An Unusual Partnership

Later that evening, Zero and Four received a summons to Haji's office.

They rode up in the elevator together and neither one of them spoke a word to the other. Zero would glance at Four out the corner of his eyes and see him staring straight at the floor of the elevator.

This is so awkward, thought Zero. We've never really interacted outside of the rest of the team and even then he usually only says like 2 or 3 words the whole time.


The elevator doors opened up and they started walking towards Haji's office which was further down the hallway from the elevator. There wasn't really anyone else walking around the floor so all they could hear were their boots as they hit the ground with each step.

After a few moments, Zero finally spoke up: "So, think they're about to send us on a mission?"

Four simply nodded his head in response.

Please don't let this be about a mission, Zero thought as he didn't relish the thought of dealing with this.

They reached Haji's office which already had the door opened up, so they just walked right in. "Sgt. Sadiki?" Zero said as he walked in with Four in tow.

Haji sat at his desk pouring over a report in front of him. "Close the door behind you." He said without even looking up. He quickly slid some papers that contained photographs out of sight. Zero swore he saw someone that looked like Leo in one of the photos before Haji hid them away.

Zero and Four both could feel there was a tense aura to Haji as he took a small breath and leaned back in his chair. He looked from one to the other before he spoke.

"Well, I have quite the mission for you two. You'll be away for a bit for this one I'm afraid."

Zero paused for a moment as Haji's words registered. "So, you want team up?"

Haji looked up at Zero. "Did I stutter? Yes. Now both of you sit down so I can debrief you."

You've got to be kidding me, Zero thought to himself as he sat down. It would work better if he paired me up with Two or even Five. This guy is clearly not much of a fighter.

Four remained silent as usual while he took a seat next to Zero.

"This will be a different type of mission for you, Zero. Four here is our covert specialist if you haven't realized yet."

Covert specialist? Zero thought.

"So his missions mainly involve infiltration, information gathering, assassination, and the like. It's not something that can be trusted with anyone else on the team."

Zero looked at Four out the corner of his eye in surprise. This guy is seriously their go to for something like assassination?! That can't be true.

Haji placed a paper that had a scanned photograph on it. It was the same flower insignia that Marcus had been informed about by Bravo Base. It sat on an old rusted gate that opened to a mansion of a house in the background. It was a bit blurred due to the quality of the photo.

"Wait, I've seen this somewhere before." Four chimed in.

"Not surprising," said Haji, "this was taken up near Bravo Base. You were in that area not long before your last assignment, Four. A lot around this job is very classified so I'm afraid I can only give you a few details. There's an old group that has popped up time and time again throughout history. They've taken up some illegal activities that are potentially....dangerous. But each time they're almost caught they lurk back into hiding and no sign is seen of them for years."

"What makes them dangerous exactly?" Zero asked.

"I can't disclose that. We're not even 100% if they're actually in there or not. We just know that the insignia has been associated with this group once before in the past. This is merely reconnaissance. Go in. See if there's anything actually going on or any evidence that shows recent inhabitants or locations. Then get out."

"But sir, why can't Bravo just do it themselves then? This doesn't really seem like a super human type of job."

"If that group is actually using this place, it will be. Now go get your things together because we leave tomorrow before lunch. There's a possibility that you guys may be gone for several days or even weeks if this pans out how they're thinking. So pack to accommodate. Four, you'll take lead on this obviously."

Weeks?? Zero thought. But...what about the city? I still have work to finish! And....Heather.

"Um, Sgt. Sadiki?" Both Haji and Zero were both startled by Four suddenly speaking. He hadn't said a single word so far.

"Y-yes, Four?" Haji answered.

"I mean no disrespect to Zero and his skills....but...I just feel like this would be easier by...myself. Like it always is."

"This pairing was put together by the Major General himself. It was his direct decision to have Zero accompany you."

Zero's eyes widened. "The Major General requested me? But why me?"

"I'm not sure myself. But, I have my guesses. Now both of you go get your shit together. I'll see you tomorrow."


Back in One's room further down, him and Two sat on his bed as he flipped through the original Zero's journal in his hand. His eyes shot from side to side as he poured over the entries.

"I-I don't understand." He said. "Where did you find this journal, Captain??"

"It was in some of his old things," One decided to lie. He didn't want to raise any concerns about Zero if there wasn't one to be had. "So it really is his journal then?"

"For sure. It feels kinda wrong to be reading his private thoughts y'know? But..."

"But what?"

"Well. Did Zero ever bring up that crazy ass idea he had not too long after he became the ace? The one that he would've been completely stupid to even attempt?"

"Um...I don't think so. He never mentioned anything past the next day with me. What was it?"

Two went silent for a moment as he thought on his words. "...Actually, nevermind. It's not important." He closed the book as a quick glimpse of the date '6/3/2037 was visible before it was shut out of sight.