The Aftermath

Midnight Squad made several search expeditions in the area for Leo, but to no avail. Wherever he was, he was long gone.

By Haji's order, they hadn't reported the other test subject missing yet. They weren't sure when the subject had escaped, but when they checked back after Leo escaped there was one other cell that was empty in the section designated for higher value subjects. All relevant data around it was locked behind a high security firewall in the base's database.

The scientists that were still left alive hadn't returned to the lab yet as they were all being treated for injuries in the infirmary. The lab had been temporarily shut down until they had a chance to go in and inspect everything. The one that had originally opened Leo's cage was immediately terminated from their position and escorted off the base that very day.

Sub-level 4 and the ground floor were undergoing intensive repairs after Leo's recklessness. So there was constant banging and drilling throughout the day as they rushed to finish.

One and Two later revealed to the others who Leo really was. Which of course brought up the question on everyone's mind-

Who else were they keeping down there?

They wouldn't know because after that day they were once again restricted from going past the 2nd Sub-level.

However, One had a question of his own. A few days following the incident One was seen boarding the elevator to go personally meet with the Major General himself.


The doors opened to the 2nd floor where the Major General had agreed to meet with him. It wasn't a common practice for Marcus to invite them to his office if they wanted to speak with him. So they usually met in one of the meeting rooms on the 2nd floor.

One made his way through the hallways as he ran his hand along the wall for guidance. Since he didn't frequent this floor often, he wasn't super familiar with the floor's layout.

"Ah, One, in here." Marcus called out as he saw One walking past the glass wall of the meeting room. One pressed the button on the side of the door and it slid open for him.

"Major General, thanks for meeting with me on such short notice." One said. He took a seat across from where Marcus sat.

"Of course. I had a feeling that this was coming."

"Yes. I just had a question in light of the recent incident." One placed his hand against the cool surface of the table. "I'm assuming there's nothing you're willing to tell me about what goes on on Sub-level 4, but I'm starting to understand why we're not privy to that knowledge."

"Oh? And why might that be?"

"....." One didn't respond at first as he mulled over his words.


"I just had one question about something that's been on my mind for quite some time now."

"Answering a question with a question, alright, I'll play along. What's your question?"

One took a small breath.

"In the battle against Azrael…I never detected you showing up. Your overall strategy was spot on, but you devised a setup that you knew would work against him. A setup that took time to plant around that part of the battlefield."

"This is true, but what's your point exactly?"

"Sir…when did you arrive at the battle?"

Marcus's face showed no sign of flinching at the heavy question he was just asked. Not because it was a complicated question, but more so what the implications of the answer meant.

"....." Marcus looked One in the eyes. "And what exactly are you trying to piece together?"

"It's just after the discovery with Five, I mean Leo, it just brings up other thoughts of what else might be down there. And-"

"I arrived when Zero was using his mask."

"What? I'm sorry sir, are you saying you were there a good amount of time before Zero actually died?"

"I am."

"But…but why didn't you help him?"

"Well, just think about it like this, One." Marcus leaned back in his chair. "Zero, our most powerful asset, was making no real headway against someone like Azrael. So I did what I had to do for us to complete the mission. Nothing more, nothing less."

One couldn't believe what he just heard. Was Zero actually left for dead just so he could do a sneak attack? He thought to himself. Did Sgt. Sadiki know about this?

"Was that all you wanted to know?" Marcus asked as he checked his watch.

"Yes sir. Thank you for taking the time to meet." One said. It was like he was on autopilot as his mind was tearing itself apart. He couldn't grapple with the fact that the General Major had willingly watched one of his close friends struggle in such a difficult fight and then just watched as he was ripped in half.

"It's what I'm here for. Well, I have some pressing matters I need to tend to." He got up from his chair and headed towards the exit. "Oh, and I was going to mention this to Haji but I'll just tell you. Cascade to the rest of the squad that they are to be on their best behavior from now on when going to the city. And there has to be a soldier escort at all times. Not just Haji."

"Is this about the murders, sir? It didn't sound like we were possible targets in all this.."

"That's to be determined. But this is something a little different. There have been some new bylaws added. And they're not very favorable for hybrids."



Back in Capital City, there were fliers posted up everywhere that there was high civilian foot traffic. The flyer read as follows:

*Important Changes Effective Immediately*

Due to the increased crime rate in certain sectors of Capital City, President Salvatore has signed off on the following updates to the bylaws. Please keep in mind that these will be heavily enforced and first offenses will be treated as a third offense under the current law:

1) The curfew has been moved up to 6pm for the Western sectors. Anyone caught out after this time will be arrested on the spot.

2) Additional bio scanners will be added at focal points of the city and it will be mandatory that you get scanned when entering that area. Daily audits will be performed and cross checked against security footage. If anyone is seen to not be using the bio-scanner and there is no record of them doing so, they will be arrested and brought in.

3) A new neighborhood watch unit has been formed and dispatched in the Western part of the city as well as some of the close surrounding areas. Full cooperation will be expected in any interactions or they will have the authority to initiate force.

Hybrids took one look at the fliers as they passed by and you could feel the sadness and frustration radiating off of them. They thought that things couldn't get worse at this point, but they were wrong.

Zero's actions had only proved to further the oppression of the already oppressed.

Meanwhile, unbeknownst to him regarding the new bylaws, Zero had learned some new important knowledge himself.

Him and Five were outside the base as they helped clear away the last of the pieces of the stone tomb built by One to enclose the hurricane. He had later broken it down but there were still pieces scattered throughout. It was during their conversation while doing this that Five let slip something Zero found very valuable.

Zero pulled Five by his sweaty shirt away from any prying ears. They moved out of earshot of the other soldiers that were helping with the clean up.

"What, what is it?" Five asked confused.

Zero grabbed both of his shoulders and stepped in close to him so that their faces were almost touching.

"I just need to know if you're serious or not, Five. Do you really know where they implant the trackers on us?"