The Black Out Zone Part 3

*A little over a month ago following the capture of Azrael*

Haji, One, and the Major General had just returned to Alpha Base with a subdued Azrael in tow. After their helicopter landed, the Major General and Haji accompanied the medical unit as they transported Azrael, now in a human form, to get examined.

Along with Zero's body for disposal.

Hybrids didn't get buried like normal humans. At Alpha Base, they were taken to a deeper sub-level and that was that. One, nor any of the others, had ever seen the process. And they didn't want to either.

One made his way to the elevator and went down to the second sub-level where Midnight Squad resided. He still had on his outfit that had been sprayed with dust from the desert and a bit of blood from saying goodbye to Zero one last time.

Haji had radioed ahead of their arrival and the team was already informed that the mission was a 'success'. In the eyes of the military that is.

For Midnight Squad, it was anything but.

One walked the floor of their residence, preparing himself for having to face everyone. There was one person in particular however that he had to see before anyone else. He came to a stop outside one of the bedrooms. On the door was a sign that read 'Zero'.

One opened the door and walked in and placed his hand against the wall. Sure enough, Two was already in there. Sitting on the edge of Zero's bed with his head hung low. One could clearly hear his distinct breathing so he knew it was him. Zero's room was in a neat and orderly fashion as he had left it - he loved coming home to a tidy room after a long mission.


Two didn't acknowledge him.

"Two, I know you're there."


One sighed and walked further into the room. He had been in this room plenty of times and was very familiar with the layout. He walked over to the bed and sat down a little bit away from Two.

" could you let this happen?" Two finally spoke in a mournful tone.

"I did everything I could. You know I wouldn't just stand by and watch him die."

"Then where was Haji? I heard Major General was there, where was he? Was Zero really out there all by himself?!"

One clenched on to the bed tightly. He felt more guilty than anyone. He was sure there was something more he could've done, something to help Zero stay alive. But….it was too late.

"I'm sorry, Two. Zero fought as hard as he could and I supported him as best as I could…but, it just wasn't enough."

"BULLSHIT!" Two jumped up. "We were told that the Major General was able to capture him after Zero was put down. Where was he when Zero was still fighting him?? Why didn't he HELP HIM?!"

One didn't have an answer. This was a question that he was also still trying to answer.

"I…I don't know. I wish I did. But…I don't."

Two stared at One with balled fists. He could feel the frustration flooding every part of his being.

"Damn it!" He kicked a waste basket by the bed and sent it flying into the wall. *BAM*

"Two, I know how you feel. We all do. Every time we go out we run the risk of not coming back. I know that, you know that, and Zero especially knew that. But we still have to do it. And sometimes….sometimes our luck just runs its course.." One had to fight back the tears as he spoke. He was their Captain. More than ever he needed to stay composed.

".....where is he?"

"Zero? They took him-"

"No! The bastard who killed him. Where the hell is Azrael?!"

"..They took him to the medical wing to get examined."

Two sat there digesting the words One just spoke. "So, that's it huh. He gets to get a check up and Zero gets tossed in the trash. Let me guess - they plan on making it the new Zero?"

"....I would assume so."

Two bit down on his lip hard enough to draw blood. He turned from One and slowly walked to the door. Before exiting, he turned back to his Captain.

"I'll never accept it. I would rather see that murderer burned alive in front of me than see that bastard wearing my friend's number."


*Present day*

Two forged ahead as fast as he could through the tunnel. He held his lit katana in one hand and his other arm was around Zero to support him. The passageway was very narrow, but they were able to huddle close together to squeeze through.

Zero was managing well enough, but Two could tell that each step was agonizing to him.

"Come on Zero. We have to keep up this pace or they'll catch up."

Two had been the one to suggest using Chronos Trigger which had resulted in their current predicament. Whether it was his rushed thinking due to the incoming Reapers or the low oxygen down there, he had made a bad call.

Zero held on to Two as he put one foot in front of the other.

Everything hurts, he thought to himself. I don't know how long I can keep this up…


They were getting closer by the second and their pace was only a fraction of what it was before. If they didn't do something soon it was only a matter of time before they were caught.

"Our only hope is that they get bottle-necked in this tunnel. That would at least buy us some time." Two stated. There was still a splitting pain in his shoulder which indicated that it was most likely broken. But it wasn't the worst pain he's had to deal with.

Right after Two spoke, the walls themselves began to shake.


They both turned around and saw a horrifying sight.

The Reapers were forcing themselves through the narrow tunnel with no regard for one another. They could barely make out the figures moving in the dark but they could see their eyes well enough. One would push through and almost immediately get trampled by two others. It's like they had no concept of anything right now except for the food that sat in front of them.

"Two!" Zero yelled out as he pointed ahead.

Two looked and saw what Zero was looking at - there was a thin sliver of light poking through an opening further up ahead. They had found the exit.

But their friends weren't going to give them the time they needed to get there.

Think! Think damn it! Two yelled in his mind. There has to be a way to stall them long enough to reach it!

He looked at Zero.

If we use the remote Chronos Trigger, we could slow them all down, he thought to himself. But…Zero needs to be able to see them in order to distort them. Maybe he could just slow down everything in the field? But what if that doesn't work? Is he even in the condition to use his ability? If he tries and fails because of what I said..

"Two! They're catching up!"

Two snapped out of his thoughts and saw that the Reapers were indeed making progress. From the light of the katana they could begin to make out some of the actual features.

The Reaper at the forefront was monstrous. It had bulky bone armor - more so compared to normal Reapers. It had bone-like protrusions sticking out from its arm that stuck out and ran around its fist. They didn't have to see the rest of it to know that one punch from it could be fatal.

He was the main source of the rumbling.

Behind it, there were lots of red eyes shining in the darkness trying to get ahead.

We won't be able to outrun them…Two thought desperately.

He shoved Zero's arm off of him and turned around to face the incoming horde.

"Keep moving to the exit! Go!" He yelled to Zero.

"But-" Zero attempted to protest.

"There's no time for this. I don't care if you have to crawl there, get your ass moving NOW."

Zero looked at the approaching Reapers and decided to go with Two's plan. He ran for the light at the end of the tunnel hoping that this was the exit they were looking for.

Two held out his palms in front of him facing each other. He poured fire out of both palms and concentrated it into a single flame ball.

"Choke on this!" Two slung the ball straight into the ceiling.


The ball of concentrated fire exploded into the ceiling and caused rock and debris to start falling down around them. Zero looked back to Two who was now running towards him.

"Keep going!!"

Zero took off towards the light, ignoring the excruciating pain each step caused.


Two's actual plan was finally taking place - the water that he hoped wasn't too far above them was rushing out of the hole he made and began flooding the tunnel. They could hear the Reapers scream out as they became entrapped.

"Almost there, almost there." Zero said as they were almost at the light.

Two looked behind him and could feel specks of water hit his skin as it was right on them. Not to mention the domino effect of the ceiling coming down on them. They were only a foot from total disaster each step of the way.

They couldn't see what was on the other side of the light, but they had no choice but to go through it.

Two caught up with Zero just as they breached the threshold of the opening. Two shoved Zero to the side right as they stepped through and he dodged to the opposite side of the opening.

Just then water gushed through the opening along with piles of rock from the tunnel. Which worked out in their favor as the rocks soon crowded the entrance and completely stopped it up. The water then became a trickle through the tiny cracks between the rubble.

Two laid face down on the ground as he tried to catch his breath. He felt like he had been taken through the ringer and his breaths were ragged, but they did it.

"Huff…huff….huff…Zero..are you okay?" He asked as he took a moment to just lay on the cool ground.

Made of rock.

He quickly felt the ground with his hand. It was the same cave flooring as in the tunnels.

"Two…" He could hear Zero's voice.

Two picked up his face from the floor and looked to see where exactly they were. Zero stood near him as they both realized at the same time.

They were inside a medium sized room surrounded on all sides by cave walls. Way up high there was a crack that was allowing some light and air to pour through, but the smooth walls made it impossible to climb up. And there were no other exits besides the one that just caved in.

They had just blocked themselves in with no feasible way out.