A woman heard the sound of broken glass on the floor. Yes, Merve hurriedly walked towards the origin of the voice. She saw an old woman picking up the shards of glass from the floor.

"What is this? Who are you? You want to steal in this house?" Merve said cursing the old woman.

"No! I came here to meet my daughter! Arini!" The old woman answered.

Sometime later Salim comes out of the room as he hears a commotion outside the room.

Merve asks Salim about the old woman who claims that she is Arini's mother. However, Salim also does not know the woman. Salim said that Arini's mother had been missing for a long time since Arini was a child.

Salim waits for Arini to come to explain everything.

"Okay! We're waiting for Arini to hear her explanation!" Salim says to Merve.

A car stopped in front of the house. A beautiful woman got out of the car. Then another woman got out of the car. Davina takes Arini home. Merve and Salim walk towards the front of the house to see who is coming.

"Arini! Do you know this woman? She claims that she is your mother! Is that true Arini?" Merve said to Arini with a curt face.

"Yes! She is my father's second wife. She is my stepmother. But, I have considered her like my biological mother!" Arini said telling Merve.

"Honey! Can my mother live here? Please, dear! I feel very sorry for her. She has no one in the village. She has no children. Therefore I intend to invite her to live with us!" Arini said pleading to Salim.

"Yes, no problem dear! I allow it!" Salim replied.

"But, Salim! Didn't you tell Mother first? The old woman is Mrs Amel. She is Arini's stepmother. There is no blood relationship with Arini. What if she steals here later? Merve said to Salim.

"Hasn't Arini already said that She is Arini's father's second wife? That means she is also Arini's mother. Blood relations have nothing to do with humanity and compassion for fellow humans. What if it happened to Sis Merve's mother? We have to help her. And one more Sis Merve, Mother will support all my decisions!" Salim replied.

Salim calls one of the maids in the house. Salim ordered a maid to prepare a room for Arini's stepmother.


In a different place, Sabrina was grumbling. Because for a while, Salim forbade her to contact him. Salim doesn't want his relationship with Sabrina to be over. Salim cannot let go of the woman. Salim already loves Sabrina. However, Salim also loves his wife very much. Salim does not want to divorce Arini. Temporarily, Salim did not want to meet Sabrina. Because Salim will focus on his wife's pregnancy. He didn't want anything to happen to Arini's womb. Salim doesn't want to harm the baby.

Sabrina is very uncomfortable with her current condition. Sabrina had to keep in touch with the man in secret. It hurt her.

"What? Salim Fernandez Alfatih said, Now Arini is pregnant. No! This is impossible! This can't be happening! I have to do something. I don't want to continue like this. I have to make Salim marry me. The only way is for Salim to marry me immediately. is by getting pregnant. Yes, I have to be pregnant like Arini. That way my position is at least the same as Arini's!" Sabrina said to herself.

The woman was already very obsessed with the conglomerate man. She has many evil plans to get Salim to marry her and divorce his wife.


At a different place, All dinner menus are already on the dining table. Merve and her husband were seen sitting at the dining table. Then followed by Mrs Serra and Salim. At that time Arini and Arini's stepmother, Ibu Amel, came last to the dining table. It just so happened that Gokan was out. So Gokan didn't come to dinner together.

Mrs Serra allows her stepmother Arini to live in the luxurious house of the conglomerate family.

That night, Salim plans to tell the happy news about his wife, Arini's pregnancy. Salim wants everyone to hear the good news.

"My mom! I am very happy today. I want to share this good news with Mom and all of you. My wife, Arini, is currently positive for pregnancy!" Salim said with a very happy and proud face.

"What? Really? Mother is very happy to hear this news. So Arini is pregnant now? Is that Arini?" Mrs Serra asked her daughter-in-law.

"Yes, Mom! That's right. Arini is pregnant now!" Answered Arini, her daughter-in-law.

"Alhamdulillah, now you have to take care of your health. Don't do strenuous activities. And keep your diet by eating healthy and nutritious food. And don't stress or think too much. Salim take good care of your wife!" Serra's mother said.

"Yes Mom, Salim understands. Salim will take care of her and give the best for Arini and our baby!" Salim said answering his mother's words.

Merve who heard the news was very surprised. Merve is one person who does not like Arini's pregnancy. Because it will interfere with her plans to control the company Alfatih Group. And that will prevent her son, Gokan from succeeding Salim in the future.

"This can't be allowed! This is terrible! I have to prevent Arini from giving birth to the baby. I have to find a way to eliminate Arini's fetus. The baby is very dangerous for Gokan's position in the company. Gokan who deserves to replace Salim's position!" said Arini speaking to herself in her heart.

Andreas suddenly said, "Is that Salim's son, Arini?" Andreas asked Arini.

"What does your question mean Andreas?" Salim said answering his brother-in-law.

"Oh.. no... I mean is it true that Arini isn't joking with you, Salim? Andreas explained to Salim.

"No, Arini is not joking. Today, She has checked with the obstetrician. And indeed, She is positive for pregnancy!" Salim replied explaining to Andreas.

"Is the baby is She carrying mine? Salim has been fighting with Arini for a long time. Salim also rarely comes home. I have to find out. If the baby is my child, it means that Arini is pregnant with my children. I have to take care of her. I have to take care of Arini's womb. But, what if my wife tries to harm Arini's baby? No! No! That can't. After all, it is my baby. I have to prevent my wife from doing this. But how? What if She suspects me?" Andreas screamed in his heart.

Andreas suspects that Arini is pregnant with his child. Because the Caucasian man had slept with Arini.

Mrs Amel seemed to be silent watching their conversation about Arini's pregnancy. She is not used to eating in such a luxurious house. She was going to eat in the kitchen with the maid. Because She can't eat with a spoon. She is used to eating with her hands. Because when She lived in the village, She always ate with her hands. If She eats in front of them, She feels ashamed if She uses her hands. She e was also afraid of ruining their mood.