Chapter-8 An Argument about Raza

It was 8 at night when somebody knocked at Mr. Shah's. Mr and Mrs. were in their room while Maryam was in the lawn putting cover on her new books. As she heard the knocking, she quickly stood up to check. Arranging her scarf, she opened the door ajar. She found something surprising which paused her immediately. It was Raza outside. She was confused.

'Hey, there. ', he wished.

'Hi... 'A long 'hi' indeed.

'It's quite late, but I'm here to... '

'Come in. ', she interrupted.

'Uh, it's okay... '

'Come on, come inside. '

She opened the door fully and welcomed him with a smile.

'Um, your Abba's inside? '

'Yeah. '

He was afraid, but couldn't say no to his new friend. So, he stepped inside and found Mr. Shah coming in the lawn with fast steps. He was very attentive.

'How's it going? ', she generally asked.

'What's the matter that you sneaked into my house at this hour? ', Abba asked furiously as if he was going to throw hands.

Maryam quickly walked to Abba and whispered in his ears, 'Abba! "Sneaked"?' Ignoring her, he walked to Raza, his footsteps clearly heard. She followed him with mouth shut, and Raza was getting extremely frightened, shivering with fear.

'What happened? '

'I-I-I-I-I um... I've something to uh, to inform you... '

'What? ', he asked coldly.

'Abbu told me to tell you that... tomorrow is Friday. '

'Thanks for "concerning" us, but we know it. '

'Abba! ', Maryam insisted. 'So? ', she asked Raza nicely.

'Yeah. It's holiday on Fridays. So, the markets will be closed tomorrow. '

'And, that's why we can't buy your uniforms, right? ', Abba interrupted.

Raza nodded.

'And, what about the PD? ', Abba asked.

'Well, the PD might be closed, but not the station. '

Just as he felt little more fearless, Mr. Shah asked in irritation, 'What am I supposed to do with the station? Lodge an FIR against you? '

'Uh, nothing. I shall leave.', he asked in total fright.

'Sure. ', Abba agreed and went back to the room. Raza rushed outside. Maryam cried, 'Abba... ', and followed Raza.

'Hey Raza! Are you okay? '

He turned back and said in confidence, 'Yeah, yeah! Of course! I'm fine. '

'Uh, I'm... I'm so sorry about him. ', she apologized.

He chuckled and said, 'Ha! I'm getting used to it! Don't worry. '

'And, thanks for telling... '

'Shh... '

He put his finger on her lips. She found it quite weird.

'Is your Abba keeping eyes on us? ', he asked softly removing his finger.

She turned her head to check on the windows and the door. He wasn't there. Very few people were around, but were not noticing them at all. As she said, 'No', and turned to her former position, she found Raza standing very close to her. She halted her movements. He softly said, 'I want to meet you in person. '

'I can't. It's late night. '

She was steady enough to step aback.

'Not now. Tomorrow? '

'Okay. '

'What about your Abba? '

'Don't worry about him. He won't mind. '

'No, I don't worry about him. I "worry" him actually. ', he joked.

Both laughed.

Going aback, she casually said, 'I may go now... They might be...waiting for me. '

'Okay. '

As she went away, she could hear him running to her. She turned to check. Slowly, his hands reached hers in front, and he entangled his fingers between hers. The grip was tight. She removed her hand in seconds of realization. She felt odd.

'I... don't like touching. Please. ', she said.

'Alright. ', he said casually. 'See you later. '

'Yeah... '

They went to their houses. Abba's plan was spoiled to roam around the city with his Mrs. and daughter and buy her uniforms. And, also to visit the PD. It was a difficult task to take rounds of a place each day. But, he was working with an iron will. Till then, the fact which was clear was that Mr. Shah despised Raza. He found him suspicious, but Maryam wanted to make friends.

It was late night. Before sleeping, Maryam held a family meeting.

'Amma and Abba, can I go out of the Kaur tomorrow? ', she asked directly.

'Today you went there, didn't you? ', Amma asked.

'I did, I know. And, it was hilarious time. I want to go once again. Can I? '

'Where do you want to go? The whole city is closed tomorrow.',Abba clarified.

'I know. That's why I want to go. I just want to wander in the streets. '

'Are you crazy? What's so fun in that? '

'You won't understand, Amma. '

'Your Abba is tired. Let him rest. '

'Abba, I'm not telling you to come with me. '

'She has gone real crazy. ', while nodding, he said to Mrs. Farooqui. 'You want to go alone? Because if you do, then you better be in your room. ', Abba scolded.

'Oh, calm down, Abba. I'm not going alone. I'll be visiting the city with Raza. '

'Yes, you better be in your room. ', he said at once. He stood up.

'Abba, please. Come on. I want to go. ', she urged.

'My decision is "No".'

'Please. I'll be fine, Abba. Please. ', she begged.

'I won't let you go or you go with me. Choice is yours. '

'Uff, khudaya! I'm not a little kid. Can't I even go in this new place alone? '

'Well, you're so rocket. '

She was devastated.

'Listen to me, I know why you won't let me go with Raza... It's because you hate him. I don't know why... but you do. Tell me if I'm wrong. '

'Stay away from him. ', he sweetly adviced.

She got upset.

'But, why? I want to make him a friend. This is the first time you're telling me to stay away from anybody. You told me to live among people. You never told me to isolate myself, right? '

Mr. Shah looked in Maryam's questioning eyes for some seconds, and said softly, 'You're mistaken, sweetheart. I did tell you to stay away from people... who are not right. '

'Abba, this time... you're not right. ', she sadly said.

'Do what you want. ', he sadly said and walked outside. Maryam felt miserable. She realized that what she just said was an extremely wrong and hurtful statement. She felt guilty. She excused Amma in reluctance and ran to their room. Amma was stuck in the lawn, thinking who to console first. She tapped her head and cried, 'Uff! What's wrong with both of them? '

Maryam locked the door from inside and Amma kept knocking on it.

'Maryam! Open the door! Please. '

Mother could hear cries and sniffs from the room.

'Please, don't cry, honey! For me, please don't cry. You're killing me. '

'I'm not crying. ', she shouted from inside.

'Maryam, open the door or I won't talk to you. ', she ordered.

'Please... You tie my hands when you say that. ', and she opened the door, wiping her tears, pretending as if she wasn't crying.

Amma came inside and cwtched her. Maryam continuously tried to curb her tears. She expressed in trembling voices, 'Amma... Please don't... don't hug me. '

Amma scratched her back and said, 'I remember when you said, "Don't hug me when I cry. That makes me cry even more. "

Then only, Maryam hugged her Amma.

'Don't cry, my love. ', Amma said softly.

She moved aback and said, 'I've hurted Abba. I shouldn't have said that. '

'It's just a difference in opinions. It'll be fine by next morning, you'll see. '

'I guess he's right. I'm gonna tell him sorry and that, I'll not meet Raza ever again. ', she actively said.

'Oh, no! What are you saying, dear?... We'll talk about it in the morning. Okay? '

'Amma, I want to apologize. '

'Well, he's not going anywhere. Tomorrow. '

Amma laid her on bed.

'Don't think about anything. He's fine. Good night. '

'Good night, Amma. '

Maryam slept. Abba talked to Amma when he returned.

'How's she now? '

'She was crying, but acted as if she wasn't. She was sorry. Tomorrow she's gonna apologize to you. '

'Maryam's Amma, I don't know why I don't like him. My guts don't say good about him. ', he persuasively said.

'I understand. But, he is a good boy. '

'Tomorrow, I've decided, I'm going to let her go. I shouldn't disallow her to do what she wants to do. That'll make her upset for no reason. '

'You must sleep now. '

Friday, at the breakfast time, Dad-Daughter both were apologetic. Amma was silently taking their breakfast out, looking at them alternately.

'Abba, I'm sorry. I didn't mean to hurt you. I'm sorry from the depth of my heart. And, I promise I won't even be around him anymore. Please, forgive me. ', she apologized at once.

'Hey, shut it. I think I need to say sorry, dear. '

'No, Abba, please... You're embarrassing me. '

'No, I think I need to understand you and Raza better. And, I won't interfere in your friendships now. I never mean to do... Today's world is different from the world we have lived in. You can go wherever you want, but I just want you to be safe. '

'I know, Abba, you always plan good for me. You've experienced my age already and you know the world better. I was wrong I've realized. '

'Come on, now. You wanted to see the city with Raza, want to make friends, want to study together?... I allow you for all of that. '

'But, Abba... '

'Stop it, now. ', he shouted. 'Listen, Maryam. You've been quiet for days. But now, when you're finally happy, I'm happier. So, please... Just for my satisfaction, dear. Go with him. Just... just don't make him your boyfriend. '

Amma giggled. Maryam felt awkward.

'Well then, alright. I hope he's not that type. ', Amma said chillingly. Then, they talked about other topics, but not their previous life.