Zero Rising

That sensation, thought Zero, felt familiar. It was like a tingling. An itch that he couldn't quite scratch. It was the same feeling as when he was Azrael. It only happened a few times, like against the former Zero, where Azrael would start to release its energy and Zero would feel this very sensation. Then he would black out and come to whenever the fight was finished.

Is this the power locked inside of him?

Two watched Zero from several feet away. He wasn't quite sure what just happened and didn't want to rush anything. Unnecessary haste only led to fatal mistakes. Instead he stood mumbling to himself while his mind whirled.

"I was sure I had him. He was right in front of me and badly damaged. He shouldn't have been able to dodge. But what if he finally unlocked his speed?..Hm."

Zero was also in his own thoughts trying to figure out how to replicate whatever just happened.

"It's like Haji said, once I thought that I was done for something happened. Maybe I should-"

One chuckled slightly under his breath. "These two are actually kinda similar. But I wonder if you'll figure it out before he does, Two."

Two continued mumbling to himself while rubbing his chin. "Even with speed, trying to take off from that point in the attack in that stance doesn't seem"

Zero stopped pondering for a moment as he noticed something very important.

Two wasn't coming after him.

Is he talking to himself, thought Zero. Whatever he's doing I have to strike. Now!

Zero launched himself forward into a sprint at Two. Every part of his body was screaming for him to stop. His head was throbbing uncontrollably and his vision was only 50% with all the swelling. But, his mind was focused. He knew he didn't stand a chance against Two as he was now. His only chance was to bet it all on that feeling.

Two snapped to attention at the sound of Zero approaching.

Zero jumped forward to close the distance and reared his fist back. "Rahhhh!!"

Two simply stretched his arm across and delivered a powerful backhand punch that sent Zero flying out to the side.

"I still don't know what you did. But as you see, it changes nothing."

Zero hit the ground and immediately planted his hands on the ground to slow his momentum.


He came to a stop, his head hung down as he did his best to control his breathing. He scrunched his mouth and spit down on the ground below. Two teeth floated around in a pool of spit and blood.

"Well….I guess we'll…I guess we'll find out…".

Two held out his palm facing upward in front of him. A small ember began to burn in the center of his palm and quickly grew into a large flame, cupped within his hand.


Zero clenched his teeth. Here we go, he thought.

Two reached across with the arm that held the flame like he did with the backhand earlier. Then he swung his arm outwards with great force, which caused a large wave of flames to release towards Zero.

"Alright then." Zero held out his arms as if he intended to catch the flame.

Five completely raised his head out of his knees. "What the - has he gone completely mental?"

Haji only looked on at the scene unfolding. He understood that this was going to be the make or break it moment for Zero. Either he rises to the occasion…or he dies.

The flames were coming up on Zero and fast. However, he didn't move from that spot.

"Let's see what wins out, my resolve or your flames!"

Two thought this was a foolish maneuver. "Blood loss is clearly affecting your thinking. I suppose you can consider this a mercy killing then."

The flames were now inches away and the speed unchanged. Zero's heart was racing as he shut his eyes tight and prayed he hadn't just made a huge mistake on this gamble.

"This is your loss, Z-"


Zero slowly opened his eyes. The flames were right in front of his face, but….they were moving at almost a stand still.

It worked! Zero picked himself up and sprinted as hard as he could around the flames. He stopped when he locked on to Two in the distance. He too seemed to be stuck in a slow moving state. His eyes were still watching where he was only a moment ago.

"This can't be speed.." Zero looked down at his feet to confirm that he was indeed standing still. Yet everything around him was moving at like a quarter speed of the normal speed of time.



Zero's eyes suddenly widened as everything was starting to click for him. Earlier when he was able to dodge the beam. The last ditch blocks and dodges in the fight with the former Zero…

Azrael's ability wasn't speed. He finally understood.

Zero rushed towards Two with intent. His head was starting to feel light and the edges of his vision were blurred. He had to finish this while he had this advantageous moment. While Two wasn't aware of his true ability.

Everything turned to normal speed and the flames swept past where Zero once was and impacted the far wall.


Two quickly perked up as if he just snapped out of a daydream. He looked to where Zero was and once again saw he was gone. However he wouldn't have to look too hard as Zero was right on top of him before he could even register him being there.

"Looks like he figured it out," One said as Three looked on with a puzzled expression.

"You mean, his actual ability?!"

"Exactly. The reason why I couldn't track his movements and how he was able to evade Zero back during their fight."

Zero's fist was already reared back. He knew he had enough strength for this one attack. His body was battered and broken, running simply on sheer willpower at this point.

He threw his fist forward with every bit of energy he could muster. Two didn't have time to mount a quick defense.

Zero's fist finally connected with Two's face with everything he had. *BAM!*

"You see Three, Azrael's actual ability…was time control."