Where Have You Been?

While Zero wrapped up his test, there was another important occurrence on the other side of the country.

Up in the northern part of New America on the West side nestled within the mountains is Peak City - Romeo. Due to the natural barriers surrounding it Peak City was a bit more isolated than your usual city. Even the main base close to the city, Romeo Base, was on the smaller end with about half the manpower of Alpha Base.

With such isolation and low military presence, it made the perfect area to be if you didn't want someone finding you. Which is exactly why the underground terrorist cell, The Hand, decided to place their main hideout within this very mountain range. From there they had a clear view of the city as well as the military base on the outskirts.

The Hand is well known within certain circles. A kidnapping here and there, a few robberies, but nothing major to gain national attention. However, while their actions have been nothing of major note, it's their goal that has the powers that be concerned. In a manifesto they released some time ago they stated exactly what they wanted.

Complete overthrow of the New American government and to have the people rise up in anarchy.

They believed the Reapers were experiments released by the military to cull the unwanted of society and marginalize those who remain so that the 1% may thrive. At first, the military ignored such rants as it wasn't the first or last time someone would claim such an outlandish theory.

But the difference between The Hand and all the others is that:

They were slowly amassing a sizable following.

Someone was financially backing them and supplying them with weapons. Very concerning weapons.

They are the hand that will take back the world from the likes of the government.

And this particular day was one of high importance for them.

Their base was well hidden in the mountains - they set up within a cave system that was off an almost impassable trail. If you didn't know how to navigate the area you could easily wind up stuck with no way for anyone to find you.

Over the entrance they laid a large brown tarp that easily blended in with the rest of the mountain. This was to trick any drones that might be flying overhead.

Inside, there was hustle and bustle as Hand members were taking count of their cache of weapons and supplies. Once that was done, they were loading up multiple crates.

One of the group leaders, who went by 'The Thumb', was busy barking out orders.

"Move it, move it! We need these crates loaded up and sent out to the staging area for pickup." He opened the lid of a crate that hadn't been fastened. "For fucks sake…and PLEASE make sure you're fully packing the ammo. Not much use if we can't pull a trigger."

One of the men came up to him. "Sir, the leader is calling for you."

"Alright. Men! I want this finished and ready to go within the hour. Or I'm gonna have to start chopping off thumbs." That was his favorite threat to use.

The Thumb exited the room and took to a staircase that was carved into the ground. This led him to a lower level of the cave where all of the leaders would convene.

He pushed back the curtain blocking off the room and stepped inside. There were already 3 of the senior leaders there. The Pinky, The Ring, and The Bird. Then at the head of the room sat the head of the entire organization, The Point. He always wore a cloth mask over half his face and a beanie. No one knew his full facial identity and he wanted to keep it that way.

So here sat the five fingers of The Hand.

"Good you're here. Take a seat, Thumb." Point said as he motioned to the empty chair to his left. They sat at a large fold out table with Point at the head and the others sat in an almost ranking. Thumb always sat to his left and Bird to his right. The other two just picked one of the empty chairs.

Thumb took his seat by Point. He looked around the table at the others; Pinky was a younger guy in his mid 20s with blond scraggly hair. He was probably the trigger happy one of the group. Then you have Ring who looked to be early 40s perhaps with a thick beard and strong jawline. He was the muscle between the leadership but also the most soft spoken.

Finally, you have Bird. He was the newest member of the group. When the last person that had the namesake was killed during a firefight with local militia, he showed up a few weeks later. Bird was clearly the youngest of the group and possibly the most secretive next to Point. He always wore a black hoody with the hood up, but a bit of black hair peeked out on the sides. He also had adopted a similar face mask to Point so you could never see his full face.

Thumb didn't like him.

"Alright, let's get this meeting started." Point said, sitting forward against the table. "Today is the day. Ring and his men have already ensured that the roads have been blocked leading from Romeo base. So that should buy us some time. Pinky, are the trucks enroute?"

"Yep. Should be here in about 10." said Pinky.

"Wonderful. How goes the loading, Thumb?"

"The boys should be done shortly. You know how they can be - get slack if they don't think anyones watching em."

"Well let's wrap this up quickly so you can get back to them." Point got up from his chair and walked to a map of the city that was hung on the wall.

"Now as we've already gone over, the mayor's office is near the end of main street. We'll pull the truck around back to point B, which is only about half a mile out from the office. Thumb and Pinky, you oversee the unloading. This needs to be done within 5 minutes. Any longer and we may draw unwanted eyes. Ring, I'll need you on lookout. There's a coffee shop right next to the office that you can post up at. You see anything suspicious, you deal with it."

Ring nodded.

Point then looked Bird. "Finally, you'll be with me Bird. As my right hand man you and I will personally lead the assault. Once the action starts we'll break through and head straight for the mayor while his guards have their hands full. Then we finish the job."

Thumb quickly stood up from his chair. "Sir, excuse my outburst but why does HE get to take point with you?! He's only been here a few months and I've been fighting for our cause for years! It's not right that he gets to be your right hand over me!"

Point walked over and placed his hand on Thumb's shoulder. "I know this has been rough on you. Losing Charles has been hard on all of us, but he was your brother. I can see the hurt in your eyes everyday. That's why I chose Bird. While he may be new he has come in with a vigor for revolution that hasn't been seen….well since Charles died. We need that right now. We need that fire under all of us."

"But…I can do this sir. You know I would gladly die for The Hand."

"I know Thumb. I know. I just can't explain it. I just know that Bird will lead us to our end goal. Just trust me on this. Please?"

Thumb wasn't happy that he was being shut down. He looked over at Bird who was just calmly watching them. However, his respect for Point won out and he quietly sat back in his seat.

"Thank you, my friend." Point said as he took his own seat. "Now, if we're all clear on the plan then let's go ahead and -"

"One moment, sir." Bird finally spoke up.

"Yes, what is it Bird?"

"Are you sure we're not being too hasty with this attack?"

"Hasty? How so?" Point asked with a hint of confusion in his voice.

"Well I just wonder if assaulting the Mayor's office is really the right call. We may be going too bold too soon. Perhaps we should take a step back and think of a better move that will keep us under the military's radar.

Silence fell over the room. Everyone just looked at each other with a skeptical face.

Pinky's laughter finally broke the quiet. "Wait, are you serious right now? I mean we've been planning this attack for about a month now. And you just wanna tell everyone nevermind at the last minute? No, fuck that."

Thumb used this chance to speak up as well. "Pinky's right. The time to back out has passed. If you ask me, Bird's hesitation is….concerning."

"Suspicious is more like it." Pinky chimed back in. Ring stayed quiet.

Point rubbed his chin as he listened to the conversation. He then turned to his right hand man, "Hmm. I have to agree with the others on this one, Bird. All the pieces are already moving. What's with your sudden change in attitude? Seems unlike you to second guess."

Bird stood his ground. "I just don't think this is a good move for the organization."

"Then what exactly are you suggesting?" Point asked of him.

"Well, I think we should instead continue to bide our time until we ALL think the moment is right." The Bird looked The Point in the eyes. For just a second a slight glow could be seen. "Wouldn't you agree, sir?"

Point stared into Bird's eyes for a moment unblinking. Then after a moment of silence, "...actually Bird has a point. Maybe we shouldn't rush this attack."

Thumb stood up once more, "WHAT?! Sir, excuse my language, but that's bullshit! If we don't strike now we're going to look weak to the men. They won't take us seriously and we'll lose our following. Not to mention the trucks are already on the way!"

"Pinky, call the trucks and tell them to turn back. We're calling off the attack."

"You gotta be kidding me!" Pinky stood up and flipped his chair. "We can't just tuck our tail between our legs because…because this little shit here is scared of some action!" He said pointing at Bird.

Bird looked up at Pinky, "I understand your anger. But if you just sit and think about it I think you would agree with me."

Pinky looked at Bird for a moment. He then picked up his chair and sat back down. "Fine. I'll call off the damn trucks."

Thumb was confused. "Wait, Pinky, you were just as upset as the rest of us! What are you talking about?"

Ring still remained silent.

While they continued to debate amongst themselves, Bird stood up and excused himself from the room. He took the staircase back up and walked past the men still busy packing the crates.

"Attack is off guys. Just leave the crates against the wall." He said to the room.

"The attack…is off?"

"Why sir?! We're all ready to go! We're ready for revolution!"

"So we did all this for nothing? This blows."

Bird ignored their questions and proceeded straight outside. He walked several feet from the entrance hideout and ducked down behind some nearby brush. Looking over his shoulder to be sure no one was followed, Bird pulled out a small radio that was tucked in the waist of his pants.

"Romeo base. Do you copy?"

There was static followed by a man's voice. "We copy. Go ahead."

"The attack has been called off."

"Good. Were you able to get a full inventory of their weapons?"

"Almost. They finished cataloging everything before the attack. I just have to take a picture and send it your way."

"And the organization layout?"

"Yes, it's finished. I have a full list of names and locations that I was able to gather over the past several months. As well as who's been supplying them with arms."

"You just saved a lot of lives. Now we can start taking them down base by base. Not sure there's anyone else who could've infiltrated as deep as you without that ability of yours."

"So am I finally finished?"

"Yes, your mission is over. Head closer to the city and we'll send someone to grab you. Great job out there, Four. See you shortly."

Four pulled down his mask and took a deep breath. He was exhausted. Keeping up the Bird act for so long was draining in more ways than one for him. He tucked his radio back in his pants and pulled his mask back up.

"I'm so tired. Never thought I would actually miss Alpha base."