Chapter- 20 Mihran saving Maryam again

Maryam was in a group of girls in the recess period. She didn't know them properly, just a rough knowledge.

'I've been wanting to ask this for a while to anyone, but... Who are the Players? '

'What? ', everybody was shocked.

'You don't know them? '

'They are the best! '

'They are so charming! '

'They are the princes of my dreams. '

'They are so smart and intelligent. Never found intelligence hot, but now, proudly do! '

'Girl, I've fallen too easily. '

'But, Mihran is better than the other one. '

'No, Farman is the bestest among the bestest of the bests. '

'I've hooked up with them once! It's crazy! '

'They are wonders! '

Everybody was going on and off about them. Maryam sincerely asked, 'Can you permit me to say something? '

'What if we don't... '

'Sure, we do. Go on. '

'I want to let you know that, I know all of those things. I know they are great. And, they are our seniors... '

"Seniors". Duh! ', one disgusted.

'They don't fit the word " senior ". They deserve the word " superior ". Oh, kings! '

'... Study in the other premise. Right? ', she asked.

'Yes! And today, they screwed up the computer lab! '

'Those were them? '

'Yeah. I was there. It was so fun. '

'Now, Mar, were you to ask something? '

'Call me, Maryam, please... So, I know a lot about them. Like, every person I met here talks about them. Everywhere their names echo. But, if they keep stirring about one thing over and over again, you get fed up. And, it's even irritating because I haven't seen them once. So to be on the same page as everyone, I want to see them. '

After sometime, one of them said, 'Okay. Hurry up! Let us show you who they are. '

They all got up and walked out girl. They were, in real, taking her to the loo. Suddenly, they started pushing and pulling her, shaking and tickling her, passing wrong comments. She realised she was in a wrong group. She felt attacked and disturbed. She was trying her best to escape from the trap, but couldn't fight the group. At the door of the washroom, one of them blocked her way by foot and she stumbled. She fell blind, and almost cried. They were about to empty their water bottles over her when, out of nowhere, a group showed up as rescue. It was Mihran and Farman, joined with Ayesha. Mihran swiftly emerged from between two girls like an influx of wind.

'Uh-oh! Calm down, girls! ', Mihran said chillingly.

The bullies were surprised. Ayesha helped Maryam to get up. Farman took their bottles.

'I know you. All of you... You're unbelievable. ', Mihran was disgusted.

'Me, too. ', Farman supported while locking the last bottle.

'Now, take your crap and get the hell out of here! ', Mihran said with grim.

'Don't ever bully anyone. That's not cool, you know. ', Farman warned with sarcasm.

As the girls departed with shame, one of them still had the courage to wink at the Players. Mihran said rudely, 'Don't even think about it. Cover your face with shame and get out of here. '

The girl was embarrassed, and walked out. Then, Mihran and Farman went to the aid of the victim, finally. Maryam's hair was all over her face due to the bullies. As the Players walked to her, Ayesha went behind her to help her tie her hair. Mihran looked at her face, and halted. He awed with surprise, but was blank. He was amazed. He had no expression. Maryam sighed deeply to control her tears and looked at Mihran, she had to double check. He was staring at her while she was super shocked. In both the minds, there came pictures of many throwbacks. They remembered each other, but there was no smiles on their faces. They were rattled. Both of them pledged in their hearts, 'I won't say a word. What if he (/she) doesn't remember me?'

Both were stammering.

'Th-thank you. ', Maryam stuttered.

Mihran just nodded, smiles not yet. He was looking here and there, looked nervous and had a confused look. Farman and Ayesha exhorted her.

'Don't worry, now. They won't bully you anymore. If they do, do inform your teachers or monitors. Morever, contact us in need. ', Ayesha shared kindly.

'Yeah. Which class are you in, by the way? ', Farman asked.

'You look new. '

'11th class. ', Maryam answered.

Mihran fake coughed to manifest to get out of the washroom because the scent wasn't very pretty over there. Then, Maryam again thanked them to save her. Finally, Mihran stammered something and smiled a very difficult-to-express stretch, 'Re-re-remember: The world's with you. '

They kept thinking about each other, all day. They both were shocked and disbelieved. While Maryam, for avoiding her thoughts, continued her self-learning of Bahasa, and also learned new words like 'Pemain' and 'Terima kasih'; Mihran, for avoiding his thoughts, shared his sensations with drunk Farman who didn't remember anything by next morning. Mihran dreamt of asking her out because it was finishing him inside out.