The Omega

Zero walked behind the Major General as they entered the elevator.

Why would he come all the way down here just to see me? Zero thought as he began to panic. Does he know what I did in Capital City? Is he taking me personally for punishment? Why not just send Sgt. Sadiki?

He glanced upwards at Major General who was looking right back at him with unwavering eyes. Zero could only stare back as fear started to rise up in him.

If I activate Chronos Trigger the second we get off the elevator, I can make a run for it! He planned in his mind. He's just an ordinary human. He won't be able to keep up with me!

Then a smile broke out on the Major General's face.

"Zero! Why do you look so tense?"

Zero was confused by the sudden change in demeanor.

"Relaxxxx." He slapped his hand on Zero's shoulder. He noted how firm and strong that single slap felt on his reinforced hybrid skin.

"S-sorry sir."

"Don't be. Heard you and Two did a hell of a job on your first mission. You're already outperforming the old model." He said with a wink.

The old model? This was the first time that anyone had jokingly brought up the former Zero around him.

"Now, Two reported something interesting concerning you. And if you wouldn't mind humoring me…I would like to see it for myself."


The elevator door opened to the first sublevel. They were on the same floor as the training hall and the initiation room Zero was in when he first met Dr. Rowland.

They exited the elevator and started down toward the training hall.

"What would you like to see, sir?" Zero asked. He let out a small yawn afterwards. "Oh, excuse me."

"Ah yes, I know it's late. I still find it surprising that while Reapers don't need sleep, hybrids do. You have my apologies. Now then - Two mentioned that while you guys were in the black out zone, there was a point where you went against an enhanced Reaper. Potential A classer."

"Yes, that's true. Sir."

"Good. I'm also to believe that after weakening the Reaper, Two was momentarily out of the fight. And that's when you stepped in."

The Major General shoved open the doors to the training hall. In the center of the room was Two, also still wearing the same clothes they arrived in.

"Thanks for waiting for us, Two."

"Of course, sir." Two said.

The Major General then turned back to Zero. "Now where was I? Oh yes, the A class Reaper. Two here tells me that after that point in time, you stepped in and defeated the Reaper in a single blow. That also true?"

"Yes, sir. It's all true."

The Major General put on a big grin and stopped as he was next to Two.

"Wonderfullll. Now. I want you to show me this punch. I wanna see with my own two eyes a punch that can bring down a Reaper like that after only one round."

He wants to see…my attack? Zero thought as he allowed himself to relax. So this was nothing about what happened back in the city.

"Sure, but Two had already weakened it pretty well before I punched it. I'm sure that-"

"Nonsense. Even a battered Reaper can summon enough strength to rip a full sized man into pieces. Don't downplay your part in this!"

"O-ok. Did you want me to try it out on Two then?.."

The Major General chuckled and unbuttoned his jacket that was adorned with his multiple pins and rank. He wore a black skin tight shirt underneath, similar to theirs. But his body was much more sculpted. His abs could clearly be seen through the shirt and his arms seemed massive. He could give Three a run for her money.

"No, I want you to try it out on ME. Give me your best shot."

Zero was shocked. "O-on you?! But sir…with all due respect, I don't want to seriously hurt you."

Two looked away at this comment. He knew Zero was new and didn't know, but he knew all too well what the Major General was capable of.

"Hahahahaha!" The Major General laughed. "I appreciate the concern, but I promise I'll be fine. You don't run an entire military base without being able to take a few punches. Even punches from you lot."

Zero still didn't sit right with this choice, but he also couldn't outright ignore his request.

"...Ok then."

Zero backed up a few steps. Two used the chance to walk away from the center to not get in the way. Marcus stood and waited for Zero to get started.

He took a deep breath. He held out his fist in front of him and concentrated.

"Chronos trigger!" Zero established the time field around himself. "Now…to focus on…just my fist…"

He could feel the same vibration from before surrounding his first and forearm. After doing it once it was actually pretty easy to replicate that feeling. "Alright, are you ready Major General?"

The Major General couldn't help but smile to show his excitement as he held his arms out to the side to give him a completely open shot. "Give it your all!"

"If you say so.." Zero rushed forward at the Major General. He reared his right fist back as they came face to face.

"Bustershot!!" He flung his fist forward right at the Major General's mid-body.


There was a burst of outwards wind from the force of the hit as it impacted. The ground momentarily shook around them.

Zero 's hair flew up and back down from the gust as he hoped that he hadn't just committed high treason.

"Bustershot? Is that what you're calling it?"

Zero's eyes widened. He looked to where his fist was and saw it was still connected to the Major General where he had punched him. He stood there with his arms still out to the side.

He hadn't moved an inch.

"I swear I don't know where you guys get the names for these moves. But, I will say that it definitely stung a bit."

Zero back his fist off as he was lost for words. The same attack that had flattened the huge powerful Reaper, just 'stung' the Major General. A human. The same person who was brought to his knees by the new variant Reaper not long ago.

The Major General picked his jacket off the ground and began putting it back on. "So you basically focus the distortion to a single point and overhaul it. Thus giving you like a megaton punch of sorts."

"R-right." Zero couldn't believe that he deciphered it so easily that fast. More so, he was still in shock that he just ate it like it was just a tiny poke.

"Very useful. Once I heard about it I had to come down here to check it out."

"To see how effective it is? Sir."

"Something like that."

He finished putting on his jacket. "Haji will be briefing you guys tomorrow on your new training regiment. I'll let you boys get some sleep after a job well done."

The Major General then waved to them and walked out the room. There was something about him that gave Zero an eerie feeling. Everything about the Major General seemed to be mystery wrapped with more mystery. He had bested Azrael on the battlefield and now he just did the same to Zero.

Two looked as he left and then back to Zero who stood in the middle room as if he didn't quite know what just happened.

Understand, Zero? Two thought to himself. This wasn't about seeing your new move. It was about proving a point.

No matter how strong we all may get, he is the Omega.