Ask Not What Your Country Can Do For You, Part 1

On the second floor of Alpha Base were several meeting rooms and areas where seminars were held for new recruits or newly promoted officers. They were also used to host any visiting guests.

However, there was another meeting room on the top floor of Alpha Base that was reserved strictly for high level VIPs that were there to meet with Marcus Conway, the Major General. In this room was a very long table and a retractable projector screen. There were no windows in this room as it was outfitted for full privacy. At the head of the table was also a silent alarm in case any trouble arose.

It was in this very room that Major General Conway, along with several of the commanding officers that worked under him and Staff Sgt. Sadiki, currently sat along with Vice-President Victor Anderson and the Base Commander of Salvatore Base.

Victor took it upon himself to sit at the head of the table. Marcus usually sat there, but it was a very rare occurrence for the President or his Vice-President to come visit the actual base. So rare that it was the first time it's happened since Marcus had been promoted to Major General.

Victor sat with his arms crossed with a frustrated look on his face. "Well, Major General Conway…would you please elaborate on what transpired here today?"

Marcus stood up from his chair. "Sir. About 8 hours ago, one of the scientists assigned to work the lab on Sub-level 4 noticed that one of the subjects was exhibiting abnormal behavior."

"Is this the same subject that escaped earlier?" Victor asked.

"Yes, sir. Please know that this particular scientist was our least tenured employee and didn't think to alert one of the more senior members of the team before taking matters into their own hands. They released the lock on the cell and the subject immediately attacked the scientist and killed them. The subject went on to release as many locks of the other cages as they could before security protocol was taken."

"The protocol being?"

"There's an emergency shut off switch in the lab that is only to use in the extreme circumstance that one of the subjects escapes. We have another shut down on the ground floor for…similar cases. The shut off switch will sever ALL power to the base and trigger the emergency backup system. If the emergency power is turned on this way, then the base alarm will sound as well."

"Wait, why would you have a switch that cuts all the power? Wouldn't you want access to electricity to stop whatever the emergency IS?"

"Sorry sir…I thought you were aware of our protocol and fail-safes?"

Victor didn't seem amused at the question. "No. Exactly how would I be?"

"Because it was all signed off on and inspected by President Savlatore."

Of course it was…Victor thought. "Moving on. So I was informed that your…Midnight Squad…was activated and tasked with putting an end to the situation?"

"That would be correct, sir."

"I see. And am I also to believe that they failed in doing so seeing as the high value subject was able to escape."

Haji quickly stood up. "Mr. Vice-President, I'm Staff Sgt. Sadiki and I oversee Midnight Squad. While we were quick on answering the threat at hand, the situation had evolved-"

"I don't remember calling on you, Staff Sgt. Sadiki. I have my own questions for you before this is all over. Right now I'm talking to the leader of this base so please. Take a seat." Victor said.

Haji, while seeming a bit annoyed and embarrassed, took his seat once more. "Apologies, sir."

Victor sighed. "Now then, I believe the rest I've been filled in on. What I don't know is why Midnight Squad alone was charged with this, Major General. Were you not present during this?"

"Sir, I thought it would be a more logical move to see to the rest of the base. Midnight Squad has proved capable in the past so it seemed ideal to trust them with the situation. If something were to happen down there, there would be no one left to take the helm and steer the soldiers as strategically as myself."

Some of the officers from Alpha Base, including Haji, seemed a bit uncomfortable in the lack of faith Marcus's words just showed. However, Victor seemed pleased by the response.

"Yes…that is an understandable response, Major General."

Victor then looked back to Haji. "I suppose we can move over to you now, Sgt."

Haji stood up. "Sir."

"Now, as you said, Midnight Squad answers to you. Correct?"

"That is right, sir."

"Then please explain to me something. Not long after we showed up, I believe one of your subordinates launched quite the aggressive assault at you. Care to explain?"

Haji clenched his teeth and looked away for a moment. "...."

**Several hours earlier**

The soldiers from Salvatore Base spread out around the base - some were investigating the wall erected by One in the middle of the road and others had gone past Two to get a better look at the giant structure that had suffocated the tornado.

Two had his eyes on the Vice-President as he approached, guarded by the Base Commander from Salvatore Base.

Why on earth is the Vice-President here? Two thought. He's never visited here before..

"One, Two, what happened out here?!" Haji's voice broke through his thoughts as he emerged from the base covered in scrapes from the fight down below with Leo.

Two turned and looked at Haji. It was like every thought had completely been dominated by one loud violent one: This fucking bastard.

Two ran towards Haji and punched him square in the face.


Haji stumbled backwards but didn't fall over. He looked back at Two with shock and fury in his eyes.

"Two, have you lost your DAMN MIND?!"

Two went up and grabbed Haji by his collar and pulled him in close as tears ran down his face just from how infuriated he truly was.

"You son of a bitch!"

One attempted to get up from the ground as he heard the event transpiring. "Two…no, you have to stop this!"

No other voices could reach Two at this point. "How long have you sick fucks been doing this? Huh?? Who else are you hiding down there?!" Two sent a knee up to Haji's gut, but Haji blocked with a knee of his own and then followed up with a powerful headbutt.

"Gah!" Two released his grip on Haji as the headbutt had momentarily stunned him.

"You better have a pretty fucking good explanation for this! And even if you do, it won't change the world of hell that is waiting for you!!" Haji was seething at the mouth.

Two was holding the spot on his forehead where Haji headbutted him, which had started to bleed.

"Don't you play stupid now…you wanna explain why we just had to fight someone who we believed to be long dead?! You wanna explain why you've been holding Five as some kind of fucked up experiment this whole time??"

Haji went quiet. He knew that if Leo made it out of the lab, the only ones who would recognize him were One and Two. He also knew that he wasn't at liberty to explain any of it. Leo was the current Five on the team when the old Zero had first joined the team. So One and Two knew him very well.

"That's not your business, Two."

"Not my – cut the crap, Sadiki! You owe us an explanation. After all we do for you, this is what you allow to happen to us?"

"I actually don't owe any of you anything. But I will gladly send you down there too if you don't back the hell off. I'm your commanding officer. Don't think you can all of a sudden bite back at me."

That only seemed to further stoke the fire in Two. For the most part he was able to keep his cool which was one of his strengths. But there were some things that even he couldn't keep quiet about.

"Is there a problem here?"

They both turned around at the sound of the Vice President's voice. Also to see that he had several men behind him with guns aimed on Two.

Haji was shocked. The Vice-President is here??? He thought.

"M-mr. Vice President! I didn't realize you were coming today?"

"Hmm yes. Now I ask you again, is there a problem here?"

Haji looked at the rifles and then back at Two. Two made no further comments.

"No sir, everything is fine."

**Present Time**

Haji looked back to Victor who was awaiting an answer.

"Firstly, apologies that you had to see that, sir. Two, the one in question, was once teammates with the subject and experienced an emotional reaction upon learning that their squadmate was still around."

"Yes, well we have no place for emotional loose guns in our military. Those hybrids have only one job in this second chance we allotted them. If they can't do even that then they are no use to us or the rest of society. I expect this matter to be treated with…the severance that it warrants."

"Yes, sir." Haji said, with a tone of almost reluctance in his voice.

"Good. Now, did you bring them all like I requested? The Midnight Squad that is."

"Yes, they are waiting outside to be summoned."

Victor motioned Haji away to go retrieve them. Haji nodded and did a brisk walk over to the door. The only way in and out of this room was to scan a key card with a high enough clearance. Haji scanned his and walked out the door.

There waited the rest of Midnight Squad in uniform alongside the wall. Zero, One, Two, Three, Four, and Five.

"Alright everyone, he's calling for you." Haji spoke. He looked out the corner of his eye and saw Two standing the furthest away with a defiant look in his face.

"Now…I need not remind you that even the smallest thing you say in there could have grave repercussions for all of you. So, only say what is asked of you."

Zero stood against the wall and nodded nervously. Once he had heard that the Vice-President was at the base he had feared for the worst. He started to regret the soldiers he had killed back at the Capital as he knew that it wouldn't be as easily overlooked.

Now I'm on their radar, he thought to himself.! I can't start backing down now. I made a vow and I can't let them make my resolve waiver. I…I can do this. I have to do this.

"Um, Sgt. Sadiki?" One spoke up. He was feeling more back to normal after using maximum overgrowth earlier, but he still felt a bit physically weak.


"So should we not mention what we discovered after Leo left?"

Haji peeked over his shoulder to make sure the door was still closed. Once confirmed, he looked back to the others.

"Absolutely not." He said in a hushed voice. "They can't know that another high level subject escaped."