
Everyone except Haji instinctively looked towards Zero when Leo mentioned his name.

Zero's eyes widened at his words as he continued to support Five. "Wait, you knew Zero?"

Leo's face momentarily softened as he hovered up in the air. So, Leo thought to himself, he really is gone.

"You could say that." Leo said almost in a solemn tone. "But, that was the past. One I'm sure they're dying to know about, eh Sadiki?"

Haji didn't respond as he stared at Leo with a look that could tear right through someone.

"Come on, don't be like thatttt." Leo said mockingly. Haji peeked over his shoulder at Zero. Zero met his gaze and knew what he was trying to tell him.

"Hey, why are you looking at him? I don't like that look you're giving him." Leo said.

Zero held out his free hand towards Leo, "Chronos Trigger!"

Leo felt everything slow down around him. Even the wind appeared to be moving at only the fraction of a speed. His thoughts were still going, but it felt like he wasn't even in his body anymore.

What did that kid do to me? Thought Leo.

Haji smiled confidently. "Sorry, we're not here to chit chat. We have a job to do. Four, while he's slowed down I want you to get into his mind and do your work. Three, go with him. He tries anything you put. him. down."

"Yes sir." Three replied. She mentioned over to Four to follow her.

"It was kinda weird." Five said softly next to Zero.

"What was?" Zero said as he kept focus on keeping the time frame up.

"He just seemed interested in me for some reason. Or my number anyways. Before he stabbed me…that is."

Why would he care about Five's number? Zero thought to himself. Who is this guy exactly..

"Okay, that's close enough." Four said as they stopped several feet away from where Leo stood suspended in air, almost frozen in time. While powerful, Four's range to influence other people was 10 feet. He had to be able to look them in the eye at no more than 10ft or it wouldn't work.

"Mind meld!"

Four eye's gave off a glow as he looked into Leo's.

Oh shit, he's trying to get in my head! Leo began to think.

Suddenly a strong gust of wind kicked away from around Leo and sent Three and Four tumbling backwards.

"How can he still use his ability!?" Zero said, shocked.

The gust died down, but Zero's time field remained in place.

"Damn, it's because he can still manipulate air and generate wind from outside the field! His mind is still working in normal time!" Haji said.

Ohhh. Now that's cool. Leo thought to himself.

That's when the strongest gust so far ripped through the room and didn't let up. It was like a mini tornado had appeared in the entirety of the room.


Debris and objects were flying everywhere.

Midnight Squad tried to hold their ground but were soon taken in by the force of the storm.

"Everyone, hold on to something!" Three tried to call out, but her voice was drowned out by the wind.

Haji was thrown backwards into a wall and could feel the air knocked out of him. Not only that, but they were all having difficulty breathing within the wind storm. It was like the air was being sucked out of their lungs.

Zero tried to hold on to a terminal that was near him with one hand and Five with the other. But it was useless. Five was ripped out of his hand and then he lost his grip on the terminal. He felt himself being tossed violently towards the stair well - he slammed into the door frame and then right onto the flight of stairs.

After doing widespread damage, the wind finally dissipated as it had finished what it was out to accomplish.

Leo had broken Zero's hold on him.

He looked down on all the scattered members of Midnight Squad. "Thanks for the tip there, Sadiki. Now if you guys don't mind, I'm just gonna show myself out."