How to Bear your Sins Pt. 1

Zero followed quietly behind Staff Sgt. Sadiki. He checked his wrist once more since it was still sore from the restraints. It was then that he took notice that he was wearing clothes now. With the shock of everything that he just was told he hadn't even realized.

He was wearing a white t-shirt and a pair of black shorts that went down to his knees. On his feet were a pair of jet black sneakers that appeared second hand.

He had so many questions that he didn't even know how to ask.

As they walked down the corridor he took note of his surroundings. The walls were the same metallic gray as the room they were just in. There were no windows or other rooms. Nor any other people for that matter. Just endless metallic walls.

Suddenly Haji stopped in place, causing Zero to almost bump into him. He peeked around him to see a dead end. But at the top of the wall was a small camera. Haji reached into his pocket and pulled out a red card, holding it up towards the camera.

A light shown out of the eye of the camera and scanned the outheld card.


Just like in the first room they were in, the wall vibrated for a moment and then began to retract in.

"Zero." Haji turned his head over his shoulder to look at the clearly nervous boy.


"Just a heads up before you meet the others. The blonde headed soldier you fought before we captured you - he was the previous Zero. You killed him so you took his place. That's just how it works."

"I see. Sir."

"So, just keep that in mind when you meet them."

The door fully slid open and on the other side was a large open area. There was a balcony on either side but beyond that it was very bare.

It felt…cold.

However, on the balcony across the room from them stood 3 people - 2 guys and a girl. He didn't even have to ask to know who they were. Their solemn expression was a clear answer.

This was the rest of Midnight Squad.

"Come on down." Haji said as he walked towards the center of the room. Zero hesitantly followed him. There was an eerie feeling to all of this that began to worry him. Instead of using the stairs, all 3 members hopped over the railing of the balcony and jumped down to the ground. Despite having jumped the equivalent of 2 stories, they landed with such light nimble feet.

They walked to the center of the room and stood in a line facing Haji and Zero.

Haji pointed at the girl first - "This is Three - one of the long standing members of our team." Three was tall, beautiful, and blonde. Her hair was flipped and came down on the left side, dropping down to her shoulders. The right side of her hair was braided into cornrows. But most importantly - she was very fit. Three had clear definition to her muscles. She wore a black tank top that cut off right above her belly button which showed off her impressive abs.

"Hello." she said in a monotone voice.

"H-hey…" Zero replied softly.

Next Haji shifted his hand in the direction of a boy who appeared close in age to Zero. He had long fiery red hair that was kept in a ponytail. He wore a black dry fit t-shirt that clung to his body along with military issued pants. His hazel eyes stared daggers into Zero.

"This is Five, our newest member other than you. Get acquainted because you two will be training partners quite often."

Five spoke no greetings so Zero just averted his gaze elsewhere.

"Finally, this is One." Haji said, walking over near him. "He is the most senior member of this team and is also your Captain. One wasn't wearing his green cap today so his black shaggy hair hung free around his face. He was also wearing a black dry fit shirt, but one that was long sleeved.

Unlike the others, One stepped forward and held out his hand to Zero.

"Welcome to the team. We're gonna need you."

Zero, a bit taken back by the warmish welcome, stepped forward and shook his hand. "Thanks, Captain One." He noticed the milkiness of his eyes but chose not to ask.

One smiled a little, "You can just call me One, Zero." A slight twinge almost went unnoticed on his face as he spoke Zero's name. Zero let go of his hand and stepped back.

"Now then. I'll let you guys get acquainted while I get ready." Haji walked towards a visible door tucked away in the corner of the room.

Ready? For what? Zero wondered.

As Haji got further away, Five started towards Zero. Three reached out to grab him - "Five!" - but he dodged her hand.

Before Zero could react, Five had grabbed Zero by his collar and reared back his fist.

"Five, enough!" One's voice rang out in the room. For someone who appeared so gentle, his voice carried a heavy authority to it. Five stayed his hand. His teeth were clenched and he was clearly shaking.

Five released his grip on Zero. He looked him dead in the eye with a quiet rage.

"You..fucking bastard. You think you can…you just come strolling in here like…don't think you'll get away-!"

Three placed her hand on Zero's shoulder. Not to yank him back in. Rather to connect with him. As Five stared into Zero's eyes, tears began to well up. He quickly turned around and rubbed his eyes with the sleeve of his shirt.

Zero felt lost. He stumbled back a few steps. This was the eerie feeling he felt when he walked in the room. It was their hostility.

"I-I'm sorry. I wasn't-"

"SHUT YOUR MOUTH!" Five yelled out. He turned back to Zero with red irritated eyes. "You may have his name…but you're lower than shit on this team."

One stepped forward past Five. "Five, go cool off over there. Take a breath."

Five scoffed and walked off leaving Zero with One and Three. One looked over to him, his milky eyes concealing whatever thoughts and feelings were lying behind them. "You'll have to excuse Five. He…well we, lost a close friend as you know. But trust me when I tell you that we understand. We've all been where you're standing right now."

Three sighed and walked over by One. "For sure. Don't take it personally." Zero noticed as she spoke, her left fist was clenched tight.

Zero glanced over to Five who sat against a wall further away, his head buried in his knees.

They were all suffering. Suffering that HE caused.

"Thanks…I appreciate it." Zero said, looking down at the floor as he spoke. Then a thought occurred to him. "By the way," - he said looking around the room at the upper balconies, "isn't there a Two and Four?"

"Oh, right." said One. "Four is out on a mission. You'll meet him later. And, um…well, Two-"

"Alright, it's time!" Haji's voice bellowed out. He walked towards them, but was now dressed more informal. He had on a tan tanktop that exposed his large biceps. He had on the same pants and boots as Five. Haji clearly enjoyed honing his body.

Three sighed and moved towards the back wall away from them. "Ugh, I just can't with this." One stayed behind.

Haji approached them.

"Welcome to the training room, Zero. This is where we hold practice bouts and the like - but now it's time for your initiation, soldier."

Zero was confused. "Initiation, sir? I thought I was already enlisted?"

"Ah, yes. Not quite. You see, we discovered that after the transition any powers you have are locked away inside. They only manifest under one circumstance."

Haji cracked his neck. "Fear for one's life."

Oh no. Zero saw where this was going.

"Wait, sir, I have no clue how to fight!"

"Enough whimpering. You are Zero. I'm assuming the others didn't clue you in, but like I said earlier your numbers are your rank. One being the strongest and so forth. However, Zero is a special rank."


Haji pointed at Zero. "Zero is the outlier from the formula. Carrying the team on his back, he is the Ace of team Midnight. The strongest among you."

Zero's mouth dropped open. Strongest? This wasn't making sense…wasn't One the strongest one? And what power could he possibly have locked inside.

One walked over to Zero and patted him on the back. "It'll be fine. This is something we all went through. Once you manifest your ability, then you're officially one of us. I would assume since Azrael was unrivaled in his speed, that that must be what's inside of you as well."

"But…what happens if I can't manifest it?"

Haji looked down at Zero. His face was drained of any emotion.

"Then you're of no use to me or Alpha Base."

Haji tapped his foot twice against the floor to create vibrations. One took the hint and began walking towards the others. "Good luck, Zero."

Zero stood alone with Haji in the middle of the room. He didn't have the first clue of how to go about this. He had just become human not too long ago and now he was expected to fight against a seasoned military officer? Why? So he can be beaten within an inch of his life to hopefully draw out an ability he knows NOTHING about??

"Alright, Zero. Let's get star-"


The sound of the door slamming open and hitting the wall grabbed everyone's attention. A tall figure walked through the threshold into the room. As he got closer, Zero was able to discern his features.

He had spiky black hair that went down his neck and an athletic physique. He wore the same type of military uniform as the others that Zero saw the other day. But something was off…

The air suddenly felt very thick. And noticeably hot.

Haji looked at the approaching figure with mild annoyance etched on his face. "Two."

Zero felt a bead of sweat roll down the side of his face. What was going on here?

Two ignored Haji and looked directly at Zero. His eyes didn't show the same rage as Five's did, but it showed something else. It was like staring into a dark, black abyss. He saw nothing. There was no fiery anger. No hatred. There was….nothing.

A moment passed and he still said nothing. The others looked on at the scene unfolding but didn't intervene.

One stood with his arms crossed. He knew this might happen, but had hoped it wouldn't.

Two shifted his glance over to Haji. "Sgt?"

Haji looked into his bottomless eyes and seemed unfazed. After a few moments, Haji released a sigh and began to walk away.

"Sir, where are you going?" Zero asked, not wanting to be alone in the presence of Two.

"Change of plans, Zero. Your opponent will now be Two."

The others looked uncomfortable with this decision. That is except Five. He stared with great intent at the two. He, more than anyone, wanted this to happen.

Zero looked to Two who had now moved his gaze to the floor. He was confused by why Two wanted to step in, but his focus was starting to wane. For some reason, it felt like the temperature was rising around him.

Two took a single step towards Zero and it was like a heatwave suddenly hit him - his knees slightly buckled but he was able to keep himself up.

"Why…why is it so hot all of a sudden?" Zero asked of no one in particular.

That's when he noticed it. The light steam coming from Two's body. The air around him seemed to…ripple.

Why did this seem familiar to him?

Two slowly lifted his glance upwards until it locked onto Zero.

"Prepare yourself….Zero."