Chapter-15 Spending Time With Mom

It was 11 in the morning and Mihran was still sleeping. But, it was Sunday so Mom hadn't waken him up yet. Mom was coming upstairs, singing these rhymes, "Sweetie pies, cuties pies, wake up my lil lovie pies (×2) "

Her songs started getting registered in his ears, so he opened his eyes, yawning and grunting. He sat up with discomfort and complaint, 'You're never going to stop calling me "sweetie", huh? '

Mom swayed the blankets away.

'Good morning, my love. ', she wished and sat opposite him.

'Hmmmm... ', and he tossed his face into the bed. She pushed his shoulders aback and sat him up. Then, he tossed his face again, like thud. She sat him up again. His eyes were zipped. He again buried his head down. Then, Mom started tickling his belly. He started laughing and ran to the toilet. When he was having breakfast at the table, Mom fonded at him gracefully.

'So, where were you last night?'

He got choked involuntarily. Mom drank him water.

'Huh? ', he asked to confirm.

'What happened to you? Are you okay, now? '

'Yes, I'm fine. Why do you ask suddenly? '

'I mean, I obviously know you were with Farman and girls. But, you was Saturday night too. know...I was just... '

'Mom,speak clearly.', he asked with concerns.

'I want to spend time with you, son! Or maybe I want you to do something other than what you do on Saturday nights. I mean, I don't even know the number of girls you meet everyday... '

'... Mom! ', he softly insisted.

'... Nor do I want to know. I just want you least, act like my son. ' She was upset.

'I am your son.', he immediately said.

'Yes, you are. I mean like...I don't feel like your Mom. My job doesn't let me spend time with you. I only get Saturday nights and Sundays as holidays. I feel like...I'm a warden or what. You spend your whole day out or studying. And, that's cool. That's great. But, we only talk in meals. I know...does every mother feel same way when their kids grow up? '

He listened to her carefully and felt miserable. He expressed, 'No, Mom! I love you! I love you more than anything. You are my world. You are the one I come back to everyday...I didn't know you are going through so much of tension. I'm sorry, Mami.' He hugged her firm. He sadly continued, 'I feel bad, Mom. I'm really regretful right now. I'm ashamed of being a son who makes you feel that way. But, trust me, I never meant to hurt you. '

'I was not saying this to make you feel bad. I was just expressing myself. Right? '

After sometime, Mihran expressed happily, 'I have an idea! So, today is Sunday, and I remember I spent all my Sundays visiting Mazjdar (another city). But, from now on, from right now, I am changing my Sunday routine, Ma'am! '

'I'm not sure if your routine would match mine.',she teased.

'(frowns) Well...that's a case itself. Got to solve it! '

Both chuckled.

'Mom, let's go somewhere today. '

'Man! I was thinking the same thing.' ,Mom excitedly said.

'Done! But, where? '

'To the hills. '

'Ah, yeah! After all, the weather is so pleasant. It will make trekking more fun! '

Son and Mom exchanged high-fives. Soon, they were ready with their light garments and all the stuff for trek on hills. They were hella excited.

'Jaunt is on! ',exclaimed Mihran while dancing cutely like a teddy. He was standing at the door, waiting for Moms instruction to open it. But, out of the blues, what happened next was the most unawaited.

Ms. Riza's phone rang up.

'Mihran! Hold on, Son. ', she instructed him and picked out her ringing phone. She glanced at it and her face turned pale. She picked up the call unwillingly, and said, 'Hello,Sir.' And, Mihran looked at her with shock.

'Yes, Sir... Sure... Okay, Sir... No, no, no. I'll do it. Okay... Sure. '

Mom looked at Mihran with innocent eyes, eyes coaxing him for something.

'What's it? ', he softly asked with tired eyes.

She answered convincingly, 'It was my Senior. There's an urgent work for me. '

'Hmm. So? '

'My orders are to visit each camp of the Kaur and sign up some '

'Alright... Okay, then. ', he said, scratching his chin.

'You know I thought I'm so lucky to get a holiday today because all other officers are extremely busy right now... '

'It's okay, Mom. ', he said sadly. Going upstairs, he said, 'Watch your uniforms, Mom. '

Mom was feeling extremely attacked. She was upset.

It was almost 2:00 p.m. and she was ready. She went in Mihran's room to see him off. She opened the door to find Mihran searching rushly for something on his study table.

'Son. ', she said softly.

'Oh! Hi, Mom. ', he said whilst searching.

'What happened? Are you searching for something? '

'My pen, Mom! My pen! It was blue ballpoint. I don't know where the hell is that idiot pen! I'm so stressed right now you could literally see on my face!'

But, Mom was smiling widely.

'Mom, do you believe in magic? Because I do, from now! My pen just vanished from infront of my eyes to nowhere. I won't pity you if I find you, you bloody pen! ' He glanced at Mom smiling. 'Now, why the hell are you smiling? ' he exclaimed in frustration.

She continued chuckling, came closer to him picked something from near his ears and presented it to him. He was pretty surprised and ashamed. He took it from her.

'You're a magician! ', he said while smiling and went back to his studies.

Ms. Riza laughing on her boy's stupidity, stood behind him and teasing his ears, said, 'You're steady ears, that's why that got so stuck on them. '

He was indulged in his writing.

Then, he turned active and turning his head, said, ' By the way, you were going to the Kaur, weren't you? '

'Yes, my dear, my sweetie. ', she said on purpose.

'Then, why are you... Wait,what? "Sweetie"? Stop it, Mom! ' He turned back to his studies, irritated.

She chuckled and said, 'Okay, okay. My bad. Let me get to the point, now. I've been wondering for centuries if you'd like to join me to the Kaur! '

He turned his head back and excitedly asked, 'What? Really? '

'Yeah! ', she said while smiling.

'Wow, Mom! That's fantastic!'

He jumped on his feet. But, then, he questioned, 'But, what if your senior don't allow you to... '

'Oh, no, no! No such question occurs. Just get ready. I'm waiting for you outside. Great? '

'Yeah. But, what if... '

'I will handle all the "what ifs"! Trust me on this! '

Mihran was extremely happy and excited. He got ready and left the house.

'Ooh! Look who's coming! Who's that handsome guy in here? It's my son, Mihran! Woo-hoo! ', Mom cheerfully exclaimed. He rotated while moon-walking for show off.

'Thank God, you attired decent. '

'Mom, seriously?'

He locked the house and rode the bike.

'When you said, "Hello, Sir", Mom, I was damn sure we ain't going anywhere together, not today! Nope! ', he chuckled then.

'Yeah. Well, I only visited you to say goodbyes, but then, I saw a moron losing a pen in his ears. '

Mihran looked at Mom through the front mirror with a disgusted- straight look.

'Was that supposed to be funny?', he asked. Then, he chuckled and said, 'It's common among children. '

'Oh, of course. You're still my baby bread.' And, she rested her head on his shoulder.

'Mom? What are we actually supposed to do there? '

'Well, there are 20 cottages in the Kaur. We've to visit each one and ask the dwellers to fill up and sign these forms, which are basically, the proof that they are emigrants from India and want Indonesian citizenship. '

'Oh, it sounds like a survey like thing. '

'Yeah, kind of. '

'You know, Mom, there are few Indians in my class too. They all very shy and insecure. They don't make consent among us. They just talk to each other. Like, it's only them. You're not going to get anything, like they just... you know? '

'I get it. They are uncomfortable if that's what you wanna say. '

'Yeah, exactly. '

'It's just about the new surroundings. '

'You know, Mom, in my class. No! In the whole school, people talk about the newcomers behind their backs. And, it... doesn't make me feel good. It reminds me of the time when I was new in this country... Were people used to do the same thing that time, too? ', he questioned.

'... Certainly. ', Mom answered. 'There are always some people like that in the society. '

'But, I'm totally sympathised with the newcomers. '

'That's something you can do for them. Cope up with them, treat them with kindness, make them feel better in every way, and of course, not flirt with them. '

'Mom, are you serious on this? I don't flirt with them, they do. ' He acted innocent.

'Oh. So, you're the innocent one. ', she taunted.

'Well, I'm not at fault either. '

'Alright, my bad. '

'Yeah. Apologies accepted. '

'Shut up, now. '

'Sure, Ma'am. '

Soon, they were staring at the gate of the Kaur.

'Mom, I came here last night. '

'Really? For what? '

'For dropping a girl. '

'Uff, Khudaya. You need to stop this levity, Mihran. ', she disgusted.


He was rattled, but before he could explain himself, she moved on.

'Let's do what we are here for. Remember: I don't want to regret taking you here. ', she threatened.

'No, you won't. ', he said while gulping in fear. Ms. Riza called a guard who could speak Hindi and moved inside the Kaur. One by one, they signed up all the houses. It took them a while for the job. It was the tenth house and the sun was already setting. It was a tough job indeed. They were tired by then.

'It's crazy how you are doing such a tough job on your holiday. ', Mihran praised her heartfully.

'It's not that tough, or is it? Catch the positivity- we are really making it easier for these people or they'd have to take rounds of Registrar's office which really sucks. '

'You are saying this because you are the cops. '

'And, you are the son of that "cops", so we have to keep going. '

'Hmm.' Mihran nodded. 'Can we take a break? '

'Man, I just said we've to keep going. The sun's already not in the sky and we've just done ten camps. We got to be faster and you... '

'Just one cup of tea, Ma'am. ', Mihran requested innocently.

'... Okay, then. But a short break, okay? '

'Yes, indeed. ', he said happily.

They went inside a small cafe within the Kaur.

'So, the Kaur has a cafeteria, too? ', Mihran was curious.

The guard really didn't talk to them. He just nodded. Ms. Riza asked the guard for three cups of tea, but he came back with two. Maybe, he wasn't tired. But, Mihran and Ms.Riza were sipping tea and breaking cookies, when suddenly Mihran had a glimpse of someone, a girl. She was standing outside and seemed as if she was buying something. Mihran had to double check. There were people passing by, one by one. After a few flashbacks, when he remembered her, she vanished. He remembered it was the girl he had saved the night before. It was just a moment, so he ignored it. Then, he and his Mom continued with their "jaunt".

In the eleventh camp too, it went nice. When they were moving on to the next house, Mihran glanced at a small kid who was hurt and whose knee was bleeding. Mom and the guard didn't see it so they carried on. They knocked the door of the twelfth house, and a girl opened it ajar.

'Yes? ', she nicely asked.

The guard asked her to call her parents. Before they had arrived, the girl asked Ms. Riza, 'Excuse me? Have we met before? '

Ms. Riza expressed as if she was waiting for this question, 'Good Lord. I was thinking the same thing. '

'Are you... Is your name Riza? Sorry? '

'Yeah. Right. See! '

She showed her chest badge.

'Now, I remember. Sorry. You gave me your card, Ms. Riza. ', she cheerfully said.

'Yes! How are you? ', she excitedly said.

'I'm fine, Ms. Riza. How are you doing? Everything's good? '

'First class! '

Mr. Shah had arrived till then. The guard came in front and explained the matter while Ms. Riza kept gazing at Maryam affectionately. She suddenly remembered her son. She wanted Mihran to meet her. She turned back and didn't find him anywhere. She excused them and searched in tension. It didn't take her long to see Mihran sitting on a nearby bench with a kid and a girl. She quickly walked to him and asked very sternly, 'What the hell are you doing here? '

She had misunderstood. He said to the girl, 'Take his good care, Názia. '

To the kid, he advised, 'Be careful on roads, kiddo. ', and pinched his cheeks. He bid goodbyes to them, and then, took Mom to the other side.

Mom was devastated on him.

'I told you not to flirt with Kaurians... '

'Listen to me.... ', he tried to say something.

'Shut up! I'm not done. So, that's the reason why you were here last night... Or was that another chick? '

'Mom! '

'Let me complete, first... What else! I'm over there signing up forms and you're here breaking your promise? '

'What the hell are you saying? Will you listen to me? ', he said loudly.

'I told you I don't want to regret. ', she was on her own road.

'And, you won't. ', he emphasized.

'But, the appearances are deceiving. '

'Well, don't get to appearances, get to know them. ', he said in his defence.

'You can't just copy-paste my lines to me. '

'Mom! Calm down. Calm it down. ', he yelled. 'That wasn't any chick. Can't you see there was a kid, a small boy? Huh? That kid tripped over and I just reached for help. That's it! That girl was his sister. That's all. They were thanking me... By the way, you just moved on to the next house without me? '

'I forgot, for Goodness' sake. ', she cried.

'Hmm. Understandable. '

'And, how did you know her name? She just told you like that without knowing who you are? ', she nagged.

'No! Her brother was calling her name for help, you stone hearted woman! '

She became calm.

'Just shut up, now. Focus on work... I want to introduce you to somebody. Come on. '

'They quickly went to the twelfth camp. But, they only found the gaurd waiting for them outside the house, putting his hands on waist.

'What happened? Did they throw you out?... I mean, why are you standing like this out here? ', Mihran asked.

With no expression on face, he passed the docs to Ms. Riza. They realized the forms had been filled. Showing the guard the forms, she asked eagerly, 'Where's that girl's name written? Check it out! '

Standing still, he pointed out the name.

'Thank you! '

They looked at the papers and realized it was wholly in Hindi. They looked traumatized.

'Can you please recall her name because you know we don't speak Hindi? We don't know any Hindi. ', Mihran asked.

He finally said something, 'Maryam. '

'Beautiful name! Yes. Maryam is her name. This is the girl I was talking about. '

'Which "Maryam"? I don't remember. '

'Mihran, I'm talking about that one girl I told you about... Remember?... I met her in the middle of a street, whose purse was stolen... '

'Uh... '

'I elaborated a lot about her. '

'Yes, I remember. I got you. That pretty girl! '

'Yeah. Maryam is her name. She lives here. '

'Wow! So? '

"So"? So, I wanted to introduce you to her. '

'Well, I'd like to see that wonderful girl my Mom adores so much. '

'Can't you see the door's closed? We can't get in now. ', Mom said in disappointment and moved on to the next door.

'It's okay. Don't be sad. We'll see her later. ', he coaxed her sweetly.

'By God, she's so pretty. '

Ms. Riza was obsessed with Maryam.

'I hope I can get another chance to meet her to introduce you to her. I bet you'll love her. '

'I'd love to love her, but you know what the problem is right now... We are really busy. I want to go home. It's enough for today. Mom, let's be quicker. ', he said wisely.

Around 9, they were at home. Mihran was so exhausted that he fell flat on the bed. But, a mother is never off-duty, so she went for preparing the dinner. Later, they talked about different things like the Kaur, their experiences, the people and of course, about their guard.

'If you want you can chill with your friends, now. ', Mom said with no apparent reason.

'What? No, I'm good. I'm enjoying with you. '

'I know you better than you do. '

'So, what do you conclude? '

'That you are a bad boy and I can't change you and I want to sleep so... '

'No, Mom. I'm... '

'I'm telling you to go out not only because I care... but, also because I want to take some rest. And, when you start talking, man, you don't k know when to stop. So... ', putting the plates in the kitchen sink, '... after cleaning the mess, please go. ', she said.

'Mom, it hurts. ', he complained with innocence.

'Good night. '

She went to her room which was after the living area. Mihran silently washed the dishes, got super ready and power-packed to leave the house. Through the window of her room, Ms. Riza watched her son going with excitement. Thereafter, she slept peacefully. Mihran had gone to the Kaur again. There, a girl took him inside and played his "Touch game". He wasn't tired anymore. And yes, that girl was Názia!