear, we're almost there." Haji said, almost annoyed.

"Just grabbing one last thing."

One turned towards Zero as he walked away from there. "...".

Zero kneeled down next to a small black bag he had brought with him. He reached in and pulled out a blank mask. He stared at the faceless features for a moment and then slipped it inside his jacket.

"Let's see how your speed is in the face of my new move."

*Present time*

As Azrael's claws protruded through his chest and excruciating pain ran throughout every part of his body, only one thought crossed Zero's mind. Not of that which he leaves unfinished, not of his friends awaiting their return, nor what his next move was.

Moments like still photos passed through his mind. Every time he cornered Azrael….it was like there was a split second where it was like he KNEW what was coming next. Even in the most surprising of situations it was like he always could block at the last moment or evade altogether.

Zero's final thought: We had it wrong. Azrael's power was never speed.

Then all thought ceased as he was torn in two by its deadly claws. The light in his eye faded and turned to nothingness.

Azrael stood drenched in the fresh blood of his enemy. It let out a loud yell as it finally stood victorious.

(((((....I guess it's over…..)))))

Haji stood in the cockpit of the plane looking down at the floor in silence. His fist clenched tightly and his teeth crushed together.


No response.



"Damn it One, answer me!"

"Sir.", One's voice came over.

"We need to act quickly. It still has to be feeling some of the damage-"

"Sgt. Haji. With all due respect…."

One was still knelt down in hiding while small drops of water dripped quietly down his cheeks.

"Our chances of victory died with Zero."

Haji slammed his fist into the side of the aircraft. "Pull it together One. Zero fought well, but we can still turn this around. Especially if you use…that."

One's face turned serious. "I…I don't think-"

His head suddenly shot skywards.

One's hands were still connected to the ground so his ability was still active. He felt something new not far from where Azrael was.

One realized that someone else was here. But who? No one would dare come out to a military base out in the middle of the desert currently under attack..unless..

"Sgt! He's here!"

Haji's eyes suddenly grew wider, "He? Wait, when did he-".


Back on the battlefield, Azrael was tearing through bits of Zero's flesh to enjoy his reward.

(((((This is always the most revolting part…)))))


Azrael suddenly jolted upwards.

"Too slow."

A barrage of bullets impaled through Azrael from behind. "GRRRAHHHHH!!"

Azrael slumped forward a few steps, almost falling over from the bodily shock.

"You must think yourself a god at this point, hm?"

Azrael turned his head and was met with yet another barrage of bullets that tore through the flesh of his face and ripped through its tough muscle. Azrael fell over forwards and caught itself with one arm before hitting the ground.

A snarl could be heard under its breath.

(((((What the hell is happening….this…why does this burn?!)))))

"So even YOU can't dodge something coming from your blind spot. Not so perfect after all, hm?"

A loud stomp could be heard as Marcus stepped forward. He had long black dreads that dipped right below his shoulder blades. He had darker skin and wore the same type of uniform as the other soldiers, except he also bore a long black trench coat that had several star insignias on the chest. He held 2 pistols in both hands, both were smoking from the ends of the barrel. There was also an interesting bracelet around his right wrist that reflected the sun's rays.

Haji stared with wide eyes at the monitor, "M-Major General Conway!".

One was also beside himself. When did he even get here? There was no plane or signal that they were even in the area.

Marcus looked upon Azrael with a stoic face, who had now picked itself up off the ground and faced him in anger.

Marcus's glance drifted behind Azrael to the decimated Zero on the ground.


(((((All those bullets….were from just pistols? Who is this guy..)))))

Marcus tapped the tip of his boot against the ground. "One, if you're listening in on the vibrations of my voice - stay out of this."

"S-sir…" One responded quickly. Marcus didn't have his ear piece in. He didn't want the distraction.

Haji chimed in, "One, what did he say?".

"He asked me to stay out of it. This might be too much, even for the Major General."

"Do as you're told, One."

"But Sgt.-"

"He wouldn't step in without full confidence in the situation. Also, do you not see what's on his wrist?"

One closed his eyes and used his nature sight to hone in on Marcus and Azrael. Then he just focused on Marcus. He looked even closer at his arm..

"What?! So that was his plan this whole time?!"

"Not exactly. But with Zero gone, this might just have become a blessing for us."


Back on the battlefield, Marcus and Azrael continued their standoff.

Marcus took his two pistols and bumped them together at the bottom. Right after the two empty magazines slipped out and fell to the ground. Before they hit the ground, he had shoved both inside his coat where he had spare magazines in the lining. He slipped each pistol over the magazines into place and pulled them back out - pointed directly at Azrael.

The whole process took about 3 seconds.

Like clockwork, Azrael bolted out of sight. Marcus didn't move.

One sat silently tracking Azrael's movement. Unlike before he wasn't vanishing - instead he was jumping from spot to spot slowly trying to ensnare Marcus by surprise. After the fight with Zero, it was clear that it didn't want to take any chances.

Afterimages of Azrael could be seen everywhere as he moved at highspeeds. He never stopped for more than half a second before taking off again.

"Hmmm." Marcus didn't lower his guns. "You may want to exercise more caution when leaping around like that. You never know what could be out here."


An explosion sounded from behind Marcus. He didn't move a muscle.


Explosion after explosion went off around Marcus.

Haji looked down from above at the situation with alertness. "One! What's triggering all those explosions? Do you have eyes on Marcus?"

"Sir, I believe this is the Major General's doing. Azrael is setting off multiple landmines that are set up in the area. But when did he manage to set all this up?"


Azrael was sent flying from the last explosion, its skin charred in spots and blood starting to run down its body.

(((((T-this is crazy! I've never seen it backed this far into a corner…this guy..)))))

Just before Azrael hits the ground, Marcus's right arm jolts out and he clenched his hand tight around its neck.

Back in the aircraft, Haji took off towards the cargo bay. "This is it! Take us down, now."

"Y-yes sir!" The pilot immediately began a descent towards the battlefield below, which was covered in smog from the rapid explosions.

Azrael squirmed and began lashing its claws out. One caught the side of Marcus's face and another ripped open his shirt. Marcus didn't flinch.

It was clear that its strength was drained from the last attack.

"Release." From that one word, the bracelet around Marcus's arm began to glow brightly. Then it snapped open and twisted up his arm growing in length. It bound tightly around his arm.

The glow from the bracelet flowed down his arm and into the hand wrapped around Azrael's neck. That's when Azrael started screaming in pain.


Azrael's entire body suddenly combusted in a black flame; the whole while Marcus didn't let go of its neck.

(((((It burns!!! What is this pain?! Stop this!! P-p-)))))...."please let me go!"

Marcus showed a half smile. Azrael just spoke again. And that wasn't it.

The black flame began to shrink and circulate to its neck area. But as it did so, the tails, the flesh, the skin, burned away entirely. What was left….

Was human.

Naked, tan flesh could be seen now. A crop of black hair. Then a pair of blue eyes. A small build. Male genitals.

The flames now concentrated around his neck and then began to almost seep into his skin. Leaving behind what appeared as an elaborate black tattoo fully circled around his neck.

Marcus now held what appeared to be a young boy in his teens in his grasp. The boy's eyes darted around wildly as his mouth gasped for words.

"W-w-what….how?...." Marcus released the boy from his grasp and he crumpled to the ground on his knees.

The boy looked down at his fingers and flexed them slowly. "I'm…human? I'm….human."

He looked down at the rest of his bare body. He ran his hands through his hair. Felt his warm cheeks.

"I'm human." Tears began to well within his eyes as he was overcome with….everything. He looked up at his savior with a shaky smile on his face.

"I-I can't believe this. You saved me from…this. I didn't even know…I…"

Marcus looked down at the boy with his same stoic expression. "No need for gratitude. You'll be paying me back much more than what I gave you."

Before the boy could question his words, Marcus picked up his foot and it quickly became acquainted with the boy's face. His eye rolled upwards and he slammed hard into the ground behind him from the sheer force of the kick.

Footsteps could be heard approaching. Marcus looked up and was met with the gaze of Haji.

"Major General, sir. Was it a success?"

"Hmm. I guess we'll see. Load him up. Zero too."


"Wake up."

"Hey, time to get up kid."

"Jesus. He doesn't have to always knock them out cold."


The boy snapped awake in a daze. The throbbing pain in his face began clearing the fog in his brain.

As he looked around he could see that he was in what could only be described as an interrogation room. The walls were a cold gray, possibly made from metal, and there was hardly anything there. Aside from a large cabinet in the corner and a white screen on the wall in front of him. There was a tall man in a lab coat across from him staring him down.

"Where am I?? What happened-" He tried to get up from his seated position but quickly realized that it was impossible.

His arms and legs were restrained to the chair by metal cuffs. Another large cuff sat around his neck so that he couldn't even lean forward.

"Ahhh. So you're finally awake."

"What is this…why are these on me?"

"Oh isn't that the million dollar question that you lot always ask." The scientist walked over to a chair at the front of the room and sat down comfortably several feet away from him.

"Well that's part of my job here at Military Base Alpha. To enlighten."


"Yes. Tell me - do you remember anything BEFORE you were running around inside the body of a Reaper?"

The boy reflected back on his thoughts. He remembers all too vividly the time spent running around chopping up people. Before that…he….he…

"No…wait, why can't I remember? I-I never thought about it before because I thought I was always that…thing." A frantic look washed over his face.

"Yes, that is a common thing for…."people"...such as yourself. But again, that's what I'm here for."

He pulled out a small white remote from his coat pocket and pressed one of the buttons. A tile in the ceiling slid back and a projector poked out. The lens illuminated as something started to show on the white screen behind the man.

"Allow me to educate you on the state of the world as we know it."