Chapter- 23 Decoding

Mihran entered the house with such thoughtfulness and hurry that even when Mom was summoning him, he didn't hear.

'Yo, hero! How's the day? '

He kept on walking upstairs, flipping his pen. Mom silently saw him going and mumbled, 'What's wrong with him? '

He didn't get pissed on "Sweetie".

Mihran entered his room with murmuring something. He didn't even switch on the lights. Some light could strain through the window and curtain. He put the bag on the table rather slowly. He was pondering something very hard which was transparent on his face. He slowly put off his shoes, socks and tie. He, then, relaxed on the bed, with legs down. He joined hands and was deeply thinking about something.

'Where Raza won't know... Some place where he won't know. Somewhere he hadn't been yet...Where? Where? Where are we going to meet? What did she indicate really? Where did she indicate really? Where?'

He stood up, and still wondering and talking to himself, he began unbuttoning his shirt and looked at himself doubtfully in the mirror. Soothingly, he closed his eyes. After relaxing for a few seconds, he slowly opened his eyes and saw himself in the mirror. But, there was something else to notice. He saw a tattoo crossing his chest from right to left like a slope. It was a floral pattern and was shimmering with light blue glitters. In the grey light behind him, he saw someone who was eliminating blue and pink glitters. She looked like a fairy, wearing white gown with a lily clung to her open hair. She was as beautiful as heaven, and was releasing some sort of eternal energy. She was standing one step behind Mihran towards right. And yes, she looked exactly like Maryam. Mihran was blank. He was just staring at himself and her in the mirror doubtfully. In a moment, she stood behind him very close. Slowly, she put her face on his shoulder and whispered in his ears while watching him in the mirror, 'I was in the fields... Among the audience... You saw me... Didn't you? '

Mihran had closed his eyes already and felt her touch, and saw flashbacks. Her voice was deeper and intense. He put his hand on his heart on the tattoo and said softly, 'I only saw you. '

And, he opened his eyes slowly, and found himself alone. He was taken aback. He was horrified. He was insanely looking here and there.

'Oh Khuda! What was that? '

He went loony. He hurriedly went closer to the mirror and moved hands on his chest desperately with a questioning look. He had hallucinated.

'Oh Goodness! What was that? Was that real? Or...or a daydream? Am I daydreaming? No, no! This can't be happening! This is not good! Am I gone mad? I can't be hallucinating! How is this possible? '

He quickly dressed up, and calmed himself.

'I shouldn't take tension. I should, uh... eat, I guess. I need to eat. Maryam, I'm not thinking about your trace right now. No! Food! Just food, right now! I should follow the rules of "calm and consume". Yep! '

Acting very normal, he went down to have lunch. He sat on the chairs folding his sleeves. Mom was setting the plates. Usually, both began their meals together. But that day, even before Mom sat, he had opened the bowls, pouring one spoon after the other in his plate. He was quiet. Mom was finding his silence suspicious. Mom sat and served him salad.

'Mihran? '

He was busy.

'Son? Are you okay? '

He wasn't answering. Mom was getting annoyed, still asked gently, ' Have I done something ? '

Again, after receiving no reply, she turned so angry that she shouted loudly, 'Miiiiihhhran! '

He screamed loudly in terror.

'What happen, Mom? '

'What's wrong with you? ', she asked with a ferocious look.

'Nothing. '

'Have you stuck earphones? '

'What? Huh? ', he said in annoyance.

Mom didn't have to say more. She glared at him, and that was enough. He was threatened. He gulped in fear while she had begun calming herself with deep breaths. They both cleared throat at the same time for speaking. He dropped the spoon, joined hands in relaxation and asked, 'Yes Ma'am. '

'Hmm, Mihran? Are you okay? '

'Yes, Ma'am. '

'You didn't greet me today? '

'Yes, Ma'... What? I didn't? ', he was surprised.

'No, you didn't. And, you started eating without me? '

'Did I? '

He looked at his meal, then Mom.

'Really? '

'Yes. What's happened to you? Today, I met Farman, by chance, and I asked him about you. He said you're being weird today. '

'He said that to you. Why? '

'I may ask that to you, "why"? Well, I nagged him on this, but now, I'm agreeing with him. Why? What's happened to you? He told me you looked rattled all the time not paying attention in the classes and you even lost the basketball match! And, why do you suddenly wanna be alone? '

'Wow! Why don't you recruit Farman in your PD? He's begun spying me for you? '

'See! Again, you're acting weird. '

She asked out of concerns, 'Mihran?... Are you okay, my son? '

He put his hands off the table and stretched his body in laziness. He cracked bones, moved his neck round and round, rubbed eyes and after scratching hair, comforted himself. He said seriously, 'Mami, I'm not acting weird. And, I'm not in a condition to say another word because I'm so tensed and hungry right now that I would literally eat peas if you serve. Hmm? '

He then picked a spoon of rice and began eating. But, his eyes showed that there's a bigger reason for his behaviour.

Soon, Mom and Son were cleaning the mess in the kitchen. While he was washing the utensils and Mom was wiping the kitchen top, he asked, 'Mom, now you can ask me what you were talking about... '

As she was about to say something in sarcasm like, 'I'm not in a condition to say another word', he continued, '... And, yes! The food was really yum! Your food is magical. And, trust me, I'm gonna live up our ancestry of making amazing food. '

Now, Mom was boasted. Her son was blowing her trumpet!

'Now, investigate. '

'Yes, I... '

'But, before that, give me if there's any empty dish. '

'No. There is none. '

'Hmm. '

'So, Mihran. I'm concerned about you. Whatever your friend told me seems right. You're acting weird today. What's happened? '

'Um... I guess, at times, it's just the mood. I apologize for that. '

'I'm not seeking any apologies. If it's just the mood, then it's alright. But, if something's bothering you, just let me know. '

He set silence for some seconds, running his mind. Then, said, 'Nothing's bothering me really. I'm not worried. But... But... '

'Yes, hon. 'she sweetly said.

He began stammering, but finally expressing himself.

'There's this girl I met who I really like... I think... '

'Oh! So, it's a player thing.'

She left a breath of relief.

'No! Definitely not! So... Um, I tried to meet her today. And uh, we did meet. When the school was over, we met for sometime. But, um... The whole day in the school I was only wondering how to meet her, and (clears throat) that's why I looked worried to Farman. And... That's why I lost my match... And begged to be alone because I'm not confident enough to tell people about her right now. There's no other reason, Mom. '

'So, you were distracted by a girl. That's it? '

'Hmm. Well... "Distraction" would be a wrong word. '

'But, that's exactly what happened. (clicks tongue) Are you satisfied, now? '

'No. '

'What? But, you met, didn't you? '

'So, what? We met for like two minutes or so! We just talked. Get your mind out of the gutter, Mom. '

'You just "talked"? How's that possible?', she joked. But then, turned real serious and complaint, 'But, whatever it is. I don't accept today's behavior for everyday. You never let any girl distract you from your work, then how today? '

'Oh, Mom! Don't say " distract" because you know no one can distract me. '

'Okay. But, admit it, Mihran. You couldn't do things well because you were in thoughts, and that's what's called distraction. You need to be serious about it. '

He halted and went in thoughts. Suddenly, he exclaimed, 'Mom, do you have time? I need your help. '

'What? Yes? How much? '

'Time's up when you give the solution. '

Then, they went inside Mihran's room. Mom comforted on the bed while Mihran pulled the chair nearby and sat. He was trying to quickly get the answer.

'So, Mom. I mean, Ma'am? '

'Yes, dear. '

'I need to consult an expert to investigate this case of mine because I'm helpless right now. I'm seeking your assistance. '

'Fine. '

'So, the matter is... '

'Fine... I need fine to get into this case. I'm not doing this for free. After all, this isn't for my country. '

Mihran was amazed by his mother's attitude.

'But, this is for your son. '

'I'm an expert and you call me "Ma'am". Let me go if you don't... '

'Okay, okay. Sit! What do you want? '

'You pay attention to your classes and focus on your studies. '

'Huh. That's easy- peasy. ', he boasted.

'Is it? '

'Yes. Deal's done. Now, God forsaken, listen to me or I'll die of tension. '

She clicked tongue in annoyance.

'Okay! (deep breath) So, I told you about this girl I met today. We have planned to meet tomorrow because today we didn't really meet. She's set the time at which we'll be meeting tomorrow and that is uh, recess. Yes. But, where will be meeting? She answered, "where Raza won't know. "

'Who's Raza? '

'He is her friend. (in low voice) I don't like him. He's very sticky. '

'Hmm. '

'He's always with her. She's never alone. '

'What if he's her boyfriend? '

'Eww, no! ', he expressed with extreme disgust. Mom saw him with suspicion. 'No, Mom. I know him. He's a friend-cum-brother. '

'Can I rely on you for this? '

'Who else, huh? I'm giving you all the data, listen up. '

'Yeah. '

'So, she said, "where Raza won't know", but I don't know the places Raza won't know because I don't know the places he knows and doesn't. So, help me! Where am I meeting her in the recess period? '

She pondered for sometime, then said, 'Raza is always sticking with her, but she's calling you to a place where he's not with her or a place where he won't find you guys because he doesn't know that place. I get it... Okay... '

She turned energetic and confident as if the solution is in her mouth, but she stopped and returned to the case with the same thoughtfulness.

'Have you ever, like ever, seen her alone, without him, only her? Any chances? '

'No chances. ', he instantly answered.

'Try to remember if... '

He suddenly remembered the hallucination. It made him remember her shine among the hundreds. He suddenly remembered that Raza wasn't there with her.

'Yes, yes! Among the audience. I only saw her. '

Mom saw him with suspicion.

'Raza wasn't there with her... But, I've seen him there before with her. So, the field can't be a place where he doesn't know. '

He frowned.

'Okay. Now, at least, you have chances she can be alone. Try to remember any other instances when she can be alone. '

'Um... '

'Okay, tell me, where did you both meet today? Raza probably wasn't there when you met. '

'Yes, Ma'am. But... '

His words slowed down.

'Wait! I've never seen him alone, but... I know that in the recess today, he went in the loo alone. '

He recalled what Zoya and Rafel told him.

'Ma'am. I told you I was searching for her the whole day until the time we met, especially in the recess period. But, the twist is- I was looking for her in her classroom and she was searching me in mine, at the same time. When I went inside her class, her friends told me about Raza as well. Well, they didn't know where exactly she was at that time, but they told me that Raza was seen in the loo in the recess. In conclusion, in the recess period, Raza was in the loo and Mar- uh, the girl! The girl was in senior block. And, also we know that she doesn't want him to see us, so she might call me to a place where he won't join her... These are the only information I've got. '

'So, your classroom is the place, you think? '

'I think, because also, I've never seen that guy in or near my classroom. Hold on! How about we once recall all the places I've seen her at? '

'Can you? '

'Hmm. '

First of all, he remembered the first ever time they met on street no. 69. He contained the sadness, then said while pondering... 'In school, the first time I saw her was in the loo, then in her classroom and I should add the chemistry lab, then today. Among the audience... I saw her... I only saw her... '

'What are you saying? ' Mom couldn't hear properly.

'Oh! ', he returned. 'In the fields I saw her today, and then finally after the school. '

'How stupid you are! You could've just begun the investigation by recalling "all the times I've seen her" and differentiating "the times I've seen her with Raza ", she shouted. She sounded as if she was taunting, but in real, she was observing his intelligence.

'No. I don't think this step could've been useful because according to this step, I am to refer to all the times I've seen her, but I've never seen her in my premise which is actually the place we're going to meet.'

'Yeah, right. Well then... How do you know the premise is the place where you're to see her? Can you tell? '

'It's the senior premise. And, if you're asking how do I know, Ma'am... we have investigated about it. ', he formally answered.

After a silence of disappointment, Mom gave a blow of her fist right to Mihran's head.

'Ah! What? '

'I knew this, idiot! I know, my dumb love, that you don't know that when we ask you how do you know the result, the solution, we mean to ask you- how do you solve it and what are the steps you took. We don't mean to know, " Did you investigate or not", mughead! '

'Okay, okay. Sorry. '

He held his ears and watched the ground.

She taunted in rage, 'My man's grown up! Huh? Only body's grown up, not brain! Have some respect for me and use your mind! '

'Yes, yes. I will. '

She calmed herself, and again asked, 'Now... How do you know where you're meeting her? This was an open-n-shut case. '

'Ma'am? '

'Yes. Tell me what I asked. '

'Yes, Ma'am. If we refer to the recess period instance, we found out that the senior block can be one of the places that Raza won't come to because in the recess, even when the girl came in my block, he didn't. And, according to my observation, he's never been around the place. And, every other time, I've seen her is with him, but my premise is the only place, I and she, both knew where she went without him. So, I believe, the senior block could be a place where he won't come along. In addition, I don't acquire any further information about the case that I can relate to to find varied aftermaths. ', Mihran spoke his words clear. This was the answer and the confidence Ms. Riza was trying to dig out by those bitter words.

'Now, that is an answer! ', Mom said smiling proudly and clapped a bit to hype him up. 'Good. '

He smiled with decency.

'But, Mihran , don't you think this could've been the first step? '

'Yes Ma'am. But, I think I needed an absolute improvement test that's why, probably, it didn't cross my mind before. '

'No! I believe I provided you this answer with that hit on the head. '

They both laughed.

'Now, I need to leave for the station. And, when you think, you'll see there was literally no need of me the step you found your solution in. '

'The hit on the head, Mom. That really helped. '

They chuckled.

'I'm really happy for both of you. Enjoy, okay? '

She was conceiving that her son had fallen in love and the love was budding.

'But, what if unexpectedly, Raza appears? '

He changed his attitude entirely and said, 'Huh! I don't care! After all, it's her lookout. She's the lady, she set the time and place. Listen, Mom. I've been so excited until I found out the solution to her trace. And, telling of traces, I bloody hate traces left by girls! I've never wasted this much of time and brain. She got me so tired. And you know what, Mom. The traces are left out of attitude. How dare she?...But, she's so pretty, I've to find her. '

Mom said in anger and disappointment, 'Stop, Mihran! Stop... For some seconds, I felt like... She's the... She could be the love of your life... Maybe... '

'Oh, come on now. ', he laughed.

'But, I forgot how mean you are. What if she feels for you? '

'I can't help it, Mom. '

'You're sounding so selfish. '

'Nah, I'm not selfish. I just don't want to love any one. I don't want to break anyone's heart. That's it. Mom, you think she's the one, right? Stop thinking this way about every girl. None can ever be my one. I'm clearing your doubt. I don't want you to be in any form of misconception about me. But, you think I'm selfish? '

'Well, nice way of clearing doubts. I'm inspired. '

And, she departed for the station. Mihran sat on knees on the bed and looked down the road as Mom crossed it.

'I know Mom, that hurts. I'm sorry, so sorry. I did this acting to make you believe that I'm not interested in her... ' ( Or maybe, make himself believe that.)

'But, at least now I've solved her mystery. I'm really glad. But what if I remain in my class and she waits for me somewhere else. (whines) No, no, no! This shouldn't happen. But, it's not the end of the world. We'll meet later if not tomorrow... (collapses on bed) But, I can't wait that much. If God wills it , we'll meet tomorrow, in the recess period, in senior block.

He smiled like a kid and slept.